世界歌剧舞剧院 Opera Houses 背景音乐:威尔第歌剧《纳布科》 犹太奴隶合唱:“飞吧!思想,乘著金色的翅膀!”

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Presentation on theme: "世界歌剧舞剧院 Opera Houses 背景音乐:威尔第歌剧《纳布科》 犹太奴隶合唱:“飞吧!思想,乘著金色的翅膀!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 世界歌剧舞剧院 Opera Houses 背景音乐:威尔第歌剧《纳布科》 犹太奴隶合唱:“飞吧!思想,乘著金色的翅膀!”
背景音乐:威尔第歌剧《纳布科》     犹太奴隶合唱:“飞吧!思想,乘著金色的翅膀!” 每 10-15秒自動換頁 一共 58 頁 約 14分鐘

2 Amsterdam Muziektheater 阿姆斯特丹大剧院
Since its official opening on September 23, 1986, Het Muziektheater has attracted crowds from Amsterdam and beyond in droves.                原阿姆斯特丹音乐厅,1986年9月23日正是启用

3 Brussels Opera House布鲁塞尔歌舞剧院
The Koninklijke Muntschouwburg (de Munt-Dutch), or le Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie (la Monnaie – French) - both meaning Royal Theatre of the Mint. 荷兰皇家大剧院

4 Budapest Opera House 布达佩斯歌舞剧院
The Hungarian Opera House was designed and built in Renaissance style 按文艺复兴时代风格设计修建的匈亚利歌舞剧院

5 Budapest Opera House布达佩斯歌舞剧院
Ferenc Erkel conducted the inaugural concert in 1884。            1884年 Ferenc Erkel 指挥, 剧院开幕式音乐会演出

6 Budapest Opera House布达佩斯歌舞剧院
The chandelier 豪华大吊灯 

7 Aida - Verdi 威尔第歌剧《阿伊达》
Performance 演出实况

8 Buenos Aires Opera House 波恩歌舞剧院
The Colón Theatre is one of the world‘s major opera houses. The present theatre, the second with that name, opened in 1908 after twenty years under construction. 科伦大剧院是世界主要歌舞剧院之一。现在的波恩歌舞剧院,历经20年设计建造于1908年启用

9 Buenos Aires Opera House波恩歌舞剧院
With excellent acoustics and modern stage areas, the theatre‘s interior design features a rich scarlet and gold decor.                        剧院设计豪华,绯红色与金黄色,富丽堂皇,具有出色的音响效果和现代化舞台

10 China National Theatre 中国国家大剧院

11 中国国家大剧院,主体建筑由外部围护钢结构壳体和内部2416个坐席的歌剧院、2017个坐席的音乐厅、1040个坐席的戏剧院、公共大厅、配套用房及南北两侧的水下长廊、地下停车场、人工湖、绿地组成,总占地面积11.89万平方米。国家大剧院60%的建筑在地下,其地下的高度有10层楼那么高。工程于2001年12月13日开工,于2007年9月建成。总投资额31亿元人民币。

12   中国国家大剧院,建筑屋面呈半椭圆形,由具有柔和的色调和光泽的钛金属覆盖,前后两侧有两个类似三角形的玻璃幕墙切面,整个建筑漂浮于人造水面之上,行人需从一条80米长的水下通道进入演出大厅。大剧院造型新颖、前卫,构思独特,是传统与现代、浪漫与现实的结合。国家大剧院庞大的椭圆外形在长安街上显得像个“天外来客”,与周遭环境的冲突让它显得十分抢眼。。

13 China National Theatre 中国国家大剧院 音乐厅

14 China National Theatre 中国国家大剧院 歌舞剧院

15 Copenhagen Opera House歌本哈根歌舞剧院
The Copenhagen Opera House (in Danish usually called Operaen) is among the most modern opera houses in the world. It is also one of the most expensive opera houses ever built with construction costs well over 500 million dollars.荷兰通常称歌剧院,是世界最现代化歌舞剧院,也是世上最昂贵的歌舞剧院之一,耗资五亿美元 ,相当于中国国家大剧院( 31亿元人民币)

16 Copenhagen Opera House歌本哈根歌舞剧院
The foyer  门厅休息大厅

17 Frankfurt Opera House 法兰克夫歌舞剧院
The Alte Oper (Old Opera) is a major concert hall and former opera house in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The building was inaugurated in       是德国法兰克夫古老的主要音乐厅和歌舞剧院,于1880年启用

18 Carmen - Bizet 比才歌剧《卡门》
Performance 演出剧景

19 Lisbon Opera House 里斯本歌舞剧院
The National San Carlos Theatre, whose construction started in 1792, was inaugurated in June 30, 1793.                    圣 ·卡洛斯国家大剧院,1792年始建,1793年6月30日开幕首演

20 Lisbon Opera House 里斯本歌舞剧院
Royal box 皇家包厢

21 London Opera House 伦敦大剧院
The Royal Opera House - major performing arts venue in the London district of Covent Garden, one of the foremost opera houses in the world. 英国皇家歌舞剧院,伦敦文艺演出的主要场所,位于考文花园区。世上第一流的歌舞剧院

22 Madrid Opera House 马德里歌舞剧院
The Teatro Real was inaugurated in October 10, 1850 and is one of the world‘s finest stage and acoustic settings for opera. 西班牙皇家大剧院,1850年10月10日开幕首演,其舞台和音响设施是世上歌舞剧演出最佳场所之一

23 Milan Opera House意大利米兰歌舞剧院
The Teatro alla Scala was founded, under the auspices of the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, to replace the Royal Ducal Theatre, which was destroyed by fire on February 26, 1776 and had until then been the home of opera in Milan.此处原为皇家公爵大剧院,1776年2月26日毁于大火,后在奥地利女皇玛莉亚 ·泰蕾萨赞助下建成此斯卡拉大剧院,至今仍旧是意大利米兰市歌剧之家。

24 Milan Opera House意大利米兰歌舞剧院
The chandelier 树枝型大吊灯 

25 Madame Butterfly - Puccini 普契尼歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》
Milan Opera House意大利米兰歌舞剧院 Madame Butterfly - Puccini  普契尼歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》 Final curtain, Mihoko Fujimura (Suzuki)

26 Moscow Opera House莫斯科大剧院
The Bolshoi Theatre is a historic theatre whith holds performances of ballet and opera 莫斯科大剧院是演出歌剧和芭蕾舞剧的,具有悠久历史的大剧院

27 Moscow Opera House莫斯科大剧院

28 Moscow Opera House莫斯科大剧院
The main hall 演出大厅

29 Moscow Opera House莫斯科大剧院
The chandelie 豪华大吊灯

30 Turandot – Puccini普契尼歌剧《图兰朵》
Performance 演出场景

31 New York Opera House 纽约大剧院
The Metropolitan Opera, founded in April 1880, is America‘s largest classical music organization, and annually presents some 240 opera performances. The home of the company is one of the premier opera stages in the world, considered by some as one of the best and is among the biggest in the world.大都会剧院建于1880年4月,是古典音乐在美国的最大组织者,每年大约240场歌剧演出,是世界歌剧舞台演出方面最好、最大的组织者

32 New York Opera House 纽约歌剧院
The Metropolitan Opera House - Lincoln Center ‘The Triumph of Music’ by Marc Chagall 大都会歌剧院。林肯中心。壁画“音乐凯旋”,作者:马克 ·查高

33 Odessa Opera House乌克兰 奥德萨国家歌剧芭蕾舞剧院
The Odessa National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet is the oldest theater in Ukraine 奥德萨国家歌剧芭蕾舞剧院是乌克兰最古老的大剧院

34 Oslo Opera House 奥斯陆歌剧舞剧院
A return to the classic fine arts in this modern setting         在此现代化设施中,回归古典的优雅艺术

35 Turandot – Puccini 普契尼 歌剧《图兰朵》
Performance 演出场景

36 Paris Opera House 巴黎歌剧院
The Opéra de Paris or Opéra Garnier, a 2,200-seat opera house and a grand landmark designed by Charles Garnier in the Neo-Baroque style, is regarded as one of the architectural masterpieces of its time.巴黎歌剧院或嘎奈歌剧院,有2200座位,由查里斯 ·嘎奈按巴洛克风格设计,是当时建筑设计的典范,为巴黎的标志性建筑

37 Paris Opera House巴黎歌剧院
The grand salon 豪华大沙龙

38 Paris Opera House巴黎歌剧院
The chandelier 豪华大吊灯

39 Don Giovanni – Mozart莫扎特歌剧《唐 ·璜》
Prague Estates Theater - Mozart‘s opera Don Giovanniwas premiered here on October 29, 1787 布拉格歌舞剧院,1787年10月29日莫扎特的歌剧《唐 · 璜》曾在此首演

40 Prague Opera House捷克 布拉格歌舞剧院
The Národní Divadlo or the National Theatre in Prague is known as the Alma Mater of Czech Opera, and as the national monument of Czech history and art.             布拉格的国立或国家歌舞剧院以捷克歌剧之母著称,是捷克历史与艺术的国家纪念性建筑

41 Prague Opera House捷克 布拉格歌舞剧院
The grand foyer 豪华大厅

42 Prague Opera House捷克 布拉格歌舞剧院
The chandelier 豪华大吊灯

43 São Paulo Opera House巴西 圣 ·保罗歌舞剧院
Municipal Theatre of São Paulo is one of the most important theatres in South America and one of the landmarks of the city of São Paulo. 圣 ·保罗市剧院是南美洲最主要剧院之一,也是圣保罗城标志性建筑之一

44 São Paulo Opera House巴西 圣保罗歌舞剧院
It is significant both for its architectural value as well as for its historical importance, having been the venue for the Week of Modern Art in 1922, which revolutionised the arts in Brazil.它具有建筑价值和历史重要性双重意义,1922年使巴西艺术革命化的《现代艺术之周》在此举行

45 Aida – Verdi威尔第歌剧《阿伊达》
Performance 演出场景

46 Sofia Opera House保加利亚 索菲亚大剧院
Ballet and opera enthusiasts attend Bulgaria’s theatres every night and receive from the stage the power of talents, inspiration, skill and fidelity to the art. 每天晚上芭蕾舞和歌剧的热情爱好者聚集在保加利亚的剧场,从艺术舞台获取智慧、激励、技巧和对艺术的忠诚

47 St. Petersburg Opera House圣·彼德堡大剧院
The Mariinsky Theatre is a historic theatre of opera and ballet in Russia, where many of the stage masterpieces of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov received their premieres.                俄罗斯历史著名的歌剧芭蕾舞剧院-马利因斯基歌舞剧院。柴可夫斯基、穆索尔斯基、李姆斯基-科萨克夫等众多舞台佳作在此首演

48 Mariinsky Theatre – inside马利因斯基歌舞剧院-内景
St. Petersburg Opera House圣 ·彼德堡大剧院 Mariinsky Theatre – inside马利因斯基歌舞剧院-内景

49 Sydney Opera House澳大利亚 悉尼歌舞剧院
The Sydney Opera House - one of the world‘s most distinctive 20th century buildings - was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site on June 28, 2007悉尼大剧院是20世纪世界最俱特色的建筑物之一,于2007年6月28日被联合国教科文组织评为世界遗产

50 Tannhauser – Wagner瓦格纳歌剧《唐豪塞》
Performance 演出场景

51 Stockholm Opera House瑞典 斯德哥尔莫歌舞剧院
The Kungliga Teatern (“Royal Theatre”) or Royal Swedish Opera is the national stage for opera in Sweden.瑞典皇家歌剧院是瑞典的国家歌剧舞台

52 Cosi Fan Tutte – Mozart 莫扎特 歌剧《女人心 》
Performance 演出场景

53 Vienna Opera House维也纳大剧院
August venue that offers, 300 days a year, performances that religiously change every day…每年提供300天演出,每天严格地更换节目

54 Vienna Opera House维也纳大剧院
...that, with a roll of conductors encompassing Gustav Mahler to Claudio Abado, personifies the music sacred arena – the Vienna Opera.而且,包括从古斯塔夫 ·马勒到克劳迪欧 ·阿巴多等等指挥大师轮回在此执棒,他们是音乐神圣舞台的体现--这就是维也纳大剧院

55 Nabucco – Verdi 威尔第歌剧《纳布科》
And, closing with the performance of the opera from witch this musical background has been chosen, I’d like to beg you…             选用歌剧演出作为结尾,我想您一定会喜欢这首背景音乐

56 Photo imagery – from Internet, with credits to authors,
or from Wikipedia’s site Music: - Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi "Va, pensiero sull' ali dorate“ Chorus Of Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco opera Research, compilation and format : Delza Dias Ferreira English version : Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães Brazil – São Paulo – X – 2008 中国--北京--LSG--2008 click, please 敬请点击

57 Links to super enlarged photos from some theatres of this PPS:       请链接,获取本PPS中某些剧院的大量优秀图片:
Budapest - Budapest- Buenos Aires - Copenhagen - Frankfourt - London - Madrid - Milan - Milan - Milan - Milan - Moscow - New York - Oslo - Oslo - Paris - Paris - Paris - Paris - Paris - Paris - Praha - Praha - São Paulo - Stockholm - St Petersburg -

58 谢谢!再见! The end

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