朝拜新生王 We Three Kings of Orients Are

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1 朝拜新生王 We Three Kings of Orients Are

2 Field and fountain, moor and mountain 跋涉河流山岗。
博士三人来自东方, We three kings of Orient are 携带礼物献新生王, Bearing gifts we traverse afar 跟随景星在前引领, Field and fountain, moor and mountain 跋涉河流山岗。 Following yonder star

3 O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright
啊!奇妙明星放光芒, O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright 一直照亮,引向西方, Westward leading, still proceeding 领我们就主真光。 Guide us to thy Perfect Light

4 我携黄金恭敬献呈, Gold I bring to crown Him again 祂掌王权统治万邦,
2. 新王诞生伯利恒城, Born a King on Bethlehem's plain 我携黄金恭敬献呈, Gold I bring to crown Him again 祂掌王权统治万邦, King forever, ceasing never 直至永世无疆。 Over us all to rein

5 O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright
啊!奇妙明星放光芒, O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright 一直照亮,引向西方, Westward leading, still proceeding 领我们就主真光。 Guide us to thy Perfect Light

6 3. 谨将乳香欢然献陈, Frankincense to offer have I 临格君王配受此香, Incense owns a Deity nigh 但愿万民祷告颂赞, Pray'r and praising, all men raising 崇拜至高君王。 Worship Him, God most high

7 O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright
啊!奇妙明星放光芒, O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright 一直照亮,引向西方, Westward leading, still proceeding 领我们就主真光。 Guide us to thy Perfect Light

8 4. 献上没药苦味至浓, Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume 表示我主将受伤痛, Breathes of life of gathering gloom 忧愁叹息流泪死亡, Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying 被葬孤寂墓中。 Sealed in the stone-cold tomb

9 O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright
啊!奇妙明星放光芒, O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright 一直照亮,引向西方, Westward leading, still proceeding 领我们就主真光。 Guide us to thy Perfect Light

10 Alleluia, Alleluia 声震天地四方。
5. 基督复活荣耀辉煌, Glorious now behold Him arise 被杀羔羊救主我王, King and God and Sacrifice 哈利路亚,哈利路亚, Alleluia, Alleluia 声震天地四方。 Earth to heav'n replies

11 O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright
啊!奇妙明星放光芒, O Star of wonder, star of night 闪烁灿烂真辉煌, Star with royal beauty bright 一直照亮,引向西方, Westward leading, still proceeding 领我们就主真光。 Guide us to thy Perfect Light

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