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生命末期的抉擇: 幫助您的家人和您自己 [Add name of presenter and organization]

2 為什麼要想到生命末期? 它是生命中重要的一部份
Most people do not like to think or talk about death and the end of life. It is much more enjoyable to think about life and living! However, thinking and talking about death and dying will help you and your family cope when you or a loved one has a serious illness. Mexican culture celebrates the Day of the Dead where families welcome the dead back into their homes and visit cemeteries where family members are buried. This is a wonderful and unique way of acknowledging death as part of the cycle of life.

3 為什麼現在要考慮它? 只有您可以給他們“安心”的禮物 疾病或受傷可能發生在任何時候 如果您無法說話時,誰將為您代言? 他們知道您的意願嗎?
或者他們會擔憂是否做對了決定? 只有您可以給他們“安心”的禮物 What will happen if you are sick one day and can not make decisions for yourself? - Your family wants to do the very best for you - You trust your family to make these decisions for you - Start the conversation now..while your’re healthy and everyone can listen

4 您要如何幫助您的家人 知道您的抉擇 討論您的決定 寫下您的計劃

5 知道您的抉擇 醫療照護事前指示 維持生命的治療 安寧療護和緩和療護 長期療護 失落的適應
Use the National Alliance for Hispanic Health Fact Sheets to supplement this portion of your presentation. Distribute the fact sheet(s) that contains the information that you want to focus on. Distribute the sheets in English and Spanish in order to be sensitive to the range of English skills among the audience and their family members.

6 討論您的決定 當您不能表達意願時,誰將為您 做醫療決定? 生命末期時,您希望要或不要的 醫療是什麼? 您想要在哪裡得到照顧?
Again, refer to the National Alliance for Hispanic Health Fact Sheets.

7 寫下您的計劃 使用醫療照護事前指示表格 生前預囑–您想或不想要的醫療 醫療代理人–您想要誰為您代言 給您的家人和醫師們影印本
和親友及醫師們討論您的計劃 Filling out the forms is important – but they can’t help you if people don’t have copies or understand your choices

8 欲知詳情,請來電… 國家慈心關懷專線 1-877-658-8896 照顧連結專線 1-800-658-8898
Caring Connections NHPCO’s Compassionate Care HelpLine/Linea Cuidando con Cariño – Bilingual staff are available. Caring Connections HelpLine – English only Both HelpLines provide information and free resources including advance directives Ask questions about hospice, advance care planning, grief, caregiving or other health issues. Printed resources they can send you for free.

9 欲知詳情,請上網… 照顧連結 Caring Connections 網址: www.caringinfo.org 重症孩童的父母夥伴
Partnership for Parents 網址: 西班牙文:padrescompadres.org 英文:partnershipforparents.org Caring Connections – English only Free advance directives and lots of information on hospice, grief, caregiving, advance care planning and more Partnership for Parents: web site for parents caring for a child with a serious illness Spanish/Español: padrescompadres.org English/Inglés: partnershipforparents.org

10 須要幫助,今天就來電: [list local resources and how to reach you]

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