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Published byLoren Brown Modified 6年之前
美國寫實主義文學時期 (19世紀後期) American Literature: Realistic Period (The later of 19th century)
美國寫實主義之特性 (The characteristics of American literature in realistic period) 這是個工業主義之科技進展的偉大年代 It’s a great period of industrialism that made progress of technology. B. 當時有許多的發明,譬如電話、電線還有汽車。There were a lot of inventions by the time, such as telephone, cable and automobile. C. 在這個年代,文學表現在於呈現真象和普通人的日常生活。In this period, faithfully truths and common, ordinary people’s daily life were presented in literature.
虛構故事在寫實主義是最重要的表現,特別是小說的創作。Fiction was the most important represented in Realistic period, especially the novels. E. 1880年左右,有一文學型體常常出現在雜誌,它可叫做本土性寫作、隨筆速寫或是短篇故事。這種文學的表現是一特定地區或是地理環境不同的生活習慣風俗。There was a form of literature was frequently appeared in magazines around the 1880’s, and it was called local writing, sketches or short stories. It was a way to demonstrate the life or customs in certain area or geographical location.
F. 這時期的作家都用簡單明瞭和直接的方式客觀得表達自己的思想。再者,他們選擇書中的角色都是來自中產或是低下階層的社會人物。
The writers of this period used a simple, clear, and direct method to express their thoughts objectively. In addition, they chose their characters from the middle and the lower classes. G. 以上的資訊可以看出寫實主異其實是反抗浪漫主義的一項改革運動。Regarding the information, Realism was actually a movement to go against the literature of Romanticism.
2. 馬克吐溫之簡介。Introducing Mark Twain
真實姓名叫座山謬克萊門,馬克吐溫是筆名。 His real name was Samuel Clemens. Mark Twain was his pen name. 是美國最著名的作家之一,也是美國文學史上的一個象徵。He was one of America’s major writers and a symbol of American literature to the entire world.
C. 當他還是小孩時,他在漢尼拔這個城鎮長大。這個小城鎮之所以有知名度在於馬克吐溫把他故事背景設在他長大的地方,譬如像是湯姆歷險記和頑童歷險 (流浪) 記。
When he was a child, he grew up in Hannibal where his hometown. It became so famous because Twain’s story background of setting was his hometown, such as the stories of Tom Sawyer, and Huckleberry Finn. D. 他也替報社寫文章, 之後在各個不同的城市旅行之際也替其他不同的報社寫作。He also wrote for newspaper and then traveled around the states for writing other newspapers in different cities.
E. 然而,打響馬克吐溫這個幽默家的知名度是在出版<卡拉韋拉斯縣馳名的跳蛙>之後。However, Mark Twain was famous and known as a humorist after his “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” was published. F. 他在當時有相當多的著作,可是最有名的還是屬<湯姆歷險記>和<頑童歷險記>。He produced a lot of works at the time, but his masterpieces were The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
G.馬克吐溫曾說過 “如果我們能夠出生的時候是80歲,然後逐漸接近18歲,人生一定更美好。” 這句話影響了美國作家史考特費茲羅傑並創作出他最有名的短篇小說之ㄧ “班傑明的奇幻旅程”。
Mark Twain once said that “Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.” which inspired American author F. Scott Fitzgerald to create one of his famous short story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
3. 艾蜜莉荻更絲之簡介。Introducing Emily Dickinson
新英格蘭土生土長的女孩。She was a native of New England. B. 常常寫出不具有標題的短詩。She usually wrote short poems without title addressed. C. 她的詩充滿幽默和熱情而且以四行詩為之最。Her poems were full of humor and passion and were presented in a four-line stanza.
D. 完成學業之後,她把自己封閉在家裡,只穿白色的衣服並只和較親閉的幾位朋友見面
After her schooling, she just became an isolation person at home and wore white dress only and met her a few close friends. E. 沒有任何的社交生活似乎讓身為詩人的艾蜜莉擁有更多的想像力並且以不尋常的眼光來看待所有普通的事物。Without any social interaction, Emily seemed to have more imagination as a poet and see ordinary things in an unusual way.
F. 用現代語言創造出具啟發性、愛情、自然、死亡和永生的詩篇。She used modern language to create a lot of poems dealing with aspiration, love, nature, death, and immortality. G. 寫了將近兩千首詩,可是她卻沒有出版所有的詩。在她死後,她的妹妹發現到艾蜜莉的作品並將之出版。She wrote almost two thousand poems, but she did not publish most of them. After she died, those poems were discovered and further then published by her sister.
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