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An evangelistic center

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1 An evangelistic center
The family-- An evangelistic center 家庭:傳福音的地方

2 marriage and family are scarcely evident
Families are in Trouble 現今家庭出現問題 The Divine ideals for marriage and family are scarcely evident 在婚姻和家庭中看不見上帝所定的標準 Changes in the world brought about significant social changes: 世界不斷變化導致社會有重大的轉變:

3 社會轉變影響著婚姻和家庭 Social Changes Affecting Marriage and Family 對婚姻的態度
Attitudes toward marriage 對婚姻的態度 Marriage is changing from a lifelong commitment to a less permanent contractual arrangement based on personal fulfillment 以前,婚姻是終身的承諾 現在,婚姻只是一紙可隨時中止關係的契約,用來滿足個人的成就感而已

4 角色衝突 Role Conflicts 在職妻子在外工作時,必須把自己在家中的角色和責任改變 這種靈活處理角色的做法,就是壓力的來源
* Working wives outside the home requires change of roles and responsibilities 在職妻子在外工作時,必須把自己在家中的角色和責任改變 * The need for a more flexible role structure is a source of considerable stress 這種靈活處理角色的做法,就是壓力的來源

5 金錢 財政壓力 Financial Pressures
* Rising costs of living and the desire for material possessions have driven many to search for: 生活水平上升和人對物質的渴求,使很多人追求: better wages 更好的入息 additional jobs 多份工作 more education更高的學歷 overextend credit 延長的信貸

6 性觀念大轉變 Sexual Revolution * Traditional mores concerning sexuality
have been eroded (e.g. cohabitation) 傳統的性道德觀已經被破壞 (例如:同居) * Homosexual as well as premarital and extramarital sexual experiences are common 同性戀、婚前性行為和婚外情已變得普遍

7 Parenting Inadequacy 親子教育不足 * Parents are involved with
pressures and responsibilities of work that result in: 父母因工作的壓力和責任,以致: --little time with their children 陪伴兒女的時間減少 --little opportunity for meaningful relationships 與兒女建立親子關係的機會減少

8 Family Violence 家庭暴力 所有家庭成員,包括丈夫、妻子、父母、 祖父母和兒女,都是家庭暴力的受害者 虐兒個案越來越多
* All family members—husbands, wives, parents, grandparents and children—are victimized by family violence. 所有家庭成員,包括丈夫、妻子、父母、 祖父母和兒女,都是家庭暴力的受害者 * Child abuse has reached epidemic proportions 虐兒個案越來越多

9 Escalating Divorce Rate 離婚率上升 * Softening of divorce laws
Contributing factors include: 成因包括: Unresolved marital conflict, 未解決的婚姻衝突 * Softening of divorce laws 監管離婚的法律太弱 * Better economic conditions for women 婦女的經濟條件變得更好

10 單親家庭增加 Increase in One- parent Households
* Increase in out-of-wedlock births, rise in the number of marital break-ups have led to a dramatic rise in the number of one-parent households and divided parenting situations 未婚生子個案增加、離婚個案上升 導致單親家庭和父母分開照顧兒女的數字增加

11 Remarriage and * Many who lose marital partners
Blended Families 父母再婚及繼親家庭 * Many who lose marital partners soon remarry another who bring their children to this marriage 很多失婚的人,很快就與另一人結婚,而對方也有自己的兒女。

12 Encroaching Secularism 世俗主義的入侵
* Though connected with the church, Christians too live in a fallen world. Secularism, thought of here as the antithesis of spirituality, is making inroads in families 雖然基督徒與教會有聯繫,但他們也生活在這墮落的 世界中。這裡所指的世俗主義,就是與上帝對抗的 思想,正入侵很多家庭。

13 2. The Family Needs Nurture and Instruction 今日家庭需要培育和指導
The challenge facing the Church is to nurture its members, presenting biblical concepts of marriage, parenting and family living 今日教會的挑戰就是要培育 教友的屬靈生命、從聖經中教導 他們認識婚姻、親子教育和 家庭生活的觀念

14 活動 activity 2-3人一組,想出一些家庭佈道的方法 例如: 花些時間單獨與孩子在一起, 談論一下他們的屬靈生活
Work in groups of two’s or three’s and come up with a list of ideas for Family Evangelism 2-3人一組,想出一些家庭佈道的方法 E.g.: Spend special time alone with each child discussing their spiritual life. 例如: 花些時間單獨與孩子在一起, 談論一下他們的屬靈生活 E.g.: Have a prayer list for non-Christian relatives 例如: 為非基督徒親友代禱的清單

15 a. Focus on God’s Purpose for the Family 集中於上帝設立家庭的目的
Truths regarding the family has been divinely revealed 聖經已揭示了有關家庭的真理 The idea of family is God’s design 家庭的概念是上帝計劃的 God knows how a family functions best 上帝知道家庭怎樣運作才是最好

16 Our Mission Inside Our Homes
家庭的使命 Family first 以家庭為首 Helping children to a place of faith 幫助孩子信靠上帝,對上帝忠心 The blessing of a Christian partner 你的配偶必須是基督徒

17 b. Unfold the spiritual dynamics that are at work in families
把家庭的屬靈動力顯示出來 A well-rounded ministry places high priorities on spiritual emphasis 一個完美的服務事工永遠是將屬靈的事放在首位 Teach and encourage interesting ways of conducting family worships 教導和鼓勵父母用有趣的方法 舉行家庭崇拜

18 Present Scriptural concepts 表達聖經對家庭生活的觀念
of family living 表達聖經對家庭生活的觀念 The challenge of the church is to present Scriptural concepts of: 教會的挑戰就是要向人表達 聖經對以下方面的觀念: marriage 婚姻 parenting親子教育 family living家庭生活

19 Include Life in Holistic Ministry
家庭事工是包括每一個人 Include families as integral to church activities: 全家人參與教會活動: * family participation in church worship 全家人參與教會崇拜 * family evangelism 家庭佈道會 * family involvement in outreach programs 社區佈道節目

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