Chinese Cuisine 中国饮食.

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1 Chinese Cuisine 中国饮食

2 The outline The History of Chinese Cuisine and Traditional Chinese Food Chinese Four Regional Cuisines A Full Minco-Han Banquet

3 Chinese Culinary Culture
China has a civilized history of 5,000 years and Chinese cuisine has evolved over time. Its culinary techniques, preparation, serving and appreciation of food have been developed to the highest level. Cooking has occupied an important position in Chinese culture throughout its history. Chinese culture considers cooking an art and a science

4 Chinese Culinary Culture 民以食为天
Rich and poor, the Chinese people consider that delicious and nutritious food is a basic necessity. There is an old Chinese saying “Food is the first necessity of the people”.

5 Chinese Culinary Culture Influence of Confucianism & Taoism
The two dominant philosophies of Chinese culture both had extreme influences on the political and economic history of the country but it is less well known that they also influenced the development of the culinary arts.

6 Influence of Confucianism “live to eat”
Confucius emphasized the artistic and social aspects of cookery and eating. The Chinese don’t gather together without involving food - it is considered to be poor etiquette to invite friends to your home without providing appropriate food.

7 Influence of Taoism “eat to live ”
On the other hand, Tao encouraged research into the nourishment aspects of food and cookery. Rather than concentrating on taste and appearance, Taoists were concerned with the nourishment of the body, prevention of disease and the search for longevity.

8 Traditional food Dumplings Noodles

9 jiaozi (dumplings) Jiaozi (Chinese Dumpling) is a traditional Chinese Food, which is essential during holidays in Northern China, especially in Chinese New Year. Since the shape of Chinese dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots, they symbolize wealth. Traditionally, the members of a family get together to make dumplings during the New Year's Eve.

10 "China's five famous noodles"
★ Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles (热干面) ★ Shanxi Sliced Noodles (刀削面) ★ Guangxi and Guangdong Yifu noodles (伊府面) ★ Sichuan Dan Dan noodles (担担面) ★ Noodles with Soy Bean Paste (炸酱面)

11 Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles (rè gān miàn 热干面)
Hot and Dry Noodles is the most popular food for breakfast in Wuhan. It enjoys a high reputation for its low price and deliciou taste.Hot dry noodles are an essential part of the Wuhan diet, eaten by almost everyone daily at breakfast time.When in Wuhan, be sure to try a bowl of the hot dry noodles for just 2-3 Yuan. The noodles are truly delicious.

12 History Hot Dry Noodles is a traditional snack in Wuhan with a long history of 50 years. It was said that in early 1930s, there was a person named Libao in Hankou District of Wuhan, who sold Cool Power Noodles and Noodles in Soup. One day, it was hot and there were a lot of noodles left, he was afraid the noodles became mold and turned worse. So he boiled noodles left, took it out, dried it on the chopping board, But he splashed sesame oil over noodles because of carelessness. A good idea came to his mind that Libao mixed and stirred noodles with sesame oil, then cooled it.

13 Dan Dan Noodles-Classic Sichuan dish
Dan Dan Noodles (or Noodles, Sichuan Style/dàn dàn miàn 担担面) is another classic Sichuan dish that one shouldn’t miss out when you’re in Chengdu. This sack is a kind of hot-spiced noodles or spicy peanut noodles.It is favored with a sauce containing dried shrimp, shredded preserved vegetables,crushed roasted peanuts, sesame seeds, chilli oil,soy sauce,vinegar and garlic.

14 Origin of Dan Dan Noodles
Dandan refers to shoulder poles(dan dan). In the earliest time when a noodle peddler shoulder his pole, he usually carried two baskets on either side as he walked along streets. The baskets contained his noodles and sauce. He sold his noodles to passers-by and residents who lived on the streets. His noodles cost almost nothing, and gradually local people called it Dandan Noodle.

15 Zhajiang mian ("fried sauce noodles")
Zhajiang mian ("fried sauce noodles") is a northern Chinese dish consisting of thick wheat noodles topped with a mixture of ground pork stir-fried with fermented soybean paste. Some Chinese restaurants may refer to zhajiang mian as "brown meat sauce noodles," "noodles with fried bean and meat sauce," or the pinyin transliteration zhájiàngmiàn (sometimes zhàjiàngmiàn, with second tone on the first syllable, in southern China and Taiwan).

16 Chinese Four Regional Cuisine

17 China’s vast territory and long history have given birth to distinct regional cuisine over the centuries. Local dishes with their own distinctiveness can be roughly divided into four regional cuisines.

18 Four Regional Cuisines
Shandong Cuisine (鲁菜) Sichuan Cuisine (川菜) Jiang-Zhe Cuisine (江浙菜) Cantonese Cuisine (粤菜)

19 Shandong Cuisine The Shandong Cuisine is famous for its wide selection of materials, cooking methods, and seafood. It has been influenced by the “Confucius Family Dishes”(“孔府家肴”), which are renowned for their taste, aroma, color and shape.

20 Bird’s Nest Soup

21 Yellow River Carp in sweet and Sour Sauce(糖醋黄河鲤鱼)

22 Stewed Sea Cucumber(烧海参)

23 Dezhou Braised Chicken (德州扒鸡)
It is known throughout the country. The chicken is so well cooked that the meat easily separates from the bone although the shape of the chicken is preserved.

24 Beijing Roast Duck The most representative of Shandong cuisine is, perhaps, Beijing Roast Duck. It is prepared from specially-bred Beijing crammed duck with a unique roasting process which gives it a perfect combination of color, aroma, taste, a crisp thin skin, and a delicious flavor.

25 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea

26 Sichuan Cuisine Sichuan Cuisine, both spicy and pungent, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world.

27 Pockmarked Woman’s Bean Curd
Mapo tofu is the most famous and easiest kind of Sichuan food and the spicy taste also makes it very popular.

28 Kung Pao Chicken It is a typical traditional Sichuan dish made with diced chicken, peanuts and chili pepper. It is a very popular staple of North American Sichuan-style Chinese restaurants, and many recommend using it as a measure of the skills of a chef.

29 Five –Willow-leaf Fish
Wuliu Fish or Five –Willow-leaf Fish is a popular traditional dish of Sichuan Province. It is said to have been invented by Du Fu, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty.

30 Jiang-Zhe Cuisine It is characterized by the strictness in material selection, the emphasis of cleanliness and freshness of its ingredients, as well as the fine workmanship in cutting, matching, cooking and arranging. Its food features fresh fish and seafood dishes.

31 Sauteed Fish Fillet with Tomato Sauce

32 Fried Prawns with Pepper Salt

33 beggar’s Chicken (叫化鸡)

34 Dongpo Meat

35 Cantonese Cuisine It is said that the people of Beijing are lovers of leisure pursuits; the Shanghainese are extravagant in dress; and the Cantonese are gourmets. Indeed, Guangdong may be said to have a greater variety of food than any other place in the world. There is also a saying among foreign visitors: The two Guangs eat practically everything that walks on the ground, swims in the water and flies in the air except CAAC.

36 Fresh Shrimp Meat in Oil 油泡鲜虾仁

37 Steamed Bass 清蒸鲈鱼

38 White boiled shrimp 白灼虾

39 Crisp Spring Pigeon 脆皮乳鸽

40 满汉全席 A full , formal banquet , combining Manchurian and Chinese delicacies

41 A full , formal banquet , combining Manchurian and Chinese delicacies a collection of China's Manchu and Han banquet catering giant characteristics, originated in the Qing court, the original for the 66-year-old birthday of Emperor Kangxi of the feast, designed to defuse the Man does not and, later followed this tradition, adding a delicacy, very luxurious. Feast of the Qing Dynasty also includes pro-Mongolia fan feast, feast Tingchen, million birthday feast, feast Minds 1000, nine white feast. 满汉全席

42 蒙古亲潘宴 pro-Mongolia fan feast

43 廷臣宴feast Tingchen 廷臣宴于每年上元后一日即正月十六日举行,是时由皇帝亲点大学士,九卿中有功勋者参加,固兴宴者荣殊。宴所设于奉三无私殿,宴时循宗室宴之礼。皆用高椅,赋诗饮酒,每岁循例举行。蒙古王公等皆也参加。皇帝籍此施恩来拢络属臣,而同时又是廷臣们功禄的一种像徵形式 。

44 万 寿 宴 million birthday feast

45 千叟宴feast Minds 1000 千叟宴始于康熙,盛于乾隆时期,是清宫中的规模最大,与宴者最多的盛大御宴。康熙五十二年在阳春园第一次举行千人大宴,玄烨帝席赋《千叟宴》诗一首,固得宴名。乾隆五十年于乾清宫举行千叟宴,与宴者三千人,即席用柏梁体选百联句。嘉庆元年正月再举千叟宴于宁寿宫皇极殿,与宴者三千五十六人,即席赋诗三壬余首。后人称谓千叟宴是“恩隆礼洽,为万古未有之举”。

46 九白宴nine white feast. 九白宴始于康熙年间。康熙初定蒙古外萨克等四部落时,这些部落为表示投诚忠心,每年以九白为贡,即:白骆驼一匹、白马八匹。以此为信。蒙古部落献贡后,皇帝高御宴招待使臣,谓之九白宴。每年循例而行。后来道光皇帝曾为此作诗云:四偶银花一玉驼,西羌岁献帝京罗。

47 节令宴 节令宴系指清宫内廷按固定的年节时令而设的筵宴。如:元日宴、元会宴、春耕宴、端午宴、乞巧宴、中秋宴、重阳宴、冬至宴、除夕宴等,皆按节次定规,循例而行。满族虽有其固有的食俗,但入主中原后,在满汉文化的交融中和统治的需要下,大量接受了汉族的食俗。又由于宫廷的特殊地位,逐使食俗定规详尽。其食风又与民俗和地区有着很大的联系,故,腊八粥、元宵、粽子、冰碗、雄黄酒、重阳糕、乞巧饼、月饼等仪器在清宫中一应俱全。

48 石头宴The Stone Feast From each dish, based on the selected shape and colour on the table is a feast, but only ornament is not edible.

49 put the name in the right place
炒三泥Fired three mud 八味围碟Smell around eight dishes 繁花似锦Flowers 八花火锅Eight flower pot

50 凤凰里脊The spine of the phoenix
凤凰鸡腿The phoenix of chicken legs again 炒三丝卷 串炸牛仔 back

51 Thank you for your listening !
Wear a smile often 笑口常开

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