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105-2學生讀書會召集人說明會 Study Group Orientation

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1 105-2學生讀書會召集人說明會 Study Group Orientation
Fall ~準備啟航~ AM 10:30 教學發展中心 王瑜琦 主任 歐力誠 先生 2018/11/20 2018/11/20 1

2 About the Study Group 本學期活動次數至少6次,每次1-3小時,總時數不得少於12小時。Group members shall meet at least six times during the semester. Each meeting shall last 1 to 3 hours; total meeting hours are no less than 12 hours. 辦理時間:2017年3月22日至6月9日止。 Meeting period: March 22th to June 9th 2017. 教發中心將不定期到活動地點,實地瞭解讀書會執行情 形。更換活動時間或地點,務必提前通知承辦人。CTLD will confirm when and where each group meets and make random inspections of all groups during this semester. Please inform CTLD for any time or location changes. 請指導老師實際參加2次以上活動。Study Group Supervisors must attend at least two sessions. 2018/11/20

3 About the Study Group 讀書會場地,以校內場地為限(如:教室、會議室、研討室、PBL、實驗室等)。Group members shall meet in a classroom, conference room or laboratory ON ISU CAMPUS. 讀書會所有重要訊息,統一寄到召集人學校 信箱及 公告<學生讀書會FB>。Important accouchement and information for Study Group will to Group Convener 上傳每次活動心得: 各次活動結束後3日內,應填寫活動心得,在召集人學習歷程檔 案(e- portfolio)課外活動 其他活動;上傳每次活動約 300字心得,並於心得內附上活動照片1張。 Within 3 days of each session, the group convener shall upload a session picture and session report to the e-Portfolio system. 2018/11/20

4 About the Study Group 讀書會FB"愛"打卡:
3.照片標題要註明:就讀系所、讀書會名稱、讀書會召 集人姓名(例如:電子系 電磁學讀書會 黃小明)。 During the group session, group convener shall upload 1 session picture to facebook, a link from CTLD. The uploaded pictures shall be entitled as “department, group name, group convener’s name). 2018/11/20

5 2018/11/20

6 E-portfolio 2018/11/20

7 E-portfolio 2018/11/20

8 讀書會資訊及各項表單下載: 8 2018/11/20

9 About the Study Group 2017.6.23前,應將下列資料送回教發中心:
Group convener shall submit the following documents to the Center before June 23th 2016. 1.至少6次簽到單。 The attendance sheet for 6 sessions at least. 2.6次學習歷程檔案(e-portfolio)心得報告。 The group convener shall upload six sessions to the e- Portfolio system. 2018/11/20

10 About the Study Group 3.成員滿意度問卷(由召集人線上填寫)。Each group shall submit one copy of satisfaction questionnaire. 4.成績對照表 or檢定考試表 or經典閱讀心得(每位 成員各1份)。Each member MUST submit the mid- term and final exam results of groups members (only for student study groups on university courses); or professional skills test/exam results of group members (only for student study groups on professional skills tests or national examinations); or reading reports of group members (only for student study groups on reading of classics) 2018/11/20

11 Funding and Receipt Submission-1
補助經費每組至多2,000元。A maximum of NT$2,000 funds are available for each group. 補助項目包括印刷費、膳食費及茶點費。Funding can be used to cover expenses of printing & copying, food & beverage, and refreshment. 請於每次辦完活動後3天內(最遲 前)持經費支出單據至教學發展中心(行政大樓3樓)辦理核銷。Receipts from meeting expenses shall be submitted to CTLD within 3 days after the meeting. The latest date for receipt submission is Jun. 9th 2017. 2018/11/20

12 Funding and Receipt Submission-2
領款時需繳交下列之單據資料:The following documents must be submitted to receive the funding: 1.印刷費:需附發票(不得使用收據)並檢附印刷品一式。Printing & Copying: receipts with a sample of printing/copying items (invoice is not acceptable) 2.膳食費:活動時間超過12:00可申請午餐,超過17:00可申請晚餐;每人每次以60元為上限;需檢附發票或收據及簽到表核銷(膳食數量需與簽到表人數一致)。Food & Beverage: receipts or invoice with the signed attendance sheet. Note that only meetings after 12 can provide lunch and those after 17:00 can provide dinner. Meals cannot exceed the budget of NT$60 per person. 2018/11/20

13 Funding and Receipt Submission-3
3.茶點費:每人每次以40元為上限;需附發票或收據及簽到表(茶點數量需與簽到表人數一致)。Refreshment: receipts or invoice with the signed attendance sheet. Refreshment cannot exceed the budget of NT$40 per person. 4.膳食費與茶點費不可同時使用。Funding for each meeting can only be used for either food& beverage, or refreshment (not both). 5.發票須開立學校統一編號: 。 The receipts and invoices MUST have the ISU Tax ID as: 6.各項經費單據及應附資料如有缺漏,逾期未補正,無法領取補助金請自行負責。Any inadequate receipts/invoice and document submission before deadlines will cause rejection of funding application. 2018/11/20

14 餐點及茶點收據-樣張 店章,且要有統一編號 餐點 6001 大寫:陸百元 2018/11/20

15 檢附簽到單正本 填寫時間 60元須 (12:00-13:00 或17:00-18:00) 簽名人數,須與收據數量一致。
*簽到單電子檔可至教發中心網頁下載。 2018/11/20

16 影印費須為發票,並附樣張 影本費 記得打統編: 2018/11/20

17 影印-樣張 2018/11/20

18 這種發票也可以 記得打統編: 2018/11/20

19 分部同學-請款資料可用學校公文傳送至教發中心(請務必以掛號方式處理)。
重要:只要是發票,一定要打學校統編: 分部同學-請款資料可用學校公文傳送至教發中心(請務必以掛號方式處理)。 2018/11/20

20 Outstanding Student Study Groups
甄選程序: 繳件截止後,將召開甄選委員會議,遴選本學期優良讀書會。Group convener shall submit all documents for outstanding student study groups to the Center before June 23, 2017. 獎金: 各組優良讀書會頒發2,000元獎金或等值禮券,以茲獎勵。獎 金領取時間將另行通知。Every outstanding student study group will be awarded NT$2,000 cash or gift coupons valued at NT$2,000. 2018/11/20

21 學生讀書會小測驗問卷 請召集人同學於說明會結束後至表格下載專區填寫讀書會小測驗問卷,以利本中心了解各位召集人對於讀書會的了解情形。
路徑:學校首頁->教務處->教學發展中心->其他業務專區->學生讀書會 2018/11/20

22 Q&A 2018/11/20 22

23 A:請召集人同學至E-portfolio平台,點選課外活動(I-Join),於最底下的其他項目中填入,範例如下圖所示。
Q:請問讀書會心得要怎麼填寫? A:可以參考前述的讀書會相關表格下載網頁,下載讀書會心得表格,由召集人辦理活動完畢後填寫活動心得及附上一張活動照片,將檔案轉為PDF檔案上傳至E-portfolio平台。 Q:請問讀書會心得要怎麼上傳? A:請召集人同學至E-portfolio平台,點選課外活動(I-Join),於最底下的其他項目中填入,範例如下圖所示。 2018/11/20

24 A:召集人繳交核銷單據、發票及佐證資料後約兩個禮拜後可至教發中心詢問承辦人員是否可領取補助費用。
Q:請問讀書會補助經費什麼時候可以領取? A:召集人繳交核銷單據、發票及佐證資料後約兩個禮拜後可至教發中心詢問承辦人員是否可領取補助費用。 Q:請問醫學院區的同學要怎麼領取補助費用? A:請醫學院區的召集人同學至醫學院區與總務處保管組承辦人領取,領取時間同上約兩個禮拜後領取,若仍有其他問題煩請聯絡教發中心承辦人員。 2018/11/20

25 啟航~往更好的自己前進 簡報下載處: 教學發展中心網頁(

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