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Your Grace Is Enough 祢恩典够我用

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Presentation on theme: "Your Grace Is Enough 祢恩典够我用"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Grace Is Enough 祢恩典够我用

2 Your Grace Is Enough Great is Your faithfulness oh God You wrestle with the sinner's heart You lead us by still waters and to mercy And nothing can keep us apart 你的信实何等广大 你与罪人的心挣扎 在可安歇的水边经历恩典 你我的爱永不断绝

3 So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise Oh God
求你记得你人民 记得你子民 记得你应许 我主

4 Your grace is enough Your grace is enough Your grace is enough for me
你恩典够我用 够我用

5 Great is Your love and justice God You use the weak to lead the strong You lead us in the song of Your salvation And all Your people sing along 你的公义何等伟大 你使软弱变为刚强 引领我们唱一首救赎的歌 大家一起欢呼歌唱

6 So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise Oh God
求你记得你人民 记得你子民 记得你应许 我主

7 Your grace is enough Your grace is enough Your grace is enough for me
你恩典够我用 够我用

8 Your grace is enough Heaven reaching down to us Your grace is enough for me
你恩典够我用 天堂向我们敞开 你恩典够我用够我用

9 God I see your grace is enough I'm covered in your love Your grace is enough for me For me
你恩典够我用 我沉浸在你爱中 你恩典够我用够我用 够我用

10 在主愛中 In God’s Love

11 清晨朝陽 天空照耀 彷彿對我微微笑 陣陣微風 徐徐吹送 逍遙自在白雲飄 In the morning when I rise up
清晨朝陽 天空照耀 彷彿對我微微笑 陣陣微風 徐徐吹送 逍遙自在白雲飄 In the morning when I rise up I will give you all my praise I am thankful for the sunrise For the gift of one more day

12 鳥語花香 綠草如茵 青春時光多美好 盡情歡唱 盡情歡笑 煩惱全都不見了 I can feel You all around me
鳥語花香 綠草如茵 青春時光多美好 盡情歡唱 盡情歡笑 煩惱全都不見了 I can feel You all around me And the presence of you love Makes my heart know that You love me I receive You gift of love

13 在基督裡 享受主愛 自由奔放樂開懷 世上沒有 任何事物 能隔絕神的愛 Thank you Jesus for I know that
在基督裡 享受主愛 自由奔放樂開懷 世上沒有 任何事物 能隔絕神的愛 Thank you Jesus for I know that You will never let me go There is nothing in the world that Can take you love from me

14 清晨朝陽 天空照耀 彷彿對我微微笑 陣陣微風 徐徐吹送 逍遙自在白雲飄 In the morning when I rise up
清晨朝陽 天空照耀 彷彿對我微微笑 陣陣微風 徐徐吹送 逍遙自在白雲飄 In the morning when I rise up I will give you all my praise I am thankful for the sunrise For the gift of one more day

15 鳥語花香 綠草如茵 青春時光多美好 盡情歡唱 盡情歡笑 煩惱全都不見了 I can feel You all around me
鳥語花香 綠草如茵 青春時光多美好 盡情歡唱 盡情歡笑 煩惱全都不見了 I can feel You all around me And the presence of you love Makes my heart know that You love me I receive You gift of love

16 在基督裡 享受主愛 自由奔放樂開懷 我要讚美 我要歌頌 造物主的奇妙愛 Thank you Jesus in Your presence
在基督裡 享受主愛 自由奔放樂開懷 我要讚美 我要歌頌 造物主的奇妙愛 Thank you Jesus in Your presence There are gift of love and joy I will sing and I will worship I will bless Your name with joy

17 在基督裡 享受主愛 自由奔放樂開懷 我要讚美 我要歌頌 造物主的奇妙愛 Thank you Jesus in Your presence
在基督裡 享受主愛 自由奔放樂開懷 我要讚美 我要歌頌 造物主的奇妙愛 Thank you Jesus in Your presence There are gift of love and joy I will sing and I will worship I will bless Your name with joy

18 我要讚美 我要歌頌 造物主的奇妙愛 I will sing and I will worship
我要讚美 我要歌頌 造物主的奇妙愛 I will sing and I will worship I will bless Your name with joy

19 Amazing Grace 奇异恩典

20 Amazing Grace Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. 奇異恩典,何等甘甜, 我罪已得赦免; 前我失喪,今被尋回, 瞎眼今得看見。 Amazing Grace

21 T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed. 浩大恩典,使我敬畏, 使我心得安慰; 初信之時即蒙恩惠, 真是何等寶貴。 Amazing Grace

22 My chains are gone, I’ve been set free
My chains are gone, I’ve been set free. My God, my savior has ransomed me. And like a flood, his mercy rains Unending love, amazing grace 锁链以解,我罪得赦 我主我神将我赎回 恩典满益,如水泛滥 奇异恩典,永不改变 Amazing Grace

23 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine.
世界不会永远长久 太阳也将熄灭 Amazing Grace

24 But God, who called me here below Will be forever mine, Will be forever mine You are forever mine.
那呼召我到他座前的 永远是我的神 永远我神 你永远是我神 Amazing Grace

25 委身之歌 我的心為你歌唱 我的靈因你剛強 你的愛在我裡面醞釀 催我在世上做光 My heart sings for you
My soul is strong for you Your love grows in me Calling me to be a light

26 我愿意为你摆上 我愿意尊你为王 指教我体贴你的心肠 忠心持守直前勇往 I am willing to submit myself
I am willing to proclaim you king Teach me to understand your heart To be loyal and brave, forging ahead

27 将我的眼光 定睛在你身上 即使我在惊涛骇浪之中 仍有信心和異象 Turn my eyes and focus them on you
Though I may be in the worst of storms, I will be faithful and see you

28 将我的眼光 定睛在你身上 我一生要向着标杆直跑 直到终点得着奖赏 Turn my eyes and focus them on you
I will run the good race Until the end, where lies my prize

29 我的心為你歌唱 我的靈因你剛強 你的愛在我裡面醞釀 催我在世上做光 My heart sings for you
My soul is strong for you Your love grows in me Calling me to be a light

30 我愿意为你摆上 我愿意尊你为王 指教我体贴你的心肠 忠心持守直前勇往 I am willing to submit myself
I am willing to proclaim you king Teach me to understand your heart To be loyal and brave, forging ahead

31 将我的眼光 定睛在你身上 即使我在惊涛骇浪之中 仍有信心和異象 Turn my eyes and focus them on you
Though I may be in the worst of storms, I will be faithful and see you

32 将我的眼光 定睛在你身上 我一生要向着标杆直跑 直到终点得着奖赏 Turn my eyes and focus them on you
I will run the good race Until the end, where lies my prize

33 我一生要向着标杆直跑 直到终点得着奖赏 I will run the good race
Until the end, where lies my prize

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