Tell what activities you often/some 我 唱歌跳舞和打球

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1 Tell what activities you often/some 我 唱歌跳舞和打球
Hobbies I Objectives Tell what activities you often/some 我 唱歌跳舞和打球 II. Ask someone to hang out with you 周末我们去看电影怎么样? III. Play the host 请客 IV. Ask and Explain why you give the invitation 为什么…? 因为…所以… Listening exercise: 有的时候喜欢 常常去

2 Making Connection Sound with Symbol
suŏ chàng diàn shí shì wài kàn yĭn zhōu qiú tiào shū yīn cháng tīng yuè hòu duì

3 Say the word and think about the meaning
Hobbies-I Say the word and think about the meaning Weekend: To jump: Play ball: Dance: Watch/see/look: Dancing: TV: Listen: To Sing: Music: Songs: Book: Singing: 周末 打球 跳舞 电视 音乐 唱歌

4 Say the word and think about the meaning
Hobbies-I Say the word and think about the meaning Correct: Foreign Country: Sometimes: Foreign language: Movie: Foreign language book: Often: Play the host: In that case: Yesterday: Go: So: 外国 有的时候 外文 电影 外文书 常常 请客 昨天 所以

5 Read and Translate 外文书 跳 什麼时候 外国人 周末 舞 电影 打 跳舞 看电影 对不对 球 听 常常 因为 打球 音乐
Reading exercise Read and Translate 外文书 什麼时候 外国人 周末 电影 跳舞 看电影 对不对 常常 因为 打球 音乐 为什么 还喜欢 电视 看书 外国 好吗 看电视 请客 中国菜 不对 昨天 时候 所以 唱歌 有的时候

6 Hobbies-I Say and write the words in Chinese Writing/Speaking exercise
Weekend: Correct: Play ball: Sometimes: Watch/see/look: Movie: TV: Often: To Sing: In that case: Songs: Go: Singing: Foreign Country: To jump: Foreign language: Dance: Foreign language book: Dancing: Play the host: Listen: Yesterday: Music: So: Book:

7 Hobbies-I Listen and Write Weekend: Sometimes: Music:
Foreign language book: Play ball: Foreigner: Book: Movie: TV: In that case: Singing: Correct or incorrect? Play host: To go: Dancing: Chinese dance: Because: When: So: American music: Listen: Why: Correct: English song: Often:

8 Hobbies-I Quiz Weekend: Sometimes: Music: Foreign language book:
Play ball: Foreigner: Book: Movie: TV: In that case: Singing: Correct or incorrect? Play host: To go: Dancing: Chinese dance: Because: When: So: American music: Listen: Why: Correct: English song: Often:

9 Hobbies I Write in Chinese: Weekend: Read books: Play ball: Correct:
Speaking exercise Hobbies I Write in Chinese: Weekend: Read books: Play ball: Correct: Ball: Sometimes: Watch/read: Movie: TV: Often: To sing: Go: Song: Foreign country: Sing (a song): Play the host: Dance (n): So: To dance/dancing: Yesterday: Music: That/in that case: Listen: To jump: Book:

10 Hobbies_I 看书 唱歌 看电视 跳舞 看电影 打球 游泳 他们去哪兒? 看电影

11 周末 n weekend zhōu mò 今天是周末 星期六和星期日都叫周末 EX.周末 这个周末我很忙!

12 打球 dă qiú to play ball 打球很有意思 EX. 我们都喜欢打球 你喜欢打什么球?

13 kàn v to watch/look/read/see 我和同学看哥哥打球. EX. 你看什么? 请看这兒.

14 电视 diàn shì n television 这是谁的电视 EX. 你周末看不看中文电视? 你喜欢看电视还是打球?

15 唱歌 chàng gē v to sing (a song) 我喜欢唱歌, 你呢? 我喜欢唱歌也喜欢打球. 你唱中文歌还是英文歌?
歌 n song chàng gē v to sing (a song) 我喜欢唱歌, 你呢? EX. 我喜欢唱歌也喜欢打球. 你唱中文歌还是英文歌?

16 跳舞 tiào wŭ vo dance 我喜欢唱歌和跳舞, 你呢? 我喜欢唱歌也喜欢跳舞. 你跳中国舞还是美国舞? 跳 v to jump
舞 n dance tiào wŭ vo dance 我喜欢唱歌和跳舞, 你呢? EX. 我喜欢唱歌也喜欢跳舞. 你跳中国舞还是美国舞?

17 tīng v to listen/hear 我喜欢听歌, 你呢? EX. 我也喜欢听中文歌. 你听中文歌还是英文歌?

18 音乐 yīn yuè n music 我们都喜欢听中国音乐. EX. 你喜欢听什么音乐? 这个周末我请你听音乐.

19 shū n book 这是谁的中文书? EX. 你看什么书? 那是王老师的书.

20 有的时候 yŏu de shí hòu adv. sometimes 我有的时候也喜欢看电视. 她有的时候看书有的时候跳舞
EX. 她有的时候看书有的时候跳舞 我们有的时候晚上吃中国菜

21 电影 看电影 diàn yĭng n movie 去看电影 我喜欢看美国电影 EX. 你喜欢看什么电影? 这个周末朋友请我们看电影.

22 常常 cháng cháng adv often 我常常看美国电影 EX. 我们常常吃中国菜 朋友常常请我们看电影.

23 v go 我常常和朋友去看电影 EX. 周末和我去跳舞,好吗? 我有的时候去同学几家看书.

24 外国 wài guó n foreign country 我常常看外国电影 EX. 我们晚上去看外国电影,怎么样? 我有很多外国朋友.

25 请客 qĭng kè vo to play the host 今天晚上老师请客. EX. 今天我请客,明天你请客. 我们家常常请客.

26 昨天 zuó tiān t yesterday 昨天晚上音乐老师请客. EX. 昨天我请客,今天你请客. 今天是昨天的明天.

27 所以 suŏ yĭ conj so 因为我认识他,所以我请他. EX. 因为我昨天有事,所以沒有去他家 因为周末我很忙,所以周一去.

28 Work Search Read and translate the words
Reading exercise 1 2 3 4 5 打球 跳舞 所以 周末 有的 时候 电视 昨天 因为 音乐 唱歌 电影 常常 外国 请客 对不对 看书 哪兒 外文书 游泳

29 Quiz Hobbies - I Weekend Sometimes Play ball Often Watch
That/in that case Television Go Movie Foreign country Singing Play the host Dancing Yesterday Listen So Music Because Book Correct

30 Hobbies I Time words & “Go”
I. Time word and pronoun placed in the front: 周末你喜欢做什么? 周末我 II. Time word and pronoun exchangeable: 你周末常常做什么? Translate the following: What do you often do on the weekend? I sometimes like to go to play ball. I often go to see the movies and dance on the weekend. Do you like to read books or watch TV on the weekend? I listen the music on Saturday, watch movie on Sunday. I often play the host on the weekend. I read foreign book on Monday night I watch Chinese language movie on Tuesday afternoon. I sometimes eat Chinese breakfast on Wednesday morning. When do you go to school? 有的時候 喜欢去跳舞和看电影 常常 有的时候 去看电影和打球

31 Txbk p.108C Hobbies I “Because…so…”
因为昨天你请客,所以今天我请客 因为你昨天请客,所以我今天请客 昨天因为你请客,所以今天我请客 Translate the following: “Because…so…” Because I am busy, so I don’t go to your house. Because I have events, so I don’t go to play ball. Because I am American, so I like to listen to American music. Because Sunday is my birthday, so (it is) my treat. Because I don’t like to dance, so I don’t go to dance. Because it was your treat yesterday, so it is my treat today. Question words: (Can) we go to see the foreign movie, ok? What do you like to do on the weekend? Why don’t you go to play ball? I like to read, and you? Whose treat? My treat, how does it sound?

32 Unscramble the sentences:
朋友 喜欢 我和 打球 哥哥 喜欢 什么 周末 我的 因为 请客 生日 所以

33 Fill in the blanks by using appropriate words: I
周末 星期六和星期日都叫 你周末 做什么? (like) 你喜欢打球还是 ?(dancing) 你喜欢听什么 ? (music) 你看不看(read)中文 ? 我常常看 电影.(Foreign country) 你周末看 吗? (TV) 我 也喜欢看中文电影.(sometimes) 我 请朋友吃饭.(often) 你喜欢看什么 (movie) 喜欢 跳舞 音乐 外国 电视 有的时候 常常 电影

34 Fill in the blanks by using appropriate words: I
打球 我昨天和朋友去 . (play ball) 我 ` 跳舞都喜欢.(singing) 你喜欢听什么 ? (song) 我有的时候喜欢 中国音乐? 这个周末我和朋友 看外国电影.(go) 你也喜欢 吗? (play the host) 我的朋友请客.(yesterday) 因为是你的生日 我请你吃饭. 晚上我们 电影,怎么样? 晚上我们去看电影, ? 唱歌 请客 昨天 所以 去看 怎么样

35 Unscramble the sentences: I
週末你喜歡做什麼? 什麼 喜歡 週末 你 做? 喜歡 和 看書 打球 週末 我 唱歌 還喜歡 哥哥 喜歡 跳舞 音樂 聽 外國 時候 有的 看 我 電影 也喜歡 中國 我們 電影 常常 週末 看 今天 為什麼 晚上 請客 你 你 因為 所以 請客 昨天 今天 請客 我 怎麼樣 吃 我 你 今天 晚飯 晚上 請? 吃 他 為什麼 晚飯 請你 昨天? 可是 喜歡 不喜歡 我 唱歌 跳舞 週末我喜歡看書和打球. 哥哥喜歡唱歌跳舞還喜歡聽 音樂 我有的時候也喜歡看外國電影 我們週末常常 看 中國電影 為什麼你今天晚上請客 因為昨天你請客所以今天我請客 今天晚上我請你吃晚飯怎麼樣? 為什麼你今天晚上請客 他昨天為什麼請你吃晚飯? 我喜歡唱歌可是不喜歡跳舞

36 Unscramble the sentences: I
什麼 喜歡 週末 你 做? 喜歡 和 看書 打球 週末 我 唱歌 還喜歡 哥哥 喜歡 跳舞 音樂 聽 外國 時候 有的 看 我 電影 也喜歡 中國 我們 電影 常常 週末 看 今天 為什麼 晚上 請客 你 你 因為 所以 請客 昨天 今天 請客 我 怎麼樣 吃 我 你 今天 晚飯 晚上 請? 吃 他 為什麼 晚飯 請你 昨天? 可是 喜歡 不喜歡 我 唱歌 跳舞 為什麼你今天晚上請客

37 Hobbies – I What would you say for the following situation:
Ask your Chinese friend what she/he likes to do on the weekend. Does your friend like to sing, dance, also to listen to the music? What kind of music does he/she like? You like to watch television what about her/him? Indicate you often go to movies on the weekend. You want to treat him/her to a movie tonight. How about go to a foreign movie. It is your treat. He/she wants to know why you treat him/her. Because he/she treated you last night. Who else are invited? Will you also invite my music teacher and her boy friend? “You are busy; You have things to do.” (You change your mind.)

38 How do you say the following
Speaking exercise How do you say the following Ask a friend what he/she often does in the weekend. Ask if your friend sometimes goes to see foreign movies? Tell your friend you also like to listen to the foreign music. You sometimes like to go to play ball, what about her/him? Invite a friend to listen to the music tonight. Invite a friend to the movies this weekend, your treat. Ask why it’s your treat? Because he/she treated you last night, so you treat him/her Friday night. Ask your friend to also invite lawyer Wang, Dr. Lee, and teacher Lin. Ask why you also want to invite lawyer Wang, Dr. Lee, and teacher Lin.

39 Hobbies – I Interpret the following situation in Chinese:
Ask someone what he/she likes to do on weekend? Ask her/him if this is correct: “She/he likes to sing, dance, play ball also likes to listen to the music. It’s correct, she/he also likes to watch movies and TV. Ask your friend what movie she/he likes to watch? He/she sometimes go to watch foreign movies. Tell your friend that you often read Chinese books on weekend. Invite your friend to go to movies with you this weekend. “My treat!” (Your friend suggests.) “Why is your treat?” (you asked.) Because you treated him/her to listen to the music, so today is her treat. “Will you also invite teacher Lin, all right? “But I don’t know her, who is teacher Lin?” (your friend wants to be with you alone.)

40 Hobbies – I Invite a friend out (Puppet show )
小王,你末喜歡做什麼? 我週末喜歡去跳舞. 我常常去打球和看電影, 你呢? 我有的時候去看電影, 可是我不喜歡打球. 你也喜歡唱歌和聽音樂,對不對? 對,我很喜歡聽音樂. 週六我請你去聽音樂怎麼樣? 太好了! 可是你為什麼請客? 因為你昨天請我吃中國菜,所以我週末請客. 你還請誰? 我只請你. 你也請我的朋友,李二,好嗎? 好吧!

41 Hobbies 4 - 1 Write a dialogue based on the given scenario
You are a foreign student in China and you are asking your classmate out (You decide what you want to do together using at least 3 questions before you give the invitation.) Indicate it will be your treat. Include the following words in your dialogue:常常,有的時候,做什麼,為什麼, 因為,所以 *Give at least 12 sentences

42 Test Hobbies - I 1. :Weekend
I. Write in (40) II. Write in Chinese for the following 5 (25) 1. What do you like to do on the weekend? 2. Do you like to dance or to sing? 3. I like to read books, listen to the music, and to watch movie. 4. I sometimes also like to eat Chinese food. 5. I treat you to watch a foreign movie, how about it? 1. :Weekend 11. Sometimes: 12. Often: 2. Play ball: 13. Go: 3. TV: 14. Foreign country: 4. Movie: 15. Play the host: 5. Sing: 16. Yesterday: 6. Dancing: 17. So: 7. Listen: 18. Like: 8. Music: 19. Why: 9. Read book: 20. Because 10. Incorrect:

43 III. Write a dialogue based on the given scenario: @ 7 (35)
You want to tread a friend to a movie on Sunday. Following is the list of words you need to include in the dialogue: (10 sentences at least) 1. He often watches movies. 2. He likes foreign movie. 3. This Saturday his friend treats him to eat Chinese food. 4. Sunday is good. 5. Your treat because Sunday is your birthday.

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