√ Heroic Teenager Receives Award Who What When Where Why John Janson

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1 √ Heroic Teenager Receives Award Who What When Where Why John Janson
a novel an ad. a news report an essay was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards last night Rivertown hero/heroine for carrying out lifesaving first aid on his neighbour ________________ give / offer / perform

2 4 2 6 1 7 3 5 Put them in order _____ The attacker ran away.
_____ Anne was attacked and started to scream. _____ John performed first aid on Anne. _____ John was studying in his house. _____ The ambulance arrived. _____ John ran outside with his father. _____ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds. 4 2 6 1 7 3 5

3 What first aid did John perform on Anne?
John used some tea towels and tape to treat Ms Slade’s injuries. He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds. His parents still treat Danny as a child though he is in his thirties. I will treat you guys to dinner if I fail to keep my promise. Obama is being treated for his severe heart disease. This meal is my treat so put your money away.

4 1.对于我们学生而言,把课本知识运用到实践中是至关重要的。
It is vital to apply what we students have learned from textbooks to practice. 2.这些新规则同样适用于那些在中国短暂停留的外国人 These new rules also apply to the foreigners who stay in China for a short time. 3.数千毕业生申请这一职位,大多数被拒绝。 Thousands of graduates applied for the post but most of them were rejected. 4.Those who have applied themselves to the construction of our nation deserve our honour. 那些一直致力于国家建设的人们值得我们的敬意。

5 True or false John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school. Another 9 people were presented with an award for saving Anne Slade. The man who stabbed Anne had escaped when John and his father arrived. John used some bandage, tea towels and tape to treat the injuries. The Prime Minister received John and the other Life Savers before the ceremony. In the writer’s opinion, a knowledge of first aid is a must. = give stab sb. in the … put their hands on reception hosted by… make a real difference

6 lifesaver awards lifesaving first aid be presented with… rush outside run away from the scene cut off put one's hands on tea towel 救生者颁奖大会 紧急抢救 被授予… 冲出去 从现场逃跑 切断 7.找到 8.擦杯盘的布

7 9. apply pressure to the wounds
10. Young Lifesaver Scheme 11. quick-thinking 12. a knowledge of… 13. make a difference 14. a special reception 按住伤口 青年救生员组织 敏捷的思维 …知识 起重要作用 特殊的招待会

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