Energy and Environment – a Zero Carbon Future for Dongtan?

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Presentation on theme: "Energy and Environment – a Zero Carbon Future for Dongtan?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy and Environment – a Zero Carbon Future for Dongtan?
1 Energy and Environment – a Zero Carbon Future for Dongtan? 能源和环境 --东滩的零碳将来? 汇丰银行低碳创新主管.东安格里安大学环境科学系 Keith Tovey (杜伟贤) M.A., PhD, CEng, MICE, CEnv HSBC Director of Low Carbon Innovation: School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia CRed

2 Climate Change: Arctic meltdown 1979 - 2003 气候变化:北极冰盖融化1979-2003
Summer ice coverage of Arctic Polar Region Nasa satellite imagery 20% reduction in 24 years 夏天的北极区域冰盖—Nasa(美国国家航天局)卫星照片 24年内减少了20% 1979 2003 CRed Source: Nasa

3 Raising Awareness Comparison of emissions of different countries
3 Raising Awareness Comparison of emissions of different countries Electricity Generation in China is dominated by coal Carbon Emission factor kg/kWh cf 0.52 kg/kWh in UK 不同国家的排放比较 中国主要使用煤炭进行发电 碳排放数据0.870 kg/kWh 在英国这一数据是0.52kg/kWh

4 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 A striking architectural feature 新颖的建筑布局
4 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 A striking architectural feature 新颖的建筑布局 An integrated renewable power station 综合的可再生能源供给站 An educational facility 用于教育的设施 A research facility 可供研究的设施 A visitor attraction 独具吸引力的访客中心

5 Yangste STAR 杨子之星 Dongtan: A Vision for the Future 东滩:未来之窗
5 Dongtan: A Vision for the Future 东滩:未来之窗 Low Energy Buildings in Dongtan City 东滩的低碳排放建筑 Integrated Renewable Power Station with Biomass/ MSW/ Biogas/ Solar and Wind 包含生物质能/市政废物/沼气/太阳能和风能的可再生能源供给站 居民能源需求和能源产生之间的直接互动关系. Direct Interaction between energy demand by residents and energy generation. Yangste STAR 杨子之星

6 6 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 Like the river, the greenhouse will meander through the STAR providing Education Research Awareness Raising A Visitor Attraction The STAR is inspired by the power of the Yangste and its meandering journey to the sea. 东滩队于环境将产生最小的影响: 低能源消耗建筑 能源供给来自可再生能源 Dongtan will have minimal impact on the environment through: Low energy buildings Energy from renewable sources 杨子之星的灵感来自于扬子江奔腾不息汇入大海的伟大力量 未来温室将如河流般蜿蜒穿过杨子之星,整个项目包含以下功能: 教育 研究 知识传播 游览参观

7 Biomass Building with storage area beneath hill
7 Biomass Fuel Delivery 生物质能燃料的输送 Biogas Building with support area beneath hill 沼气区和位于人造山下的支持区域 Municipal Building with support below mound 市政废物区和人造山下的支持区域 Biomass Building with storage area beneath hill 生物质能区和位于人造山下的储存区域 Energy River – Greenhouse of the future 能源之河-未来温室 Visitor Centre & Solar Research 访客中心和太阳能研究中心 Main Entrance 主入口

8 8 Yangste STAR 杨子之星 A Section through Biomass Station –storage is held below artificial hill Section through Biogas Station storage also below artificial hill B 穿过生物质能站的区域—储存区位于人造山下面 穿过沼气站的区域—储存区同样位于人造山下面 Section A - A Section B - B

9 杨子之星 Yangste STAR Large Scale Wind 大规模风能 Urban Wind - 都市风能-
9 Yangste STAR 杨子之星 Large Scale Wind 大规模风能 Urban Wind 都市风能- Microgeneration 小规模发电 Building Integrated 与建筑物组合 Photovoltaic Cells 光电池 Digestion Biogas CHP 厌氧消化沼气CHP MSW Combined Heat 市政废物处理热电联 & Power(CHP) (CHP) Rice Residue CHP 稻米处理残余CHP Cultivated Biomas CHP 农业生物能CHP Cultivated Biomas Boiler 农业生物能锅炉

10 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 More electricity could be generated 产生更多电力 10
Dongtan buildings will have an energy demand ~34% of latest standards. 东滩建筑将运用可降低~34%能源需求的最新标准 High insulation levels 高保温绝热水平 Low energy lighting 低能耗照明 Electricity from Renewable Sources 电力供应来自可再生能源 Heating - CHP (biomass generators) 加热-CHP(生物质能发生装置) Disposal of waste heat in summer? 在夏天如何处置废热? More electricity could be generated 产生更多电力

11 Absorption Heat Pump 吸收热泵
吸收器 热交换器 外部热 W ~ 0 冷凝器 蒸发器 节流阀 绝热 为冷却进行热提取 高温高压 低温低压 Adsorption Heat pump reduces electricity demand and increases electricity generated 吸收热泵可减少电力需求并增加发电量

12 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 A 1 MW Adsorption chiller 1 MW 吸附冷却器
12 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 A 1 MW Adsorption chiller 1 MW 吸附冷却器 Adsorption chillers will provide air-conditioning in Dongtan Each one will save around 700 tonnes CO2 吸附冷却器可为东滩提供空调系统 每一个可减少排放700吨CO2

13 The Greenhouse / Visitor Centre
13 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 The Greenhouse / Visitor Centre 未来温室/访客中心 A research area – 研究区域- how might plants adapt to be more effective in replacing fossil fuels? 在替代化石能源方面,植物如何更加有效利用? what new management practices might be needed? 什么样新的管理行为是需要的? Provide an International Conference Centre 建立一个国际会议中心 To disseminate new ideas about the environment, and sustainable technologies throughout the international community. 通过国际合作传播环境和可持续性发展技术

14 The Greenhouse / Visitor Centre
14 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 The Greenhouse / Visitor Centre 未来温室/访客中心 An educational area to tell: – 教育区将展示:-- how the climate evolved 气候如何演变 how the fossil fuels were formed and exploited. 化石能源如何形成和被开发 how renewable energy can be the power for the future. 将来如何使用可再生能源发电 Awareness Raising 知识提升 how individuals can play their part to save energy. 个人如何参与到节约能源行动之中 通过互动展示 Through interactive displays

15 15 Raising Awareness Each person in UK causes the emission of 9 tonnes of CO2 each year. What do 9 tonnes of CO2 look like? 5 hot air balloons China: 2.5 tonnes or 1.4 balloons 每一个英国人每年产生9吨CO2 9 吨CO2看起来有多少呢? 5个热气球 中国:2.5吨或1.4个热气球

16 16 Raising Awareness Standby on TV’s and electrical goods waste energy – up to 60 kWh a year – in China this causes emission of over 50kg of CO2 unnecessarily 10 gms of carbon dioxide has an equivalent volume of 1 party balloon. A Toyota Corolla (1400cc) will emit the equivalent of 1.2 hot air balloons a year or 1 party balloon every 60m. 电视机和电器的待机状态每年将浪费60 kWh的电量--在中国这将导致超过50公斤CO2的不必要的排放 10克二氧化碳相当于1个派队气球 一辆丰田花冠轿车( 1400cc)一年将排放相当于1.2个热气球的量或每60米一个派队气球

17 Awareness Raising / Education Collaboration between China and UK
17 Yangze STAR 扬子之星 Awareness Raising / Education 提升认识/教育 Dongtan will be a city of the future 东滩将成为未来之城 Integrated development of Low Carbon Buildings 低碳建筑的统一发展 Powered by Renewable Energy 能源所需可再生能源提供 Citizens and children engaged in their city and its future 居民和儿童参与到他们的城市目前和将来的发展中 A Landmark Project for the Whole World Collaboration between China and UK 对于全世界而言这一里程碑式的项目是基于中英之间的合作

18 Dongtan – The Social Dimension
东滩-未来的典范 18 Demand for energy often exceeds technical performance by up to 100% 能源需求常常超过运用技术带来改善,甚至多达100% Excess can be reduced by 但能通过以下方式减少能源需求: Good Energy Management 良好的能源管理 Effective Education 有效的教育 Awareness raising 知识的提升 Innovative Tariffs 创新的价格体系 Typical Tariffs 典型价格体系 Flat Rate 统一费用 Multi-rate – cheaper for high users 多种费用-高端用户便宜 Adversely affects low users 不利于低端用户 Multi-rate – initial low rate 多种费用-初期低费用 Encourages conservation 鼓励节约 Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption

19 Dongtan – The Social Dimension
东滩-未来的典范 19 Dongtan will be a Zero Carbon City 东滩成为零碳排放城市 Renewable Energy can be intermittent 使用可再生能源 Balancing Demand via Grid Connection 通过电网平衡用电需求 Overall export more than import 总输出超过总输入 A proposed new Tariff - 建议的新价格体系- Based on Instantaneous Power Level 基于即时电力水平 Low Renewable generation 低可再生能源发电 below threshold power: Basic Tariff 底限能源:基本价格 above a threshold: High Rate Tariff 高限:高价格 Times of High Renewable Generation 高可再生能源发电时期 normal tariff structure applies 运用普通价格结构 Will encourage conservation and demand in harmony with supply 将鼓励节约和供需协调

20 Dongtan City and the Yangste Star
20 Conclusions Dongtan City and the Yangste Star Will be a unique architecturally striking development A city which is in harmony with nature A centre to promote excellence in renewable energy and efficiency A saving of 3.1 Mtonnes of Carbon Dioxide a Year 结 论 东滩和杨子之星 一个独特的极具吸引力的建筑发展理念 一个城市与自然的完美协调的案例 一个卓越的可再生能源和能源效率发展促进中心 一个一年可减少排放310万二氧化碳的项目

21 21 And Finally Lao Tzu ( BC) Chinese Artist and Taoist philosopher "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." The vision for Dongtan City will allow us to change direction so we do not end up where we are now heading and we can avoid the worst effects of Climate Change. 束 语 老子 ( BC)中国古代思想家、哲学家 (直译):“如果你不改变,你将止步于原地。” 东滩将改变我们行动的方向,以避免我们在原地止步不前,也可让我们避免气候变化带来的最坏结果。

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