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Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say Grammar in Use (P.34-38)

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1 Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say Grammar in Use (P.34-38)
Lesson Two Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say Grammar in Use (P.34-38)

2 N + who/which/that + be Vpp... → N + Vpp...
省略後形成過去分詞片語,修飾前面的名詞 I have a French friend. The friend is named Louis. → I have a French friend who/that is named Louis. → I have a French friend named Louis.

3 N + who/which/that + be Vpp... → N + Vpp...
2. The cup was expensive. The cup was broken by Tommy. → The cup (which/that was broken by Tommy) was expensive. → The cup broken by Tommy was expensive. 3. The story was interesting. The story was told by Amy. → The story (which/that was told by Amy) was interesting. → The story told by Amy was interesting.

4 N + who/which/that + be Vpp... → N + Vpp...
Exercise The apples _____ in the market were so delicious. (A) buying (B) to buy (C) bought (D) were bought The gift _____ with a ribbon is from my uncle. (A) wrapping (B) to wrap (C) wrapped (D) was wrapped which/that were bought which/that were wrapped

5 課本練習題 P.35 2. The man is Amy’s brother. The man was hit by a car.
→ The man who/that was hit by a car is Amy’s brother. → The man hit by a car is Amy’s brother. 3. The newspaper has a new column. The new column is called “Men’s Fashion.” → The newspaper has a new column which/that is called …. → The newspaper has a new column called “Men’s Fashion.” 4. The book is very popular. The book was written by Dan Brown. → The book which/that was written by Dan Brown is very popular. → The book written by Dan Brown is very popular.

6 課本練習題 P.36 5. The girl is talking to my brother.
The girl is dressed in red. → The girl who/that is dressed in red is talking to my brother. → The girl dressed in red is talking to my brother. 2. sent by 3. often encouraged by their teachers 4. stolen from the store 5. made by Tina

7 Tag question 附加問句 附加於句子後面的簡短問句 說話者用以徵求聽話者對其言詞的認同或肯定,以逗點隔開。
附加問句的形成主要有四項基本原則 1. 附加問句中的主詞須為代名詞, 並須與主要子句中的主詞一致。 2. 附加問句中的動詞須與主要子句中的動詞一致。主要子句若用be動詞,附加問句裡也要用be動詞;主要子句若用一般動詞或含助動詞,附加問句裡要用助動詞。 3. 附加問句的動詞時態須與主要子句的時態一致 4. 肯定的主要子句須搭配否定的附加問句;否定的主要子句須搭配肯定的附加問句 Ex: You like sunny day, don’t you?

8 課本練習題 P.37 1. Carol is a doctor, _?
2. Mr. Wang went to work by bus yesterday, __? 3. All of us are asked to study hard by our teachers, ___? 4. Mary will go to the party, __? 5. Students shouldn’t spend too much time playing online games, ____? 6. Andy and Kevin can’t play tennis, _? isn’t she didn’t he aren’t we won’t she should they can they

9 課本練習題 P.38 didn’t he 2. A: Daniel got up at seven o’clock, ?
B: No, he didn’t. 3. A: Daniel was doing his homework at 8:30, ? B: Yes, he was. 4. A: Daniel and his sister will clean the house at one o’clock, _? B: Yes, they will. 5. A: Daniel won’t go jogging at four o’clock, ? B: Yes, he will. wasn’t he won’t they will he

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