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再創高峰的教會. 再創高峰的教會 The Progress to a Breakout Church 大時刻 BIG MO 成長 Breakout Point Growth 呆滯 或 退後 Decline or Plateau Acts 6/7 Leadership ABC Moment.

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Presentation on theme: "再創高峰的教會. 再創高峰的教會 The Progress to a Breakout Church 大時刻 BIG MO 成長 Breakout Point Growth 呆滯 或 退後 Decline or Plateau Acts 6/7 Leadership ABC Moment."— Presentation transcript:


2 再創高峰的教會

3 The Progress to a Breakout Church
大時刻 BIG MO 成長 Breakout Point Growth 呆滯 或 退後 Decline or Plateau Acts 6/7 Leadership ABC Moment Who/What Simultrack VIP Factor Culture of Excellence Innovation Acceleration 徒6/7 領導力 ABC 時刻 人材/體制 雙軌並進 VIP 因素 優質文化 創新向前

4 Percentage of Senior Pastors Who Have Attainted This Level
Level of Leadership Description Percentage of Senior Pastors Who Have Attainted This Level Acts 1 The Called Leader Knows of God’s call to ministry and has responded to that call 98% Acts 2 The Contributing Leader Takes time to do well the basics of Christian ministry such as preaching, teaching, and prayer 22% Acts 3 The Outwardly-Focused Leader Seeks to lead church and self to ministry beyond the walls of the church 14% Acts 4 The Passionate Leader Exudes a contagious enthusiasm for ministry; others gladly follow 6% Acts 5 The Bold Leader Is willing to take risks, where success is only possible in God’s power 3% Acts 6/7 The Legacy Leader Has a burden for a successful ministry beyond his own lifetime Less than 1%

5 領袖的層面 內容 主任牧師比例 徒 1 得 呼 召 的 領 袖 明白神旨,回應呼召 98% 徒 2 有 貢 獻 的 領 袖
基本功夫,教導牧養 22% 徒 3 向 外 望 的 領 袖 超越框架 ,面對社會 14% 徒 4 滿 熱 誠 的 領 袖 衝勁十足 ,別人跟從 6% 徒 5 存 勇 敢 的 領 袖 甘願冒險,倚靠靈力 3% 徒 6 垂 千 古 的 領 袖 跨代成功,留下足跡 Less than 1%

6 Breakout Church Location Tenure of Acts 6/7 Pastor
Bethel Temple Community Church Evansville, Indiana 24 Years* Calvary Memorial Church Oak Park, Illinois 15 Years* Central Christian Church Beloit, Wisconsin 23 Year* Fairfield New Life Church Fairfield, California 12 Years* First Gethsemane Baptist Church Louisville, Kentucky 20 Years* Korea Central Presbyterian Church Vienna, Virginia 26 Years Grace Church, Christian and Mission Alliance Middlebury Heights, Ohio 38 Years Grace Evangelical Free Church Allen, Texas Grove City Church of the Nazarene Grove City, Ohio 7 Years Lenexa Baptist Church Lenexa, Kansas 14 Years* Southwest Baptist Church Amarillo, Texas 28 Years* The Temple Church Nashville, Texas 27 Years* Xenos Christian Fellowship Columbus, Ohio 28 Years*# 28 Years *# Average Tenure Acts 6/7 Pastor (徒6/7牧師的平均年資) 21.6 Years Average Tenure Comparison Church Pastors (調查教會牧師的平均年資) 4.2 Years Average Tenure National Survey of Pastors (全國教會牧師的平均年資) 3.6 Years *Still active. Years through 2004. #Xenos has two lead pastors who were not designated in that role until the early 1990s. The years shown represent their entire tenure as elders at the church.

7 The A-B-Cs of the ABC Movement
Awareness Leadership and key persons become aware that the church is not nearly all God intended to be. At this stage it is common for church leaders to seek some type of outside perspective, such as attending a conference, zealously reading about issues related to the church, or hiring outside consultants. There is a keen desire to learn and improve. Belief The leadership confronts the brutal facts of the church’s reality. This stage is often a wake-up call to make necessary changes. The leaders do not despair over the needed changes, but instead have a strong belief that God can use them to make a less-than-desirable situation good. Crisis Once change has begun, a crisis takes place in the heart of the leader, in the members of the church, or even in the attitudes of the members toward the leader. This often painful stage is the time when many pastors leave.

8 A B C 時刻的A-B-C 領導層察覺教會狀況差強人意,開紿外尋幫助,如參加研習閱讀有關書籍、或咨詢專家。進入願意改善及學習階段。 醒覺
信念 領導層誠實的面對教會的現實,這是改變前的必有階段。領導沒有對需要的改變失望,反而堅持相信神的介入。 危機 當展開改變,在領導和會友心中,甚至會友面對領導的態度中會出現危機,在這危機時刻,很多牧師會愔然離開。

9 The Who/What Simultrack
BIG MO Breakout Point Growth Decline or Plateau Acts 6/7 Leadership ABC Moment Who/What Simultrack VIP Factor Culture of Excellence Innovation Acceleration

10 The Who/What Simultrack
人材/體制雙軌並進 Right People: 適合人材 “The Who” “何人?” Right Structures: 正確體制 “The What” “何事何方?”

11 The Pattern of People Management 人材的管理模式
Team Philosophy 團體理念 Right People 適合人材 Let Go 放手前進 Equip 裝備訓練 Empower 授權加力

12 The Vision Intersection Profile 異象交互表
Leadership Passion 領導熱誠 Vision 異象 Passion/Gifts of Congregation 會眾恩賜 Community Needs 社區需要

13 The Freedom/Expectation Paradox 自由/要求吊詭性
Quadrant 1 High Expectation/Low Freedom 7 Comparison Churches Quadrant 2 High Expectation/ High Freedom 高要求/高自由 13 Breakout Churches 13間再創高峰的教會 Quadrant 3 Low Expectation/ Low Freedom 25 Comparison Churches Quadrant 4 Low Expectation/ High Freedom

14 The Traditionalist/Resistor Model 傳統/反對派
Resistant 反對質疑 Innovation 啟創新意 Desired Stability 穩定呆滯

15 The Innovator/Embracer Model 創新/擁抱派
甘願接納 Embracing Innovation 啟創新意 Desired Growth 邁步成長

16 Breakout Churches: Innovation Acceleration
高峰再闖:創意無限 Realized Growth Innovation Consideration Innovation Adoption Accelerated Growth 肯定成長 考慮新意 創意確認 成長上升

17 Blind Erosion and Resistant Leadership 反對派領導
Ignorant 無知 Burned耗盡 Resistant Leader Theologically Weak 神學膚淺 Lazy 惰性 Conflict Avoider 避免衝突 Accolade Seeker 渴望掌聲

18 Some Steps toward Breaking Out
Acts 6/7 Leadership Develop core biblical values. Pray for a Christ-like spirit in all areas. Decide in God’s power to love the people of the church no matter what. Seek to lead your church to an outward focus, beyond the walls of the congregation. In God’s will make a commitment to stay with the church long-term. The ABC Moment Seek outside counsel to help you see the church from an outsider’s perspective. Be a lifelong learner through numerous media. Pray for your critics and maintain an attitude of love toward them. Be prepared for the reality that most crises will be the result of conflict Christians. Pray that God will allow you to see beyond the crisis and see his works in the difficult moments.

19 高峰再創的步驟 徒6/7 領袖 聖經核心價值的重尋 祈求在各方面學效基督 無論何情況以基督的愛對待會眾 帶領教會跳出內向的框架
長期委身事奉教會 ABC 時刻 尋求外面角度觀點檢討教會現狀 透過不同媒介終身學習 為批評你的人祈禱及愛他們 明白信徒之間的衝突是危機的源頭 求神給你看透危機及肯定神在危機中的作為

20 Who/What Simultrack Deal quickly but compassionately with major people problems. Develop a high-expectation culture in the church that will attract more of the right people. Work on major structural needs in the church while simultaneously working on peoples issues The VIP Factor Discern your passions for ministry as a leader. Discover the gifts and passions of the members of your congregation. Discover the needs in the community. See where the above three factors intersect, and focus many resources at this vision intersection. Culture of Excellence Attempt to do all things with excellence in God’s power. If the church cannot do something with excellence, consider discarding or discontinuing the effort. See innovation as a means, not as an end. Carefully evaluate each innovative opportunity; be open but cautious with innovations. Big Mo Learn that each success God gives is often a beginning point for another opportunity for success.

21 人材/體制 雙軌並進 VIP 因素 優質文化 大時刻 敏銳及憐恤地處理人的問題 在教會培養高質素文化吸引優秀人材
滿足個人需要同時亦注重架構問題 VIP 因素 分辨你作為領袖對某事工的熱忱 認識你會眾的恩賜與熱情 明白你社區的需要 在以上的三個範圍的重叠探求異象的聚焦 優質文化 在各樣事上靠神力做得更好 將得過且過項目刪除 啟創新意是步驟,非目標 小心衡量啟創新意的機會,小心地開放新的意念 大時刻 謹記每一個神給你的小成就是另一個成功的開始

22 An Exploration of faith journey of Canadian Youth
Hemorrhaging Faith An Exploration of faith journey of Canadian Youth Courtesy of: EFC, JPA & R. Harder Enoch Wong June 22, 2014 Zion Alliance Church

23 Project Details & Top Line Findings (What?)

24 Top line findings 1 in 3 Canadian young adults who attended church weekly or more as a child still do so today. 1 in 2 Continue to identify with the Christian tradition they were raised in

25 3 out of 5 Top line findings
Will drop their affiliation with any tradition when stop attending church.

26 Are they coming back?

27 Three questions When did the leakage happen?
What type of religiosity have they evolved into? What are the drivers and barriers for the leakage?

28 1. Pre-screen Survey

29 Deflection Rate We are here

30 Deflection & Life Transition
Deflection occurs the most at life transition points for youth where patterns & routines are changed; they are mostly unprepared, & without safety nets to fall back on.

31 2. Targeted Survey

32 Engagers Engagers (23%) – “Church is good.”
Engagers are primarily those who still affiliate with a Christian tradition, and express a participatory posture inside the church and an openness to the supernatural referent (p. 28)

33 Fence Sitters Fence Sitters (36%) – “Could I have church on other terms?” Fence Sitters still have a Christian religious affiliation; however, more than 25% no longer indicate and identification with an organized religion (p. 28)

34 Wanderers Wanderers (26%) – “Church is not for me.”
Wanders have unhitched their spiritual identities from the traditions in which they are raised. They label themselves Atheist, Agnostic and None. They tend to drift away from church (p. 2o)

35 Rejecters Rejecters (15%) – “Church is bad.”
Rejecters feel driven out of their churches and perhaps struggle for a season within churches before withdrawing. 5 out of 10 Rejecters describe themselves as Atheists. (p. 29)

36 Four Spiritual Types

37 Four Spiritual Types

38 Semi-structured interviews
(So what?)

39 Attempt to identify faith drivers and barriers
3. From the interviews Attempt to identify faith drivers and barriers

40 Three common excuses: “I’m too busy to attend”;
“I can do faith alone”; “Going to church is pointless and not worth the effort”.

41 Four Drivers/Barriers:
Parents: Engaged vs. Disengaged; God: Experienced vs. Unexperienced; Community: Vibrant vs. Stagnant; Teachings and beliefs: Empowering vs. Restrictive.

42 A. Parents #1 Barrier: “Hypocrisy”;
#1 Driver: Model a love for God, church, prayer and scripture. Transmission of faith through dialogical instruction (“Not I tell, you listen” but through listening and conversation): speak about and practice faith openly

43 A. Parents Allow doubt and encourage exploration and develop a faith of their own; In summary, it’s about authenticity as opposed to going through the motion

44 Parental Spiritual Discipline Groups
A measure of practices of (1) Bible reading; (2) prayer outside of table grace; and (3) regular worship attendance: High: Both parents consistently practices all three (12%); Moderate: One or more parents inconsistently practices the disciplines (56%); Low: Parents never practiced the disciplines (32%)

45 Parental Spiritual Discipline Groups

46 Parental Spiritual Discipline Groups
Young adult practice of personal spiritual disciplines according to High PSDG

47 B. Experience of God Does God answer my prayer? (it goes to the heart of what prayer really means?); Is God there when I encounter hardship & difficulty? Experiencing God’s power through STM and summer camps.

48 B. Experience of God “My faith came alive while on (or at) … (for those who had these experiences)

49 B. Experience of God

50 C. Community Nurturing and dynamic: Growth in Christ;
Helping in the midst of hardship; Leading people through emotional healing; Equipping people to the function in their talents; Making a difference in the community.

51 C. Community Inclusivity: Age; Background; Language; Education;
Gender; Ethnicity (sub-ethnicity).

52 C. Community Non-judgemental: Inside; Outside.

53 C. Community Supportive over failure (a safety net):
Is God disappointed in me? Are people disappointed in me?

54 C. Community Participation & Lead: Do we welcome youth as leaders?
What about women in leadership?

55 C. Community Relationship; relationship; relationship: Not programs;
Not events; Not even doing ministry in the name of church growth at the expense of undermining relationship.

56 D. Teachings Delivery of truth matters:
Allow for doubts; allow for questions.

57 D. Teachings Delivery of truth matters: Content matters:
Allow for doubts; allow for questions. Content matters: Looking for depth; not gimmick! Looking for conviction and transformation; not “doing”(like have you read the bible daily?”

58 D. Teachings Perceived to be unrealistic (here’s what we may not agree): Premarital sex; Party scene; Homosexuality; Gender role; and Ultimate truth.

59 Must do, must remember: Parents: Be authentic and be a model;
Don’t be athletic directors; Don’t be extra curriculum directors; But be the spiritual directors for your children

60 Must do, must remember: Church: Be intergenerational, intentional, supportive and non-judgemental; Involve them; Instill them; Inspire them; and Invest in them

61 Must do, must remember: Experiencing God: not just in terms of “wealth & well”; but hardship & suffering;

62 Must do, must remember: Teaching: holistic; not just doing, but being; not restrictive; but empowering.

















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