Chapter 7: Cargo Transportation Insurance

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1 Chapter 7: Cargo Transportation Insurance
国际货物运输保险 School of International Economics

2 Cargo Transportation Insurance
International cargo transportation insurance Refers to the fact that the insured (被保险人) covers insurance for the shipment with the insurer (保险人), i.e., the insurance company before shipment. School of International Economics

3 Cargo Transportation Insurance
A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失 Perils Ocean Losses and expenses sustained School of International Economics

4 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Refer to risks which occur at sea, or at the place where the ocean and land, or the ocean and the inland river, or the ocean and the lighter (驳船) are connected. General perils of the sea Extraneous risks School of International Economics

5 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
General perils of the sea海上风险 Natural Calamities Fortuitous Accidents School of International Economics

6 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Natural Calamities自然灾害 Are caused by the forces resulting from the changes of nature, e.g., vile weather (恶劣天气), thunder (雷), lightning (闪电), tsunami (海啸), earthquake, flood, etc. School of International Economics

7 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Fortuitous Accidents 意外灾害 Include accidents resulting from unexpected causes, the carrying conveyance being grounded (搁浅), stranded (触礁), or in collision with floating ice (和漂冰相撞) or other objects, as well as fire or explosion. School of International Economics

8 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Extraneous Risks 外来风险 General Extraneous Risks:一般外来风险include theft, fresh or rain water damage, shortage, leakage(渗漏), breakage, sweating and heating(受潮受热), intermixture and contamination (玷污), odour (串味), hook damage, breakage of packing, rusting (锈损), etc. Special Extraneous Risks: 特殊外来风险such as War, Strikes, Failure to Deliver, etc. School of International Economics

9 Perils 风险 自然灾害 海上风险 风险 意外事故 一般外来风险 外来风险 特殊外来风险 Natural calamities
General Perils of the sea 自然灾害 Natural calamities 意外事故 Fortuitous accidents 外来风险 Extraneous risks 一般外来风险 General extraneous risks 特殊外来风险 Special extraneous risks School of International Economics

10 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Ocean Losses 海上损失, 简称海损 Refer to the direct or indirect losses of the insured subject matter during the voyage owing to the perils of the sea. Total loss Partial loss Expenses sustained (Maritime Charges) School of International Economics

11 Constructive Total Loss
Ocean Losses 海上损失 海上损失 Ocean Losses 全部损失Total Loss 实际全损 Actual Total Loss 推定全损 Constructive Total Loss 部分损失Partial Loss 共同海损 General Average 单独海损 Particular Average School of International Economics

12 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Total loss 全部损失 Actual Total Loss (实际全损) : The insured subject matter is totally and irretrievably (不能挽回地) lost. Constructive Total Loss (推定全损): It is estimated that the actual total loss of cargo is inevitable or the cost of salvage (抢救) or recovery (恢复) could have exceeded the value of the cargo. School of International Economics

13 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Partial loss 部分损失 General Average (共同海损) Particular Average (单独海损) School of International Economics

14 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
General Average (共同海损) Refers to a certain special sacrifice (牺牲) and extra expense intentionally incurred for the general interests of the ship-owner, the insurer, and the owners of the various cargoes aboard the ship. School of International Economics

15 General Average (共同海损)
Conditions of General Average The risk must be real and threaten the safety of the ship and the cargoes. The sacrifice of general average must be a willing and intentional action. The sacrifice of general average and the expenses outlaid must be reasonable. School of International Economics

16 General Average (共同海损)
Conditions of General Average The purpose of the sacrifice and expenses incurred is only restricted to the general safety of the vessel and cargoes. Losses shall be the direct result of the general average. G.A. contribution shall be made by the three parties in proportion to the final value saved. School of International Economics

17 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Particular Average (单独海损) Means that a particular cargo is damaged by any cause and the degree of damage does not reach a total loss, i.e., only a partial loss, which shall be borne by the owner of this individual consignment. School of International Economics

18 Constructive Total Loss
Ocean Losses 海上损失 海上损失 Ocean Losses 全部损失Total Loss 实际全损 Actual Total Loss 推定全损 Constructive Total Loss 部分损失Partial Loss 共同海损 General Average 单独海损 Particular Average School of International Economics

19 A. Perils and Losses 海上风险和损失
Maritime Charges 海上费用 Sue and labour charges 施救费用 Salvage charges 救助费用。 School of International Economics

20 School of International Economics
Maritime Charges 海上费用 Sue and Labour Charges 施救费用 When the insured cargo suffers natural calamities or fortuitous accidents within the scope of insurance cover, the insured or his agent or any employees pays the expenses caused in saving the insured cargo in order to prevent the losses from further expanding. These charges shall be covered by the insurer. School of International Economics

21 School of International Economics
Maritime Charges 海上费用 Sue and Labour Charges 施救费用 所谓施救费用是指被保险货物在遭受承保责任范围内的灾害事故时,被保险人或其代理人或保险单受让人,为了避免或减少损失,采取各种措施而支出的合理费用。 School of International Economics

22 School of International Economics
Maritime Charges 海上费用 Salvage Charges 救助费用 When the insured cargo suffers natural calamities or fortuitous accidents within the scope of insurance cover, the third party who has no contracted relations with the insured and the insurer salvages the cargo successfully. According to the relative laws existing in the world, the insurer shall pay to the salvor. Principle: “no cure – no pay”. (无效果无报酬) School of International Economics

23 School of International Economics
Maritime Charges 海上费用 Salvage Charges 救助费用 所谓救助费用是指被保险货物在遭受承保责任范围内的灾害事故时,保险人或被保险人以外的第三者采取了有效的救助措施, 在救助成功后,由被救方付给救助人的一种报酬。 School of International Economics

24 Cargo Transportation Insurance
Marine Insurance Clauses According to “China Insurance Clauses” (CIC) 中国保险条款 Scope of cover Exclusions Commencement and Termination of Cover Duty of the insured Time of validity of a claim, etc. School of International Economics

25 School of International Economics
共同海损与单独海损的区别 比较项目 A 单独海损 共同海损 致损 原因 由所承保的风险直接 导致船、货受损 为解除或减轻风险, 人为地有意识地造成 损失的 承担者 受损者自己承担 受益各方根据获救利 益的大小按比例分摊 损失的 内容 保险标的物 除保险标的外,还 包括支出的特殊费用 School of International Economics

26 Marine Insurance Clauses
Insurance Coverage 保险险别 Basic risks Additional risks School of International Economics

27 General Additional Risks Special additional Risks
Insurance Coverage 基本险别 Basic Risks 平安险(FPA) 水渍险(WPA/WA) 一切险(AR) 附加险别 Additional Risks 一般附加险 General Additional Risks 特殊附加险 Special additional Risks School of International Economics

28 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Basic Risks基本险别 Also called main insurance which may be underwritten independently. Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.) With Particular Average (W.P.A. or W.A.) All Risks School of International Economics

29 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险 Total loss or constructive total loss of the whole consignment hereby insured caused in the course of transit by natural calamities, such as vile weather, thunder etc. 在运输过程中,由于自然灾害造成被保险货物的实际全损或推定全损 School of International Economics

30 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险 Total or partial loss caused by fortuitous accidents, such as the carrying vessel being grounded, stranded, sunk, etc. 由于运输工具遭遇搁浅、触礁、沉没、互撞与流冰或其他物体碰撞以及失火、爆炸等意外事故造成被保险货物的全部或部分损失。 School of International Economics

31 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险 Partial loss caused by vile weather, lightning and/or Tsunami, etc. where the conveyance has been grounded, stranded, sunk or burnt, irrespective of whether the event or events take place before or after such accidents. 只要运输工具曾经发生搁浅、触礁、沉没、焚毁等意外事故,不论这意外事故发生之前或者以后曾在海上遭遇恶劣气候、雷电、海啸等自然灾害造成的被保险货物的部分损失。 School of International Economics

32 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险 Total or partial loss consequent on falling of entire package or packages into sea during the process of loading, unloading or transshipment. 在装卸转船过程中,被保险货物一件或数件、整件落海所造成的全部损失或部分损失。 School of International Economics

33 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.) Sacrifice in and contribution to general average, and salvage charges resulting from the above mentioned accidents as well as other reasonable expenses in salvaging the cargoes from perils. 共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。被保险人对遭受承保责任内危险的货物采取抢救、防止或减少货损措施支付的合理费用,但以不超过该批被救货物的保险金额为限。 School of International Economics

34 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.) Such proportion of losses sustained by the ship-owners as is to be reimbursed by the cargo owner under the contract of Affreightment “Both to blame collision” clause. 运输契约订有“船舶互撞责任”条款,按该条款规定应由货方偿还船方的损失。 School of International Economics

35 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage With Particular Average (W.P.A. or W.A.)水渍险 It covers partial loss due to vile weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and/or flood as well as the risks covered under F.P.A. condition as mentioned above. 水渍险的责任范围除了包括上列“平安险”的各项责任外,还负责被保险货物由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害所造成的部分损失。 School of International Economics

36 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage All Risks一切险 Aside from the risks covered under the F.P.A. and W.A. conditions as above, this insurance also covers all risks of losses or damage to the insured goods whether partial or total, arising from external causes in the course of transit. 一切险的承保范围,除平安险和水渍险的各项责任外,还负责被保货物在运输途中由于一般外来原因所造成的全部或部分损失。 School of International Economics

37 School of International Economics
Insurance Coverage Additional Risks 附加险 Can not be covered independently, they shall be underwritten depending on one kind of the basic risks. General additional risks Special additional risks School of International Economics

38 School of International Economics
Additional Risks General additional risks一般附加险 Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery, (T.P.N.D)偷窃,提货不着险 Fresh Water and/or Rain Damage 淡水雨淋险 Risk of Shortage in Weight 短量险 Risk of Leakage 渗漏险 Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、沾污险 School of International Economics

39 School of International Economics
Additional Risks General additional risks一般附加险 Risk of clash & breakage 碰损、破碎险 Risk of Odour 串味险 Sweating and Heating Risk 受潮受热险 Hook Damage Risk 钩损险 Breakage of Packing Risk包装破裂险 Risk of Rust 锈损险 School of International Economics

40 School of International Economics
Additional Risks Special Additional Risks 特殊附加险 Failure to Deliver Risk交货不到险 Import Duty Risk 进口关税险 On Deck Risk 舱面险 Rejection Risk 拒收险 Aflatoxin Risk 黄曲霉素险 School of International Economics

41 School of International Economics
Additional Risks Special Additional Risks 特殊附加险 Survey in customs risk 海关检验险 Survey at jetty risk 码头 Strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工险 War Risk 战争险 Contingency insurance “cover seller’s interest only” 卖方利益险 School of International Economics

42 School of International Economics
风险、损失和险别的关系 风险和险别 损失 全部损失 部分损失 其它损失 A 实际 全损 推定 全损 共同 海损 单独 海损 一般其 它损失 特别特 殊损失 海上 风险 自然灾害 意外事故 外来 风险 一般外来风险 特别特殊外来风险 平安险 * 水渍险 一切险 附加 一般附加险 特别特殊附加险 School of International Economics

43 Marine Insurance Clauses
Exclusions 除外责任 Refers to losses and expenses for which the insurance company declares clearly not to be responsible. 除外责任指保险不予负责的损失或费用 School of International Economics

44 Marine Insurance Clauses
Exclusions usu. Include: Loss or damage caused by intentional act or fault of the insured 被保险人的故意行为或过失所造成的损失 Loss or damage due to the responsibility of the consignor 属于发货人责任引起的损失 Inferior quality or shortage in quantity before the commencement of the insurance duty 在保险责任开始前,被保险货物已存在的品质不良或数量短差所造成的损失 School of International Economics

45 Marine Insurance Clauses
Exclusions usu. Include: Natural loss, inherent vice or nature of the insured goods 被保险货物的自然损耗、本质缺陷、特性所造成的损失和费用; Loss of the market price of the insured goods被保险货物的市价跌落所造成的损失和费用; Loss due to delay in transportation and any expenses arising therefrom 运输延迟所造成的损失和费用; School of International Economics

46 Marine Insurance Clauses
Commencement and Termination of Insurance Duty 保险责任的起讫 Basic Insurance 基本险承保责任的起讫 “W/W” clause: “仓至仓条款” Cover pre-shipment and post-shipment risks 保险责任自被保险货物运离保险单所载明的起运地仓库或储存处所开始运输时生效。包括正常运输过程中的海上,陆上,内河和驳船运输在内,直到该项货物到达保险单所载明目的地收货人的最后仓库或储存处所为止。 School of International Economics

47 Commencement and Termination of Insurance Duty 保险责任的起讫
“W/W” clause: “仓至仓条款” An overriding time limit of sixty days after the completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge. 但被保险的货物在最后到达卸载港卸离海轮后,保险责任以60天为限。 School of International Economics

48 Commencement and Termination of Insurance Duty 保险责任的起讫
Marine War Insurance 海运战争险 loaded on board the ship or lighter at the port of shipment named in the policy discharged at the port of destination named in the policy 战争险的保险责任期限以水面危险为限,即自货物在保险单所载明的起运港装上海轮或驳船时开始,直到在保险单所载明的目的港卸离海轮或驳船为止 School of International Economics

49 Commencement and Termination of Insurance Duty 保险责任的起讫
Marine War Insurance 海运战争险 If the cargoes are not discharged from the ship or lighter, then the time of insurance duty shall be limited to 15 days counting from the midnight of the day when the vessel arrives at the port of destination. 如不卸离海轮或驳船,则从海轮到达到目的港的当天午夜起算满15天,保险责任自行终止。 School of International Economics

50 London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses 伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款
Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款 Institute Cargo Clause A [ICC(A)] Institute Cargo Clause B [ICC(B)] Institute Cargo Clause C[ICC(C)] Institute War Clause-Cargo (IWCC) Institute Strikes Clause-Cargo (ISCC) Malicious Damage Clause 恶意损害险 School of International Economics

51 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Institute Cargo Clause A [ICC(A)]协会货物条款A Method: “all risks except exclusions” 协会货物条款A责任范围最广,采用承保“除外责任”之外的一切风险的概括式规定办法。 School of International Economics

52 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Exclusions 除外责任 General Exclusions Loss or damage due to willful misconduct (故意的不法行为) of the insured Natural leakage(自然渗漏)of the subject matter, natural wear and tear (自然损耗), or wastage (自然磨损) of the subject matter Insufficient or improper packing Delay School of International Economics

53 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Exclusions 除外责任 General Exclusions Inherent vice (内在缺陷)of the subject matter Insolvency (破产) of the owner of the ship, the carrier or the charterer Nuclear or atomic weapons School of International Economics

54 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Exclusions 除外责任 Unseaworthiness and unfitness of the carrying vessel or lighter, including the containers   不适航、不适货除外责任。 War, capture, hostile behavior, distraint (扣押) and conventional weapons常规武器 Strike, terrorists School of International Economics

55 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Institute Cargo Clause B [ICC(B)]协会货物条款B Fire, explosion Ship or lighter colliding with rocks (触礁), running aground (搁浅), sunk or capsized (倾覆) Conveyance overturned(倾覆)or derailed(出轨) Ship, lighter or other conveyance colliding with any external object excluding water School of International Economics

56 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Institute Cargo Clause B [ICC(B)]协会货物条款B Loss or damage due to unloading at the port of refuge (避难港) Loss of damage due to earthquake, eruption of volcano(火山爆发), lightning or thunder Sacrifice in general average Loss of the subject matter due to jettison (抛货)and washing overboard School of International Economics

57 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Institute Cargo Clause B [ICC(B)]协会货物条款B Loss of the subject matter due to being plunged into water by waves (浪击落海) Loss of the subject matter insured due to water entering the ship, lighter, conveyance, container or storage place Total loss caused by falling of the entire package or packages into sea during the processes of loading and unloading. School of International Economics

58 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Institute Cargo Clause B [ICC(B)]协会货物条款B Exclusions are those mentioned in clause A The following two are not included: Piracy 海盗行为 Malicious damage School of International Economics

59 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款
Institute Cargo Clause C [ICC(C)]协会货物条款C Only covers “major casualties”(重大意外事故) Exclusions are the same as those in clause B School of International Economics

60 Institute Cargo Clause C
Comparing with clause B, it excludes the following risks: Loss or damage due to earthquake, eruption of volcano, lightning or thunder. Falling of the goods into sea during the processes of loading and unloading, water entering the ship, lighter, conveyance, container, storage plane, etc. School of International Economics

61 伦敦保险协会货物条款A, B, C (ICC A, B, C)
责任范围 A B C 1. 火灾,爆炸 2. 船舶,驳船的触礁,搁浅,沉没,倾覆 3. 陆上运输工具的倾覆或出轨 4. 船舶,驳船或运输工具同除水以外的任何外界物体碰撞 5. 在避难港卸货 6. 地震,火山爆发或雷电 X School of International Economics

62 伦敦保险协会货物条款A, B, C (ICC A, B, C)
责任范围 A B C 7. 共同海损牺牲 8. 抛货 9. 浪击落海 X 10. 海水,湖水或河水进入船舶,驳船,运输工具,集装箱,大型海运箱或储存处所 11. 货物在船舶或驳船装卸时落海或跌落,造成任何整件的全损 School of International Economics

63 伦敦保险协会货物条款A, B, C (ICC A, B, C)
责任范围 A B C 12. 由于被保险人以外的其他人(如船长,船员等)的故意违法行为所造成的损失或费用 x 13. 海盗行为 14. 下列“除外责任”范围以外的一切风险 除外责任 1. 被保险人的故意违法行为所造成的损失和费用 School of International Economics

64 伦敦保险协会货物条款A, B, C (ICC A, B, C)
除外责任 A B C 2. 自然渗漏,重量或容量的自然损耗或自然磨损 x 3. 包装或准备不足或不当造成的损失或费用 4. 保险标的的内在缺陷或特性造成的损失或费用 5. 直接由于迟延引起的损失或费用 6. 由于船舶所有人,经理人,租船人或经营人破产或不履行债务所造成的损失和费用 School of International Economics

65 伦敦保险协会货物条款A, B, C (ICC A, B, C)
除外责任 A B C 7. 由于使用任何原子武器或核裂变等造成的损失和费用 x 8. 船舶不适航,船舶,装运工具,集装箱等不适货 9. 战争险 10. 罢工险 School of International Economics

66 School of International Economics
D. Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clauses in the Contract Choosing Insurance Coverage Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium Taking out Insurance Insurance Clauses in the Contract School of International Economics

67 School of International Economics
D. Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clauses in the Contract Choosing Insurance Coverage Quality and characteristic of the goods Conveyance and line Changes of international political and economic situations Regularity of damage Package conditions of the cargo School of International Economics

68 School of International Economics
D. Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clauses in the Contract Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium The insurance amount is the highest compensation amount undertaken by the insurer, and it is also the foundation for calculating the insurance premium. The insurance amount may be marked up by a certain percentage on the basis of the CIF value. School of International Economics

69 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The Insurance Amount under CIF Includes: Invoice value: Cost of the goods + Insurance premium + amount of Freight Markup percentage: usu. 10% of the CIF value 保险加成率 The operating expenses and profit in expectancy by the insured School of International Economics

70 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The Formula of Insurance Amount under CIF Terms: Insurance amount = CIF price x (1+ markup percentage) School of International Economics

71 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The Formula of Insurance Amount under FOB Terms: Insurance amount = FOB price x (1+ average freight rate + average premium rate) School of International Economics

72 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The Formula of Insurance Amount under CFR Terms: Insurance amount = CFR price x (1+ average premium rate) School of International Economics

73 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The insurance premium (保险费), referring to the sum of money paid by the insured, is the basic proceeds (收益) earned by the insurer. Premium is usu. calculated according to two kinds of rates: general premium rate named cargo premium rate School of International Economics

74 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The Formula for Calculating the Premium under CIF Terms: Premium = CIF price x (1+ markup percentage) x premium rate School of International Economics

75 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The Formula for Calculating the Premium under FOB Terms: Premium = FOB price x (1+ average freight rate + average premium rate) x average premium rate School of International Economics

76 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
The Formula for Calculating the Premium under CFR Terms: Premium = CFR price x (1+ average premium rate) x average premium rate School of International Economics

77 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
CFR Price CIF Price: CIF price = CFR price 货价(C) + 运费 (F) 1 - (保险费率 x 投保加成) 1 +加成率 School of International Economics

78 School of International Economics
D. Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clauses in the Contract Taking out Insurance 投保 Difference between CIF and FOB, CFR “ W/W ” Clause Taking out insurance with the insurer is a contracted legal action of the insured. “ Application for Marine Insurance” 投保单 School of International Economics

79 Taking out Insurance 投保
Attention under “ Application for Marine Insurance” 投保单 Principle of utmost good faith (最大诚信原则) Contents in conformity with contract and L/C No liability for any willful fault or negligence of the insured The venture (风险) must be legal The insurance amount, coverage, the name, quantity, packing of the insured good, the name of the vessel, sailing date, etc. must be filled in correctly. School of International Economics

80 School of International Economics
D. Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clauses in the Contract Insurance Clauses “Insurance to be effected by the buyer” “Insurance to be effected by the seller on behalf of the buyer for 110% of the invoice value against FPA (WPA or All risks. Premium to be for the buyer’s account. ” School of International Economics

81 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Five Kinds of Forms: Insurance Policy Insurance Certificate Open Policy Combined Certificate Endorsement School of International Economics

82 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Insurance Policy 保险单,俗称大保单。 Names and addresses of the insured and the insurer Subject matter insured 保险标的 Kinds of risks and accidents covered Commencement date of insurance as well as time limit Insurance amount Insurance premium Date and place of taking out the policy, etc. School of International Economics

83 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Insurance Policy 保险单,俗称大保单。 Rights and obligations of the two parties on the back of the insurance policy. School of International Economics

84 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Insurance Certificate 保险凭证,俗称小保单。 A kind of simplified insurance policy Rights and obligations of the two parties are omitted. (省略) Same validity as the insurance policy School of International Economics

85 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Open Policy 预约保险单 A number of consignments of similar import goods are intended to be covered. An open policy covers these shipments, as soon as they are made. The particulars of these shipments should be supplied to the insurance company later on in the form of shipment advices. School of International Economics

86 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Open Policy 预约保险单 An open policy only indicates: the scope of insurance coverage insurance premium rate highest insurance amount of each lot, calculating method of the insurance premium, etc. School of International Economics

87 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Combined Certificate 联合凭证 Goods are exported to Hong Kong, and some countries in Southeast Asia The insurance company adds the coverage, insurance amount and serial number of insurance on the commercial invoice A certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy The simplest insurance certificate in use. School of International Economics

88 E. Forms of Marine Insurance Contract
Endorsement 保险更改批单 After insurance has been taken out, if the insured wants to replenish (补充) or change the contents of the policy, he may apply to the company for the same. After agreement by the company, another certificate which indicates the relative amendment will be issued. This certificate is called endorsement. School of International Economics

89 School of International Economics
F. Insurance Claim 保险索赔 In case the insured goods suffered losses within the scope of insurance cover, the insured can claim for indemnity (赔偿) from the insurer. Formalities for claim Points should be paid attention to when filing claims School of International Economics

90 School of International Economics
F. Insurance Claim 保险索赔 Formalities for Claim 索赔程序 Advice and inspection of goods damaged Evidence of lodging a claim Protecting the interests of the insurer School of International Economics

91 Formalities for Claim 索赔程序
Advice and inspection of goods damaged 损失通知及检验 The insured advises the insurer of the loss or damage is a necessary procedure of application for indemnity. Inspector agent 检验代理人 Satisfaction agent 理赔代理人 School of International Economics

92 Formalities for Claim 索赔程序
Evidence of lodging a claim The inspection declaration of loss or damage The insurance policy or insurance certification The invoice, B/L, packing list or weight memo The sea protest 海事报告书 School of International Economics

93 Formalities for Claim 索赔程序
The sea protest 海事报告书 The true record of vile weather, fortuitous accidents or other perils during the voyage School of International Economics

94 Formalities for Claim 索赔程序
Protecting the interests of the insurer Any person who files a claim should have the insurance interest (保险利益). Loss of or damage to the subject matter shall be the direct result of the perils within the scope of the insurance cover. School of International Economics

95 School of International Economics
F. Insurance Claim 保险索赔 Points should be paid attention to when filing claims As to fragile goods (易碎货物), two ways to stipulate the method for compensation Constructive Total Loss 推定全损 School of International Economics

96 School of International Economics
F. Insurance Claim 保险索赔 As to fragile goods, two ways to stipulate the method for compensation Franchise 免赔率 Irrespective of Percentage 不计免赔率 School of International Economics

97 School of International Economics
F. Insurance Claim 保险索赔 Franchise 免赔率 In case of breakage, the insurer is free from a certain percentage of compensation. (所谓免赔率,是指不赔金额与损失金额的比率.) Relative franchise and Deductible franchise 相对免赔率与绝对免赔率 Both are free from the compensation if the amount of loss does not exceed the franchise. School of International Economics

98 School of International Economics
1. Franchise 免赔率 Relative franchise and Deductible franchise 相对免赔率与绝对免赔率 Relative franchise: in case the amount of loss exceeds the franchise, the insurer will not deduct the franchise and compensate the total loss. Deductible franchise: the insurer will deduct the franchise and only compensate the exceeding part. School of International Economics

99 School of International Economics
F. Insurance Claim 保险索赔 Irrespective of Percentage (I.O.P.) 不计免赔率 The insurance company will compensate in case of breakage irrespective of percentage School of International Economics

100 Points should be paid attention to when filing claims
Constructive Total Loss 推定全损 The insured may submit to the insurer the notice of abandonment (委付通知), and pass all the rights and interests of the damaged goods to the insurer and ask him to compensate on the basis of the constructive total loss. School of International Economics

101 Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium
CFR Price CIF Price: CIF price = CFR price 货价(C) + 运费 (F) 1 - (保险费率 x 投保加成) 1 +加成率 School of International Economics

102 国际贸易实务 第七章 Case Study 我国诺华公司与新加坡金鼎公司于1999年10月20日签订购买52500吨饲料的CFR合同,诺华公司开出信用证,装船期限为2000年1月1日至1月10日,由于金鼎公司租来运货的"亨利号"在开往某外国港口运货途中遇到飓风,结果装货至2000年1月20日才完成。承运人在取得金鼎公司出具的保函的情况下,签发了与信用证条款一致的提单。"亨利号"途经某海峡时起火,造成部分饲料烧毁。船长在命令救火过程中又造成部分饮料湿毁。由于船在装货港口的迟延,使该船到达目的地时赶上了饲料价格下跌,诺华公司在出售余下的饲料时价格不得不大幅度下降,给诺华公司造成很大的损失。 请根据上述事例,回答以下问题:(1) 途中烧毁的饲料损失属什么损失,应由谁承担?为什么?(2) 途中湿毁的饲料损失属什么损失,应由谁承担?为什么?(3) 诺华公司可否向承运人追偿由于饲料价格下跌造成的损失?为什么?(4) 承运人可否向托运人金鼎公司追偿责任?为什么?

103 国际贸易实务 第七章 Case Study G公司以CIF价格条件引进一套英国产检测仪器,因合同金额不大,合同采用简式标准格式,保险条款一项只简单规定“保险由卖方负责”。到货后,G公司发现一部件变形影响其正常使用。G公司向外商反映要求索赔,外商答复仪器出厂经严格检验,有质量合格证书,非他们责任。后经商检局检验认为是运输途中部件受到振动、挤压造成的。G公司于是向保险代理索赔.试根据上述案例分析回答下列问题: 保险公司是否会接受G 公司的索赔请求? 请说明理由。

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