圣经无误专题 圣经的护存 圣经的全存 Providential Preservation

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1 圣经无误专题 圣经的护存 圣经的全存 Providential Preservation
Verbal Plenary Preservation

2 圣经无误的定义 圣灵所默示的圣经,是全无谬误的。不单在教义,生活方面,而且在历史,科学范围的宣称,也是无误。 圣经无误是指原稿,
圣灵所默示的圣经,是全无谬误的。不单在教义,生活方面,而且在历史,科学范围的宣称,也是无误。 圣经无误是指原稿, 不过当译本准确地表达原本的意义时,我们也当它为圣经,为 神的话语。《1978芝加哥圣经无误宣言》林慈信

3 圣经全存-- VPP 最先的提倡者不是BP教会 源自默示论Verbal Plenary Inspiration
提后三16节“圣经都是神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的” VPP 根据--诗篇12:6;马太5:18

4 (一)神奇迹的全然保存了原文圣经手抄本:
VPP圣经全存教导之发展 原稿希伯来文,希腊文圣经已经失去! (一)神奇迹的全然保存了原文圣经手抄本:  A. 马素拉旧约 Mesoratic Text <MT>    B. 被接纳新约 Textus Receptus<TR>

5 VPP圣经全存教导之发展 (二)神特别藉着圣徒保守 并翻译手抄本为 英文钦定本圣经KJV 进而保存了绝对无谬误的 圣经:惟独钦定本
   并翻译手抄本为     英文钦定本圣经KJV     进而保存了绝对无谬误的       圣经:惟独钦定本     《KJV-Only》

6 VPP圣经全然保存之极端 教牧领袖分裂 家庭成员分裂 歧视其他版本 藐视其他语文 传讲新的福音

7 传讲新的福音 加1:9我们已经说了,现在又说:若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅!
加2:16既知道人称义不是因行律法, 乃是因信耶稣基督,

8 笃信圣经长老会立场 (二)本堂相信新旧约全部圣经乃神口述所启示而写成者,在原文上并无错误,亦不能错误,足为我人信仰与生活无上准则
笃信长老会教会章程: (一)本堂信仰须与通称为‘更正教信仰;相符,即笃信圣经长老会所采用之韦斯敏士德信条,连同长篇及短篇要理问答。 (二)本堂相信新旧约全部圣经乃神口述所启示而写成者,在原文上并无错误,亦不能错误,足为我人信仰与生活无上准则

9 韦斯敏士的信条之VPP 护存,绝无“全然保存”之字眼或含义
The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament in Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and by his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical; 护存,绝无“全然保存”之字眼或含义

10 圣经版本的来历 古卷手抄本是什么? 少抄本使用的材料? 轴卷与书册《Scroll/Codex》 历代的手抄本古卷和书册 英文翻译本

11 各类的古卷和书册

12 十诫的石板

13 昆兰死海古卷

14 死海皮卷碎片 约书亚记 主前100 MS 2713 THE JOSHUA DEAD SEA SCROLL JOSHUA 1:7 - 12; 2:2 – 3 MS in Hebrew on brown leather, Qumran, late 1st c. BC - early 1st AD, beginning of a scroll, 9,7x17,0 cm remaining, column 1: (5,7x8 cm), 9 lines, column 2: 3 lines, in a fine small Herodian Hebrew book script

15 MS 035 CODEX SINATICUS 西乃山 修道院 手抄本书册

16 古卷手抄本是什么?

17 皮 卷 的 制 造

18 古抄本原材料之蒲草

19 Papyrus Paper

20 Stem of Papyrus Grass

21 蒲草纸之制作

22 滚压脱水等加工过程

23 轴卷和书册《Roll/Codex》

24 死海昆兰古卷Qunran Scroll 23尺长的以赛亚古卷

25 皮制的书册

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              皮书册Vellum  撒玛利亚五经 MS 2080 BIBLE: NEW TESTAMENT MS in Syriac on vellum, Eastern Syria, late 9th to 10th c., 187 ff. (-115), 25x18 cm, single column, (21x13 cm), lines in a very fine, regular East Syriac estrangela book script, with contemporary marginal notes. MS NT MS in Syriac, late 9th to 10th c., 187 ff.25x18 cm, lines                                             The Book of Revelation c.AD 250 Greek text on papyrus Egypt Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri III f.7                                             The Book of Revelation c.AD 250 Greek text on papyrus Egypt Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri III f.7                                             The Book of Revelation c.AD 250 Greek text on papyrus Egypt Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri III f.7 A new, greatly expanded image gallery sponsored by Eastman Kodak Company will be available on this site shortly A new, greatly expanded image gallery sponsored by Eastman Kodak Company will be available on this site shortly A new, greatly expanded image gallery sponsored by Eastman Kodak Company will be available on this site shortly

27 The Codex Vaticanus (325-350AD)

28 Codex Vaticanus VELLUM UNCIAL B

29 MS in Greek on vellum, Byzantine Empire, 12th c. , 2 vols
MS in Greek on vellum, Byzantine Empire, 12th c., 2 vols., ff. 12x9 cm, minuscule MS in Greek on vellum, Byzantine Empire, 12th c., 2 vols., ff. (complete), 12x9 cm, single column, (8x5 cm), 18 lines in a small, regular Greek minuscule with a few uncial forms, some sidenotes in red, rubrics and some capitals in gold, decorated headpieces in gold at beginning of each Gospel, 14 full-page illuminated canon tables.

30 希腊文字母与希腊文经节

31 Uncial <<900>>> Minuscule 大写字体 演变 小草字体

32 P66: Papyrus 蒲草手抄书册 Bodmer II 200 C.E.
75 leaves and 39 unidentified fragments

33 P75 Papyrus 蒲草手抄古书册 Bodmer XV 175-225 C.E.
51 surviving leaves contains parts of Luke and John

34 P52 fragment of John, less than 9cm;part of Jn18:31-33, John Rylands Library, Manchester. 蒲草碎片 约翰福音18: P52 This small fragment of St. John's Gospel, less than nine centimetres high and containing on the one side part of verses 31-33, on the other of verses of chapter xviii is one of the collection of Greek papyri in the John Rylands Library, Manchester.

35 Jn18:37-38 AD150 蒲草碎片 部分经文 约翰福音 18:37-38

36 MS 利未10: :3; 11: ; 12:8 - 13:6; 23: ; 25: The whole codex with the 27 chapters of Leviticus would have had about 74 ff. Dublin: Chester Beatty Library. MS BIBLE: LEVITICUS 10: :3; 11: ; 12:8 - 13:6; 23: ; 25: MS in Greek on papyrus, Oxyrhynchus?, Egypt, ca. 200, 8 f f. (originally ca. 74 ff.), 20x10 cm, single column, (16x8 cm), lines in Greek semi-cursive book script. Context: Possibly by the same scribe as MS The 8 ff. were found tipped in between the leaves of MS The whole codex with the 27 chapters of Leviticus would have had about 74 ff. Probably from the same hoard as the Chester Beatty papyri, now in Dublin: Chester Beatty Library. Provenance: 1. Monastery in the Oxyrhynchus region, Egypt (ca. 4th c. -); 2. Antiquity dealer, Alexandria (ca. 1930); 3. Private collector, Zürich. Commentary: Together with the very fragmentary P. Heidelberg 945 Lev. 19:16-19, (3rd c.), and the Dead Sea Scroll 4Q LXX Lev a+b (1st c. BC-1st c. AD), the present MS is the oldest Septuagint Leviticus extant. The greater part of the present papyrus is not represented on any Dead Sea Scroll, thus this is the oldest MS of this part of the Bible. To be published by Rosario Pintaudi and Kristin De Troyer in the series “Manuscripts in The Schøyen Collection”, Greek Papyri, vol. 1. Exhibited: NorFa - Nordic network in Qumran studies. Symposium in Oslo 3-5. June 2004. MS in Greek on papyrus, Egypt, ca. 200,  20x10 cm, single column, (16x8 cm), lines in Greek semi-cursive book script.

37 Papyrus 46 The earliest substantial NT ms codex of Paul‘s epistles AD leaves, 11X6½ in. 104 leaves, with 18 missing from the front and back. 主后200间的蒲草书册,保罗的书信共104页,前后18页不见;尚存86页! Papyrus 46 The earliest substantial New Testament manuscript known to exist is a slightly mutilated codex of Paul's epistles from about the year 200. It consists of eighty-six leaves, measuring originally about 11 by 6½ inches. It is thought originally to have contained 104 leaves, with eighteen leaves now missing from the front and back.

38 Paul's Letter to the Romans c.AD 180-200
The Chester Beatty collection

39 The Book of Revelation c.AD 250
The Chester Beatty collection

40 The Bodmer Papyrus II Dated (150-200AD) and contains most of John

41 Codex 666 294 leaves containing the four Gospels. The leaves measure approximately 8.3 by 6.0 inches minuscule script

42 Samaritan Pentateuch 450BC
撒马利亚 五经 基利心山 为重点

43 Old Latin Vulgate >> Latin Vulgate

44 70士希腊译本 Septugiant LXX MS 675 THE CHARLES OF ANJOU GOSPELS
BIBLE: GOSPELS WITH LECTIONS, SYNAXARION, LETTER OF EUSEBIUS TO CARPIANUS, CANON TABLES AND KEPHALAIA MS in Greek on vellum, Sicily, Italy, 10th c., 285 ff. (-17), 15x11 cm, single column, (9x7 cm), 20 lines in Greek minuscule, headings and 9 full pages in red uncials, 7 full-page decorated canon tables, painted initials with zoomorphic ornament throughout, 9 miniature roundels, 8 of them with portrait of Christ, 2 drawings of animals. Binding: Sicily, Italy, 15th c., blindstamped leather over boards, chain stitches on 3 sewing stations, spine raised "alla Grecca". Provenance: 1. Charles of Anjou, King of Naples and Sicily (1273); 2. Bishop Gregor, Myriophyton, Merefte, Turkey; 3. Sotheby's :79. Commentary: Aland 1421, text category 5 (Byzantine recension), with corrections from a better text. Exhibited: University of Oslo. Domus Bibliotheca, 6-15 May 1996: European medieval manuscripts from The Schøyen Collection.

45 Hebrew Alphabet Ten Commandment

46 旧约-手抄古版本The Aleppo Codex
MT Rabbi Aaron Ben Asher Around A.D. 920 in Tiberias With Masoretic vocalization. The Aleppo Codex is an especially valuable witness to the early Masoretic textual tradition associated with Rabbi Aaron Ben Asher, a famous grammarian and scribe of the tenth century. It was written around A.D. 920 in Palestine, probably in the vicinity of Tiberias, where Jewish scholars developed the system of vowel pointing which was to become the standard Masoretic system of vocalization.

47 Leningrad Codex <Hebrew>

48 The Codex Vaticanus (325-350AD)

49 Codex Vaticanus (B or 03) mid fourth Century
The OT is almost complete and consists of 617 leaves. The NT is made up of 142 leaves. 40 to 44 lines of text per column and about 16 to 18 letters per line

50 Codex Vaticanus VELLUM UNCIAL B

51 Proff. Metzger_vaticanus.jpg

52 Codex Sinaiticus Codex Sinaiticus was originally a complete Bible. The NT portion (148 leaves) is well preserved and includes the Letter of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas

53 Codex Alexandrinus (A, 02) Fifth Century
773 parchment leaves measuring 12.6 by 10.4 inches. Virtually all of the OT (630 leaves) and NT (143) are preserved in the codex.

54 Codex Bezae Codex Bezae or Cantabrigiensis (D, 05) Sixth Century

55 Codex Washingtonensis Codex Washingtonensis (W, 032) 5th/7th Cent.
187 leaves made up from 26 quires. Each page is about 8.3 by 5.5 inches. The sloping uncial characters are written in a single column of 30 lines per page with letters to a full line

56 Erasmus NT $69,500

57 Stephen Text 1550stephanus_greek

58 英文翻译版本 Geneva Bible 1557 Coverdale Bible 1535 Bishop Bible 1568

59 KJV 16111881 RV 希腊文古卷的发现 修订古典英语翻译 新派神学人文主义 百花齐放的新世代

60 中文翻译版本 主后 700 敦煌石窟景教经典

61 一赐乐业 天主教阳玛诺翻译

62 中文圣经“神天圣书” 1823年马六甲印刷出版

63 和合本翻译同工合照 1890启动—1919出版

64 和合本翻译同工合照

65 中文译本非KJV 文言文体/白话文体 神学:神/上帝;施浸/施洗 和合本按英文修订本(RV)1881 W&H希腊文版本《非KJV》

66 圣经的论证 起初大地的完美的! 因罪缘故大地诅咒! 人被驱逐出伊甸园! 大气水层洪水降下! 大地语言巴别分开! 摩西十诫石版摔碎!

67 会幕,圣殿,约柜呢? 存石版约柜失去! 乌棱,土明失去! 书卷被切割烧毁! 约西亚发现五经! 圣殿被完全毁灭!

68 神护卫之手 以斯拉,尼希米教导! 昆兰,死海古卷重现! 希腊文拉丁文古译本! 叙利亚亚兰文古译本! 祭司,文士,律法师!

69 圣经无误VPP 手抄本的差异! 翻译本的差异! 原文稿的接近! 信仰的根基:因信称义! 福音的信息:恩典救赎!

70 笃信圣经长老会立场 (二)本堂相信新旧约全部圣经乃神口述所启示而写成者,在原文上并无错误,亦不能错误,足为我人信仰与生活无上准则
笃信长老会教会章程: (一)本堂信仰须与通称为‘更正教信仰;相符,即笃信圣经长老会所采用之韦斯敏士德信条,连同长篇及短篇要理问答。 (二)本堂相信新旧约全部圣经乃神口述所启示而写成者,在原文上并无错误,亦不能错误,足为我人信仰与生活无上准则

71 韦斯敏士的信条之VPP 护存,绝无“全然保存”之字眼或含义
The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament in Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and by his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical; 护存,绝无“全然保存”之字眼或含义

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