说中文 shuō zhōngwén Speak Chinese.

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Presentation on theme: "说中文 shuō zhōngwén Speak Chinese."— Presentation transcript:

1 说中文 shuō zhōngwén Speak Chinese

2 什么意思? shénme yìsi What’s the meaning?

3 说英文 shuō yīngwén Speak English

4 翻译 fānyì Translate

5 解释 jiěshì Explain

6 …怎么说? zěnme shuō How do you say…?

7 不知道 bù zhīdào Don’t know

8 我不懂 wǒ bù dǒng I don’t understand

9 找 zhǎo Find

10 猜 cāi Guess

11 重要 zhòngyào Important!

12 如果 rúguǒ if

13 造句 zào jù make a sentence

14 比如说 bǐrúshuō for example

15 举个例子 jǔ ge lìzi give an example

16 单词 dāncí word

17 忘了 wàng le forgot

18 慢 màn slow

19 快 kuài fast

20 NO! Boing! SING! What? *You only pronounce a full third tone when it
comes at the end of a sentence. Other times you half-pronounce it.

21 我 wǒ I/me

22 你 nǐ you

23 他 tā he/him

24 她 tā she/her

25 我们 wǒmen we/us

26 你们 nǐmen you lot

27 他们 tāmen they/them (male)

28 她们 tāmen they/them (female)

29 她们 tāmen they/them (female)

30 帮 bāng help

31 需要 xūyào need

32 区别 qūbié difference

33 别作弊! bié zuòbì DON’T CHEAT!

34 请问 qǐng wèn excuse me,..

35 对不起 duìbuqǐ sorry

36 谢谢 xièxie thank you

37 不用谢 bú yòng xiè you’re welcome

38 给 gěi give

39 背 bèi memorise

40 关键词 guānjiàncí key word

41 标出来 biāo chūlái highlight

42 practice (vb.) exercise (for study) (n.)
练习liànxí practice (vb.) exercise (for study) (n.)

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