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An Introduction to Office of Human Resources
人力資源處業務簡報 An Introduction to Office of Human Resources 報告人:人力發展組組長 蔡杏惠 Presenter: Section Chief Shing-Hui Tsai
簡報綱要 Outline 壹、學校組織人力概況 ISU Overview 貳、業務職掌及人員配置 Staffers and Duties
參、重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 肆、福利措施 Welfare 伍、結語 Conclusion
學校組織人力概況 ISU Overview 學生:16,150人 (含外籍生及境外生2,128人)
Number of students: 16,150 (including 2,128 international students) 教師(含專案教師):專任475人、教官8人、兼任383人 Number of faculty members (including project faculty members): Full-time faculty members: 475 Military training instructors: 8 Part-time faculty members: 383 數據來源:107年3月15日校務資料庫 Source: Higher Education Database on March 15, 2018
學校組織人力概況 ISU Overview 職員工:483 編制內職員:287人 校聘約用人員:107人 計畫約聘人員:69人
技工、工友:20人 Number of employees:483 Full-time staffers: 287 Contract staffers: 107 Contract project assistants: 69 Technicians and custodians: 20 專任研究助理:42人 Number of full-time research assistants: 42 數據來源:107年3月15日校務資料庫 Source: Higher Education Database on March 15, 2018
學校組織人力概況 ISU Overview 學術單位: 行政單位:19個單位(含2總中心) 9學院
42系所(含1外國學生專班、4原民專班、17碩士班、7博士班及2英語學士學程) 通識教育中心 Academic units: 9 colleges 42 departments (including 1 program especially for international students, 4 bachelor’s degree programs for indigenous peoples, 17 master’s programs, 7 doctoral programs, and 2 international programs) Center for General Education 行政單位:19個單位(含2總中心) Administrative units: 19 units (including 2 headquarters)
業務職掌及人員配置 Staffers and Duties 人力資源處 處長1人 One Dean of HR 人力發展組 (4人)
Human Resource Development Section (4 staffers) 組織規程 Amendments to the University’s Charter 教師聘任、升等、兼職、兼課、借調Appointment, promotion, part-time (teaching) jobs, temporary transfer of faculty members 教師申訴、學術倫理案件 Affairs related to faculty members’ grievances and violation against academic ethics 學校員額控管、人力評鑑 Personnel quota control and human resource assessment 職員任免、陞遷 Affairs related to the appointment and promotion of staff members 計畫專任助理人事管理 Management of full-time project assistants 職能考核組 (5人) Competence Appraisal Section (5 staffers) 預算、薪資(敘薪) Budgeting and salary assessment 差假管理 Attendance management 考核及獎懲 Work performance evaluation and affairs related to rewards and/or punishments 保險及退休 Affairs related to retirement and insurances 福利項目 Welfare 進修及教育訓練 Affairs related to further studies and education & training 勞資爭議及訴訟案件 Affairs related to labor-management disputes and lawsuits 相關職掌及聯絡電話請參閱本處網頁.
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 有關教師權利、義務及相關權益事項請詳閱書面資料第19至20頁 For more information about the rights, obligations, and interests of faculty members, please refer to pp 人力發展組 Human Resource Development Section: 致聘 Appointment: 依本校教師聘任辦法一年一聘。In principle, each term of appointment is one year. 請詳閱專任教師聘約,並簽署應聘書送人資處備查。Please read the Contract for Full-time Faculty carefully, and sign and send back the Appointment Acceptance Letter to the Office for future reference. 專案教師服務1年後,其教師績效評量成績優異者,比照編制內專任教師資格審查規定,以請頒教師證書 After one full year of service at ISU, project faculty having performed excellently on the faculty performance assessment can apply for teacher qualifications accreditation, and the qualifications accreditation procedures and rules are the same as those applicable to full-time faculty in the regular faculty and staff payroll of the University. Those passing the screening will be awarded a Teacher Certificate.
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 升等:升等作業每年辦理二次,並依學術成就或產學成果分五類型。 Promotion: Faculty promotion is conducted twice a year, and there are five types of promotion based on academic achievements or industry-university collaboration achievements. 學術研究類、創新教學類、產學技術類、體育類、藝術類 (academic research, innovative teaching, industry-university collaboration and technology, physical education, and arts)
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 代表著作須為取得前一等級教師資格後之著作。並以『義守大學』名義發表者。A representative work is a work published by an applicant after the current academic rank has been accredited, and the institutional affiliation must be specified as I-Shou University. 所稱專門著作、作品、成就證明及技術報告,由送審人擇定至多五件,並由送審人擇定其最具代表性者為代表作一件,其餘四件列為參考作。An applicant can select up to five works (including academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, and reports), one of which is the representative work and the others for supporting purposes.
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 代表作有合著人時,應檢附合著人證明。 If a representative work is a co-authored work by two or more persons, a certificate of co-authorship should be submitted as well.
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 申請升等應符合教師教學服務成績考核要點相關規定The requirements mentioned in the Guidelines on the Evaluation of Teaching and Counseling & Service Performance for Faculty Promotion at I-Shou University should be met to be eligible to apply for faculty promotion. 最近已完成之4屆教師評鑑中,有3屆(包含最近1屆)之成績(含基本成績及進階成績),並須符合標準,始得提出升等申請Faculty members should provide the results of three out of the most recent four faculty evaluations they have completed (including both basic and advanced performance), and the results of the most recent faculty evaluation must be included. Faculty members are eligible to apply for promotion only when the applicable requirements are met:
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 「教研並重」類:教學與服務績效成績均須於所屬學院(通識教育中心)教師中之前80%以內。 “Teaching-and-research-oriented Group”: having been ranked among the top 80% within your college (or the Center for General Education) in terms of the score for teaching and counseling & service, respectively. 兼任行政職務之教師,在「教學」項目之評鑑成績,得放寬至前90%以內。 For faculty members who concurrently serve as an administrative head, their teaching performance should be ranked among the top 90%.
違反教師資格審查規定之處理 Handling of Faculty Members’ Violations of the Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education 違反送審教師資格規定者,不受理其教師資格審定申請期間如下:Faculty members who have violated the Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education are not allowed to reapply for the teacher qualifications accreditation during the prescribed time stated below: 教師資格審查履歷表、合著人證明登載不實、代表著作未確實填載為合著及繳交合著人證明、未適當引註、未經註明授權而重複發表、未註明其部分內容為已發表之成果或著作或其他違反學術倫理情事者:一年至五年。1-3 years: false information found in the Teacher Qualification Resume or the certificate of co-authorship; not truthfully including the co-author(s) in the representative work or no certificate of co-authorship being handed in; inappropriate citation; repeated publication of unauthorized materials; no indication of contents that include published results; or other violations of academic ethics 有抄襲、造假、變造或舞弊情事:五年至七年5-7 years: plagiarism, forgery, alteration, or cheating found in academic works, creative works, exhibitions, performances, or reports 學、經歷證件、成就證明、專門著作已為刊物接受將定期發表之證明、合著人證明為偽造、變造、以違法或不當手段影響論文之審查:七年至十年。 7-10 years: academic/professional credentials, proofs of merit, certificates of publishing journal articles on a specific date, or certificates of co-authorship are proved to be forged or altered, or the applicant has used illegal or improper means to influence the screening/review of his/her thesis/dissertation 不受理教師資格審定申請期間為5年以上者,公告並同時副知各大專校院。ISU will announce the list of violators and notify all other universities and colleges, if the prescribed time for the refusal of reapplication lasts for a period of five years or longer.
違反教師資格審查規定之處理 Handling of Faculty Members’ Violations of the Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education 教師資格經審定後,發現涉及違反教師資格審查者: If an applicant is found to have violated the Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education after passing the teacher qualifications accreditation, the case should be handled as follows: 撤銷該等級起之教師資格及追繳其教師證書。 The teacher qualifications for that academic rank should be revoked and the teacher certificate returned. 並依所定期間,為不受理其教師資格審定申請。 No further teacher qualifications accreditation application should be accepted from the applicant during the prescribed period. 其原經審定不合格者,應依所定期間,為不受理其教師資格審定申請之處分。 When an applicant has failed review, no further teacher qualifications accreditation application should be accepted from such applicant during the prescribed period.
違反教師資格審查規定之處理 Handling of Faculty Members’ Violations of the Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education 違反教師送審教師資格規定,得由校教評會予以解聘、停聘、不續聘、不予晉級、不得兼任主管、不得校外兼職兼課、追回相關獎助或其他之處置。 For faculty members who have violated the Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education, the University-level Teacher Review Committee should take the severity into consideration to mete out punishment, such as dismissal/suspension of the appointment, denial of reappointment, denial of pay rate increase, denial of holding administrative positions, denial of taking part-time (teaching) jobs outside ISU, and the returning of subsidies and/or grants, against such faculty members.
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 借調 Temporary Transfer: 需任職滿3年以上始得申請借調 Faculty members are not allowed to be temporarily transferred to other organizations/schools unless they have served at the University for a period of three years or longer. 義務返校授課一學分以上,年資採計依相關規定 Faculty members should offer a course bearing at least one credit at ISU without receiving hourly pay. The service year will be calculated in accordance with the applicable regulations and rules. 約定產學合作及學術回饋金 Agreement on industry-university collaboration and academic feedback fund 借調期間每次以4年為限 Each term for temporary transfer is four years at most. 任職期間借調總年數合計不得超過8年。 The total service years for temporary transfer should not exceed eight years. 兼職 Part-time Jobs : 事先由兼職機關致函本校,同意後始得兼職 A school/organization/institution should notify ISU in writing before it invites a faculty member to take a part-time job. Faculty members may start the part-time job after obtaining consent from ISU. 議定學術回饋金 Agreement on academic feedback fund 校內授課未達基本時數 、服務未滿2年、在職進修及教授休假研究期間、『教師評鑑』未通過
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 兼課 Part-time Teaching Jobs outside ISU: 每週最多4小時,有以下情形不得在校外兼課 The total hours of part-time teaching should not exceed 4 per week. Faculty members are not allowed to take part-time teaching jobs if getting involved in any of the following situations: 校內授課未達基本時數 not fulfilling the required weekly teaching hours; 服務未滿2年 having served at ISU for a period of less than two years; 在職進修及教授休假研究期間 pursuing in-service further studies or being on sabbatical leave; or 『教師評鑑』未通過 having failed the faculty evaluation 教師評鑑未通過不得借調、兼職、兼課 Faculty members having failed the faculty evaluation are not allowed to be temporarily transferred, take part-time jobs outside ISU, or take part-time teaching jobs outside ISU. 人事資料:依個人資料保護規定辦理,如有資料異動,隨時洽人資處修正。 Personnel information: All personnel information will be handled pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act. Please feel free to contact us to revise your personal information if needed. 校內授課未達基本時數 、服務未滿2年、在職進修及教授休假研究期間、『教師評鑑』未通過
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 職能考核組 Competence Appraisal Section: 教師每週留校至少4全日以上 Faculty members should stay on campus for four full days per week. 敘薪:依所具最高學歷敘薪,並得採計相關服務年資。 Salary Assessment: The salary will be assessed and calculated based on the highest diploma and service years. 休假研究:教授服務滿7學期以上,得申請休假研究1學期 Sabbatical Leave: Professors who have served at ISU for a period of seven semesters or longer are allowed to apply for sabbatical leave for one semester 教師進修:申請赴國外研究或在國內外修讀博士學位者,須在本校服務滿2年以上成績優良者,始得提出申請 Only faculty members who have served at ISU for a period of two years or longer with excellent performance are allowed to apply for conducting research in other countries or studying at domestic or overseas doctoral programs. 請假:事先申請並依規定辦理調補課 Leave of absence: Faculty members should apply for leave of absence in advance and arrange makeup classes. 期滿後應返校服務期間 帶職帶薪之教師,服務年限以帶職帶薪年數加倍計算 留職停薪之教師,服務年限與研究進修年數同。
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 退休: Retirement: 專任教師:參加私校退撫制度 Full-time Faculty under the retirement and compensation system 自願退休:年滿60歲、任職滿25年、配合私立學校組織變更、停辦或合併依法令辦理精簡者 Voluntary Retirement: having reached the age of 60; having been employed for 25 full years; or a private school is undertaking staff retrenchments in accordance with ordinances in conjunction with an organizational restructuring, cessation of its operations, or an amalgamation 配合私立學校組織變更、停辦或合併依法令辦理精簡者: 任職滿20年以上。 任職滿10年以上,年滿50歲。 任本職務年功薪最高級滿3年。
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 屆齡退休:年滿65歲 Mandatory Retirement: having reached the age of 65; 專案教師:辦理離職儲金或勞工提撥制退休制度,滿60歲可申請退休 Termination pay savings or labor retirement pension for project faculty: having reached the age of 60. 公保、勞保:專任教職員加入公保;專案教師加入勞保。 Government Employee and School Staff Insurance (GESSI) and Labor Insurance: Full-time faculty and staff members will join the GESSI program, while project faculty members will join the Labor Insurance program. 配合私立學校組織變更、停辦或合併依法令辦理精簡者: 任職滿20年以上。 任職滿10年以上,年滿50歲。 任本職務年功薪最高級滿3年。
Important Information for Faculty
重要宣導事項 Important Information for Faculty 團保:本校為全體教職員加入團體保險,個人並可選擇自費為眷屬加保。 Group Insurance: All the faculty and staff members will join the group insurance program, and they may also include dependents in the program at their expense. 配合私立學校組織變更、停辦或合併依法令辦理精簡者: 任職滿20年以上。 任職滿10年以上,年滿50歲。 任本職務年功薪最高級滿3年。
福利措施 Welfare 生日禮券 Birthday gift vouchers
自強活動補助 A subsidy for staff trips 年節慰問金 Holiday bonuses 公傷慰問 Compensation for injuries resulting from performing official duties 結婚補助 Wedding subsidies 生育補助 Childbirth subsidies 喪葬補助 Funeral subsidies
福利措施 Welfare 子女就讀本校學雜費補助
A reduction in the tuition and other required fees for faculty/staff members’ children studying at ISU 子女就讀義大國際高中學雜費補助 A reduction in the tuition and other required fees for faculty/staff members’ children studying at I-Shou International School 健康檢查(任職滿1年)40歲以上每年檢查1次,40歲以下每2年檢查1次 Physical examinations for faculty and staff members serving for a period one year or longer: once a year for those at the age of 40 or older and every two years for those younger than 40 years old 本人及眷屬就診義大醫院優惠 A special discount for seeking medical advice at E-Da Hospital 教職員工健康管理服務 Health management services 集團相關優惠福利 Special discounts offered by E United Group
結語 Conclusion 建立並推動健全、公平的人力資源制度, 為全校教職工提供更有效率、更完善的服務
Our main aim is to establish and promote a robust and fair human resource system so as to provide faculty and staff members with effective and comprehensive services.
Thanks for your attention!
謝謝各位 敬請指教 Thanks for your attention!
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