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請代我向你先生/ 家人問好。 Please say hello to your husband / family.

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Presentation on theme: "請代我向你先生/ 家人問好。 Please say hello to your husband / family."— Presentation transcript:

1 請代我向你先生/ 家人問好。 Please say hello to your husband / family.
社交英文句型 請代我向你先生/ 家人問好。    Please say hello to your husband / family.

2 補充說明: Give my regards to….(代我向某人致意。)是很正式、客氣的說法,
若是在輕鬆的場合或要好的朋友之間,就可以說 Tell … I said hello. 例如:Tell everyone I said hello.幫我跟大家問好。

謝謝你來這一趟。  Thank you for coming. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT. I APPRECIATE IT. 謝謝你的禮物。我很感謝。

4 Thank you for your invitation.謝謝你的邀請。
謝謝你請我吃這麼棒的一餐。    Thank you for the wonderful dinner.

5 今天真是謝謝你。 Thank you for today.
今天真高興。    I had a very good time today.

6 我非回去不可了。 I MUST BE GOING NOW.
差不多該走了。  I have to go now. 我非回去不可了。    I MUST BE GOING NOW.

7 對不起,我還有其他計畫。 I'm sorry. I have plans.
請小心駕駛。    Drive carefully, please.

8 I hope you had a pleasant flight/ trip. 是接機時最好的問候說法。
也可以用 How was your flight? 表達。送別時則可以改說: I hope you have a nice/ safe/ good trip.。

9 去機場接機時,關於時差方面可以說: I hope you are doing all right with your jet lag

10 再多待一會嘛。 Can you stay a little longer?

11 Welcome to my new pad! Come on in!歡迎光臨我的新家。快請進!
You should come check out my new pad sometime. 你一定要找時間來看看我的新家。

12 Don’t forget to keep in touch.

13 Congratulations. You’ve done a great job.

14 You know I’m in my element when I’m planning a party.
這裡的 element,乃是「自然合適的環境」之意。當你身處一個適得其所的環境,一定會感到非常自在,所以 be in one’s element 這句話相當於「如魚得水」的英文版。

15 THAT’S MUSIC TO MY EARS. 這真是太中聽了。
I hear we’re getting a big Christmas bonus this year. 我聽說我們今年會有很優渥的耶誕節補貼。 THAT’S MUSIC TO MY EARS.  這真是太中聽了。

16 Don’t be (such) a worry wart! 不要杞人憂天!
worrywart一字是原自美國早期某部漫畫的角色名,因該角色總是讓人擔憂,因而取名為Worry Wart。worrywart後來則引申用來形容想太多、自尋煩惱的人。

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