(1-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

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1 (1-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
新歌 New Song # 67 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live, 主耶穌, 我羨慕活在你面前 From morning to evening my one world Thou art; 在早晨, 在晚上, 只有一世間 O let not my heart be contented or rest 不讓我心快樂, 若我在愛慕 When loving or seeking what with Thee doth part. 在感覺, 或思想 無你的事物 (1-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

2 (1-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
Each moment, each day, throughout suffering and pain, 每一刻, 每一天, 不論何痛苦 When naught in the world can give comfort or cheer, 當世上正沒有 甚麼可鼓舞 When sighing and weeping encompasses me, 當歎息正不禁, 眼淚流滴滴 Lord, still all my sighing, and wipe every tear. 主, 擦乾我眼淚, 平靜我歎息 (1-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

3 (2-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
Each time when I dream of the goodness of life, 我每次如夢想 人生的善美 I pray Thee, dear Lord, that Thou in it may be; 親愛主, 我求你必須也在內 Oh, do not allow me to choose by myself, 不讓我離開你 去尋求快樂 Nor seek any pleasure that’s other than Thee. 不讓我憑自己 去單獨選擇 (2-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

4 (2-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
Each night when alone in the stillness I lie, 當每夜萬籟靜, 孤單自處時 I pray Thee, Lord Jesus, that Thou wilt be near; 主耶穌, 我求你仍與我同止 Each morning ere dawn comes, while still in my sleep, 當每晨未破曉, 我仍蒙昧中 Come, whispering call me and open my ear. 求你來低聲喚, 將我耳開通 (2-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

5 (3-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
Each time, Lord, when reading in Thy holy Word, 當我每次虔讀 你聖潔話語 I pray that Thy glory may shine on each line, 求你用你榮耀照亮每一句 That clearly I’ll see what a Savior I have 讓我能明看見這寶貴救主 And how great salvation that Thou hast made mine. 和祂的大救恩, 無一不我屬 (3-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

6 (3-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
When helpless I come, Lord, to kneel at Thy throne, 當我正無倚靠, 跪到你座前 I pray Thee to hear me and grant me Thy grace; 求垂聽我禱告, 賜夠用恩典 If thro’ my shortcoming Thou hear not my prayer, 有時候因有錯, 禱告你不聽 Withdraw not Thy presence, O hide not Thy face. 別收回你同在, 使我感不寧 (3-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

7 (4-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
Each time when of heavenly blessings I think, 當每次我想到 屬天的福氣 O let my heart long to be raptured to Thee; 讓我心切羨慕 早日會見你 My only hope here is Thy coming again, 我今日所希望 只有你再來 My only joy there, Lord, Thy presence will be. 我那日所快樂 只有你同在 (4-1) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

8 (4-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前
Lord, teach me each day in Thy presence to live, 主, 求你教訓我 活在你面前 From morning to evening my one world Thou art; 在早晨, 在晚上, 只有一世間 O let not my heart be contented or rest 不讓我心快樂, 若我在愛慕 When loving or seeking what with Thee doth part. 在感覺, 或思想 無你的事物 (4-2) Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live 主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前

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