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Module 4 The natural world

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1 Module 4 The natural world
Oxford English Module 4 The natural world 12 The Earth

2 the Earth Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:Look and learn
活动目的:通过复习单词,引入课本主题。 操作方法:根据图片,拼读单词。 the Earth

3 forest

4 land

5 ocean

6 Ms Guo: Look at this picture. What is it? Kitty: It’s the Earth.
Ms Guo: The green and brown parts are forests and land. What are the blue parts? Joe: I think they’re oceans. Ms Guo: Yes, they are. The Earth was very clean and beautiful in the past, but now some parts are dirty. Can we do anything to help the Earth? Alice: Yes. We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers. Peter: We should stop cutting down so many trees. Kitty: We should stop using plastic bags. Pre-task preparation 2: 活动内容:Listen and say 活动目的:复习课文。 操作方法:学生齐读对话,然后分角色背诵表演。

7 Say and act Ms Guo: Kitty: Joe: Alice: Peter: 活动目的:熟读课文。 操作方法:分角色背诵。

8 True or false. (1) The weather in different places on the Earth is different. ( ) (2) Different animals live in different places. (3) People can get air, water and food from the Earth. (4) People make the Earth dirty. It is pollution. T Some parts of the Earth are very hot, and some are very cold. T Some live on the land. Some fly in the sky. Some live under the water. T The Earth gives us air, water and food. Pre-task preparation 3: 活动内容:判断句子正误,并给出相应的理由。 活动目的:让学生更了解地球。 操作方法:可以请个别学生一题一题判断,也可以分组讨论判断后核对。 其他建议:本部分为拓展内容,仅供学生感受话题而用,学生只要理解大意即可。 T We burn things to make energy This pollutes the air. We put rubbish into the sea and under the ground. This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants.

9 We must save the Earth Pre-task preparation 4: 活动内容:阅读补充材料。
活动目的:让学生更了解地球和环境。 操作方法:先阅读,后根据问题讨论。 其他建议:本部分为拓展内容,仅供学生感受话题而用,学生只要理解大意即可。

10 There is air and water on the Earth
There is air and water on the Earth. There are people, animals and plants on the Earth. People have lived on the Earth for millions of years. Many years ago, the Earth was clean. Today, there is air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. 其他建议:本部分为拓展内容,仅供学生感受话题而用,学生只要理解大意即可。

11 People cut down the forests
People cut down the forests. Many plants, wild animals, birds and insects live there. People kill animals for food and their skins. People are polluting the land, the water and the air. 其他建议:本部分为拓展内容,仅供学生感受话题而用,学生只要理解大意即可。

12 What lives in the forests?
What do people do to the forests? Why are people killing animals?

13 How to save the Earth?

14 Can we do anything to help the Earth?
We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers. While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:学习核心句型 We should stop (doing) ... 活动目的:操练句型。 操作方法:教师朗读,学生跟读。或者由学生齐声朗读。

15 Can we do anything to help the Earth?
We should stop cutting down so many trees. 操作方法:看图,自己造句。

16 Can we do anything to help the Earth?
We should stop using plastic bags.

17 Let’s read! We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers.
We should stop cutting down so many trees. We should stop using plastic bags. 操作方法:全班一起朗读句子。

18 What else should we stop doing
to protect the Earth? 操作方法:根据提问,继续操练句型。

19 We should stop killing …

20 We should stop building …

21 We should stop doing … We should stop cutting down so many trees
throwing rubbish into rivers We should stop using plastic bags

22 Think and say We should stop doing … We should do …
While-task procedure 2: 活动内容:学习句型 We should do ... 活动目的:操练句型。 操作方法:自己造句,同桌可以互相改正。

23 We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers.
We should recycle rubbish. 操作方法:教师挑选几名学生,练习句型转换,全班核对答案。

24 We should stop cutting down so many trees.
We should plant more trees.

25 We should stop using plastic bags.
We should use shopping bags.

26 We need you! Let’s make a change!
We should stop killing wild animals. We should stop building more factories. We should ...

27 What should we do to save the Earth
What should we do to save the Earth? Put a tick (√) or a cross (×) in the box. Then talk about it in groups. While-task procedure 3: 活动内容:Think and tick 活动目的:操练句型。 操作方法:课本上练习,用来操练句型We should ...

28 People must stop cutting down forests.
We must save the Earth. People must stop cutting down forests. People must stop killing animals. People must stop polluting the air. People must stop polluting the land. People must stop polluting the sea. 活动目的:让学生了解,也可以用must表达更强烈的语气。 操作方法:教师示范朗读句子,学生跟读。告诉学生must比should语气更强烈。

29 While-task procedure 4:
活动内容:新编对话。 活动目的:操练句型We should …,训练学生语言表达能力。 操作方法:学生四人一组,使用We should …句型新编对话。教师挑选几组学生表演。

30 Post-task activity 1: 活动内容:Think and write 活动目的:让学生更深刻认识到保护地球要做些什么。 操作方式:看图,之后以个人为单位,写一写自己该做什么。



33 Three things you can do to help save the Earth
Save water. Save energy. Ride bikes or use public transport. Please remember: Little things can make a big difference. 操作方法:教师给出建议,学生阅读理解后开始写自己的想法。

34 其他建议:可以作为回家作业。

35 Take care of the Earth! Make it a better place!
Post-task activity 2: 活动内容:交流如何保护地球。 活动目的:让学生更深刻认识到保护地球要做些什么。 操作方式:在小组读自己写的内容,小组归结,然后全班总结。

36 Post-task activity 3: 活动内容:绘画或张贴城市照片。 活动目的:让学生更深刻认识到自己所在城市的状况。 操作方式:小组为单位,画或者贴一些城市照片,为下一课时做准备。

37 Homework Listen to and read Student’s Book page 80.
Write down ten things we can do to save the Earth. 3. Make a poster “The Earth is sick!” 4. Finish Workbook pages 69 and 71.

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