Good Afternoon. 威世智中国员工及 组织化赛事介绍 WotC China Staff and Organized Play Instruction Shane Xu

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Presentation on theme: "Good Afternoon. 威世智中国员工及 组织化赛事介绍 WotC China Staff and Organized Play Instruction Shane Xu"— Presentation transcript:

1 威世智中国员工及 组织化赛事介绍 WotC China Staff and Organized Play Instruction Shane Xu 2015.3

2 Good Afternoon

3 Wizards of the Coast Team China
威世智中国团队 Wizards of the Coast Team China Alex Zhou Community Manager China Korea Store Leader Joy Jeon on board in Jan. China is recruiting 2 store leaders and they are expected to be on board in Q2 to provide the better and detailed service from the brand. (1 in April and 1 in May) Ready to foster the high-quality Advanced store to reach the Advanced Plus Level.

4 零售支持团队 Retail Support Team 宋轶 Mark Song WPN零售支持主管 WPN高级进阶店铺 徐钢 Alex Xu
安徽 江苏 上海 浙江 河南 山东 山西 陕西 重庆 四川 尚翼亮 Frank Shang 黑龙江 吉林 辽宁 湖北 湖南 江西 福建 广东 广西 贵州 云南 王云涛 Yuntao Wang 北京 天津 河北 内蒙古 甘肃 宁夏 青海 新疆 Korea Store Leader Joy Jeon on board in Jan. China is recruiting 2 store leaders and they are expected to be on board in Q2 to provide the better and detailed service from the brand. (1 in April and 1 in May) Ready to foster the high-quality Advanced store to reach the Advanced Plus Level.

5 组织化赛事 Organized Play (OP) 普通 赛事 鹏洛客 重要 赛事 WPN 计划 积分 店内重要赛事
Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

6 Weight by Event Catalog
赛事比重 Weight by Event Catalog So lets see the components of the event types and how much do they weight in the entire Organized Play system. These two graphs is stats of all events run in Korea in On the graph you may find, the most weighted program is Friday Night Magic. Yes, almost half of our events are Friday Night Magic. So Friday Night Magic is a very important part of our events. Also, per the stats, each Premier Events (GPTs, PTQs, WMCQs) will have about 24 players played in these events in average, which is 2.4 times of all other events. That means Premier Events are events with the best quality and attract players most. WPN计划:比赛数量最多 重要赛事:平均参赛人数最多

7 WPN计划 WPN Program WPN计划 周五认证赛 Friday Night Magic 售前赛 Prerelease
欢乐日 Magic Game Day Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

8 WPN计划关键词 – 娱乐 Keyword of WPN Program - Entertainment

9 WPN计划的比重 Weight of WPN Program FNM: 比赛数量最多的赛事类型
So lets see the components of the event types and how much do they weight in the entire Organized Play system. These two graphs is stats of all events run in Korea in On the graph you may find, the most weighted program is Friday Night Magic. Yes, almost half of our events are Friday Night Magic. So Friday Night Magic is a very important part of our events. Also, per the stats, each Premier Events (GPTs, PTQs, WMCQs) will have about 24 players played in these events in average, which is 2.4 times of all other events. That means Premier Events are events with the best quality and attract players most. FNM: 比赛数量最多的赛事类型 Prerelease:平均参赛人数最多的WPN计划

10 周五认证赛 Friday Night Magic 必须于每周五举行 可以举行任何赛制(标准构筑,轮抓,现开,摩登。。。诡局,薪传,指挥官等)
每周可以申请3场竞争赛制和3场休闲赛制 根据店铺等级分配纪念闪卡 店铺可以自行设定发放方式 周五认证赛申请窗口:2个月前的7日-1个月前的7日 Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

11 售前赛 Prerelease 每个常规系列发售前一周的周末举行 现开或双头巨人现开 使用售前现开组合
在售前赛结束后到正式发售前,不得销售多余的售前组合 售前赛申请窗口:售前赛前8周-售前赛前5周 Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

12 欢乐日 Game Day 每个常规系列发售后三周的周末举行 标准构筑 售前赛申请窗口:售前赛前8周-售前赛前5周
Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

13 WPN In Store Premier Events
大奖赛预选赛 GPT 初选/地区专业赛资格赛 PPTQ/RPTQ 世界杯资格赛 WMCQ Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place) 仅针对WPN高级和高级进阶店铺

14 WPN店内重要赛事关键词 – 通往PT之路 Keyword of WPN In Store Premier Events – Road to Pro Tour

15 重要赛事结构 Premier Event Structure
专业赛(PT) Pro Tour 大奖赛(GP) Grand Prix 世界杯(WMC) World Magic Cup 地区专业资格赛(RPTQ) Regional Pro Tour Qualifier OK, now let’s talk about Premier Events. This is a structure chart for Premier Events. Pro Tour is the top tier event type in Magic’s world. There are several ways for players to get a ticket to Pro Tour. And every road to PT is connected with WPN stores. In 2015, we made some changes to make this system more suitable for WPN stores. We changed PTQ to a 2nd level events: PPTQs and RPTQs. It can make more stores join PTQ program and become the 1st step of a player’s road to PT. Also, stores may run GPTs more often and with more choice. Remember, all of these benefits are for advanced and advanced+ stores only. If you’re not achieved these levels, try to expand your player community and make these events the best reward for your players. 专业资格赛 (PTQ) Pro Tour Qualifier 大奖预选赛 (GPT) Grand Prix Trial 世界杯资格赛(WMCQ) World Magic Cup Qualifier 初选专业资格赛(PPTQ) Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier

16 大奖赛预选赛 Grand Prix Trial 冠军获得对应GP两轮轮空 每家店铺每个月举办一场GPT 没有对应GP的区域限制,也不限制数量
必须有1级+裁判 GPT申请窗口:GP 12周前的7日-下个月的7日 Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

17 初选专业资格赛 Preliminary PTQ 冠军获得对应RPTQ参赛资格 每家店铺每场PT举办可以举办一场PTQ 必须有2级+裁判
PPTQ申请窗口:见公告 Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

18 地区专业资格赛 Regional PTQ 前4名获得对应PT参赛资格及往返机票 (若参赛人数超过128人则改为前8名)
WotC选择优秀的店铺举办RPTQ 强烈建议有3级+裁判 Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

19 World Magic Cup Qualifier
世界杯资格赛 World Magic Cup Qualifier 每个合格国家每年举办三场WMCQ 冠军入选国家队,获得WMC参赛资格及 往返机票 WotC选择优秀的店铺举办WMCQ 强烈建议有3级+裁判 Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

20 Magic Events – Competitive and Casual
普通比赛 – 竞技与休闲 Magic Events – Competitive and Casual 竞争比赛 8人以上 竞争性积分及终生积分 竞争性赛制 需要完整录入成绩 休闲活动 任何人数 终生积分 任何赛制(指挥官、诡局等) 只需要录入参加牌手 Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

21 新万智牌网站 New Magic Website
Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

22 新WPN网站 New WPN Website
Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

23 New Wizards Account (NPSU)
新威世智账号(新牌手注册) New Wizards Account (NPSU) Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)

24 鹏洛客积分 Planeswalker Points
Slide 2: WPN Metrics YTD Part 1 China’s distribution is in 29 provinces, need to focus on the 2nd tier potential cities in 2014. Need to develop new channel to expand coverage by pioneering PC room (digital game place)


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