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貝類圖鑑 一、海水貝類: 1、單貝類:鮑魚(abalone)、九孔(small abalone)等。
2、雙貝類:牡蠣(oyster)、文蛤(hard clam)、 海瓜子、西施舌(Sanguinolaria diphos)、 竹蟶(razor clam) 、扇貝(scallop)、 紫貽貝(purple mussel)等。 3、螺 類:鳳螺(Formosan ivory shell) 、珠螺等。 二、淡水貝類: 1、雙貝類:蜆(freshwater clam)、河蚌(river clam) 、 血蚶(blood clam) 2、螺 類:福壽螺與田螺(field snail)等。
各種鮑魚 山腳田缺口貝 黑鮑 馬達卡鮑 蝦夷鮑 猴鮑
Abalone (Spanish Abulón) are a group of shellfish in the family Haliotidae and the Haliotis genus. They are marine snails, and are part of the large class Gastropoda. There is only one genus in the family Haliotidae, and about four to seven subgenera. The taxonomy of the family is still somewhat confused. The number of species recognized world-wide ranges from about 100 to 130 (due to the occurrence of hybrids). Abalone shells have a low and open spiral structure, and are characterized by several respiratory holes in a row near the shell's outer edge. The innermost layer of the shell is composed of nacre or mother-of-pearl, which in many species is highly iridescent, giving rise to a range of strong and changeable colors which make them attractive to humans as a decorative object. Abalone are also called ear-shells, ormer in Jersey and Guernsey, perlemoen in South Africa, and pāua in New Zealand. The meat of abalone is considered by many to be a desirable food.
九孔小鮑魚Haliotis diversicolor 生長百態
九孔小鮑魚Haliotis diversicolor生長百態
分布於日本房總半島到九州、朝鮮半島、中國南部沿海、香港及臺灣等暖海流域等地。 棲息於潮間帶至數十公尺深的岩礁縫隙,喜有波浪衝擊,水質清澈的環境。以藻類為主食,雌雄異體,體外受精。在臺灣又稱為「臺灣鮑」則分布於北海岸、東海岸、屏東的恆春半島及澎湖群島。 九孔於1979年即告繁殖成功,而初期養殖業於臺灣北部潮間帶開始挖九孔養殖池,利用潮汐進退供水養殖,之後臺灣省水產試驗所從事九孔養殖技術之開發研究,並分別成功開發九孔陸上養殖法、陸上九孔單層養殖新法與改良深水立體事業養殖技術,台灣沿海地區以及澎湖七美均有養殖,因此於1995年臺灣九孔產量大增。 產量1,800噸到2,500噸之間,產值9~15億新臺幣,出口值達新臺幣30多億。
九孔,小鮑魚Small abalone Haliotis thailandis
This small abalone is distinguished from other snails by the pattern of holes in its shell, a characteristic of all abalones. This one has its eye stalk exposed at the lower right of the photo. Larger species of abalone are a highly valued food, pried loose from their hold on the reef by divers equipped with special prying tools. Unfortunately in California many divers have been so preoccupied with pursuing abalones they forget that they too are being pursued by large fish, also with specially equipped tools, in the form of teeth (sharks).
各種珠貝 1 2 環紋貨貝 4 3 5 6 棗紅眼球貝 7 8
前圖各種珠貝之學名 1. 白斑線唇眼球貝 Erosaria (Raritrona) labrolineata (Gaskoin) 2. 棗紅眼球貝 Erosaria (R.) helvola (Linnaeus) 3.瑪瑙擬棗貝 Erronea (Adusta) onyx (Linnaeus) 4. 貨貝 Monetaria (M.) moneta (Linnaeus) 5. 梨形擬棗貝 Erronea (Adusta) pyriformis (Gray) 6. 環紋貨貝 Monetaria (Ornamentaria) annulus (Linnaeus) 7. 秀麗擬棗貝 Erronea (Adusta) pulchella (Swainson) 8. 美麗擬棗貝 Erronea (A.) hungerfordi (Sowerby)
Purpuradusta fimbriata
Erronea pyriformis Gray, 1824 Bistolida brevidentata fluctuans Iredale, 1935 Purpuradusta fimbriata fimbriata Gmelin, 1791 Erosaria helvola argella Melvill, 1888 Erosaria labrolineata f. helenae Gaskoin, 1849 Zonaria pyrum pyrum Gmelin, 1791
日月貝 scallop 日本日月貝 平瀨雪銼蛤 嵌條扇貝 所謂干貝者係各種貝柱鹽乾或是直接素乾成品之總稱
干貝原料貝-日月貝scallop Scallops are hermaphroditic; capable of switching sexes. Both sexes produce roe, whose coloring depends upon the parent's (current) sex. Red roe is that of a female, and white, that of a male. Spermatozoa and ova are released freely into the water during mating season and fertilized ova sink to the bottom. After several weeks, the immature scallop hatches and the larvae drift until settling to the bottom again to grow. They reach sexual maturity after several years, though they may not reach a commercially harvestable size until six to eight years of age. Scallops may live up to 18 years, with their age reflected in the annuli, the concentric rings of their shells.
各種文蛤—硬殼類 Hard clam 俗稱蚶仔(台語) 平瀨雪銼蛤 平瀨雪銼蛤 等邊淺蛤 麗文蛤 Meretrix lusoria
泥蚶 不等殼毛蚶 血蚶Tegillarca granosa 賽氏毛蚶
紫貝 淡菜—孔雀綠 紅蛤蜊 日本閉殼蛤
(Sanguinolaria diphos)
西施舌 (Sanguinolaria diphos) 臺灣紫雲蛤科的西施舌屬(Sanguinolaria)記錄有五種 (Kuroda 1941)。其中以西施舌Sanguinolaria diphos (Linnaeus, 1758)的養殖較為重要。分布由淡水沿西部而至臺南、高雄及東港均有發現。西施舌也曾被歸隸於Hiatula屬。 殼長橢圓形而側扁,前、後端均為圓弧形,但殼頂偏向前端。兩殼無法閉合而在後端有一個開口。外殼為黃褐色,但因為殼十分的薄,所以常會因破損而顯現出紫色。殼上有同心圓狀的成長輪,而且由殼頂向殼後端的腹緣有兩條明顯的放射條紋。殼內面紫色,鉸齒只有主鉸齒而缺乏側鉸齒。
巨大牡蠣 學名Crassostrea gigas,又稱蠔、海蛎子,俗稱蚵仔或蠔仔,屬於軟體動物門雙殼綱。
牡蠣殼有哪些用途? 牡蠣養殖用之母貝 燒成灰作建築用石灰粉 抽其珍珠粉
各種竹蟶 毛蟶 Sinonovacula constricta 長竹蟶Solen strictus
玫瑰霧螺 各種螺生物 細小榧螺 少女斗笠貝
草蓆鐘螺 饡孔黑鐘螺 黑鐘螺
Lunella coronata 珠螺 Turbo stenogyrum 高腰蠑螺 Areola babylon 鳳螺
日本蠑螺 金鷗螺 黃金螺
達利蚶 船貝科—河蚌 屬於淡水產之雙貝類 青蚶 褶白蚶
蜆Corbicula fluminea 四角蛤蜊 中國蛤蜊-黃金蜆
蜆Corbicula fluminea 河蚌
Freshwater clam, distributed Southern China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan, is found both in lotic and lentic habitat. They are small bivalves which typically can be found at high densities and have a relatively high growth rate. It is used as food in Asia. Among Taiwan edible shells, its production is the third, just inferior to Oyster and Hard clam. It is often common in reservoirs where its densities are greatest near the shore. It is a major source of food and is harvested by humans throughout the world. The clam, when removed from its shell, also makes good fish bait.
田螺 Cipangopauludina chinensis
圓田螺(field snail)貝殼卵圓形,體層甚圓,殼口近圓形。貝殼褐色或綠褐色,平滑有光澤,殼高約4公分。口蓋角質化呈黃褐色而有同心圓紋路。
Pila leopordovillensis (d'Orbigny, 1835) 元寶螺
Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1819) 福壽螺
Pomacea scalaris Orbigny, 1835 梯狀福壽螺
禍害變黃金... 福壽螺可抗老! 三十多年前,福壽螺曾經造成台灣的農作生態浩劫,不過現在有業者從福壽螺萃取出蝦紅素,用來發展其他產業,也賺了不少錢。所以,連高雄市長陳菊都鼓勵農民不妨養殖福壽螺,把害蟲變黃金,但是很多農民都擔心會造成另一次的生態浩劫。 最主要就是福壽螺是在1979年從南引進養殖,主要的食物是水生植物,後來因為商機不佳就被大量棄養,結果造成台灣農作物的大浩劫。現在業者發現從福壽螺的卵裡頭,可以萃取出這些橘紅色的蝦紅素粉末,天然的蝦紅素被認定為自然界中的最強抗氧化劑,是因為含有大量抗自由基的葉黃素和維生素E,可以美白、抗老又抗癌。
鱉Chinese soft shell turtle
One of my favorite night-dive spots at Batangas, Philippines is a spot we call the "eel grass" where many unusual forms of marine life are found Cyclichthys orbicularis
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