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扶輪對 青少年的承諾 Rotary’s Commitment to Youth

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1 扶輪對 青少年的承諾 Rotary’s Commitment to Youth

2 〝你我的生命 不是以我們得到什麼來評價 而是以我們付出了什麼。〞 “Your life and mine shall be valued not by what we take... but by what we give.” —Rotarian Edgar F. “Daddy” Allen

3 服務青少年 從扶輪最早期 就已是重點項目 Service to youth has been a priority since Rotary’s earliest days.

4 其中一個最早的例子是美國紐約州的西拉鳩斯市於1913年籌組殘障兒童委員會Crippled Children’s Committee
(RC of Syracuse, New York, USA) One of the first examples is the crippled children’s committee organized in 1913 by the Rotary Club of Syracuse, New York, USA.

5 於20年代 綽號〝老爹Daddy〞的 Edgar F. Allen 社員協助國際聯合會 (早期的國際扶輪)為殘障兒童創立了現稱作復活節封印協會Easter Seals Society Rotarian Edgar F. “Daddy” Allen helped create the International Society for Crippled Children, an organization now known as the Easter Seals Society.

6 同時,孩童工作計劃Boys Work Project是讓問題孩童轉變成為好市民的工作計劃。孩童工作逐漸地包括了童子軍,夏令營與少年俱樂部在內 。
At the same time, Boys Work projects were underway to turn troubled boys into good citizens. Boys Work grew to include scout troops, summer camps, and boys clubs.

7 青少年交換 於 1927年, In 1927, 第一個文獻記載的 是在丹麥哥本哈根扶輪社與美國學生之間展開的
the first documented Youth Exchange took place between the Rotary Club of Copenhagen, Denmark, and American students.

8 於 1929年, In 1929, 國際殘障兒童協會 成為扶輪基金會 第一個獎助金受益單位, 獲獎美金500元。
ISCC Founders In 1929, the International Society for Crippled Children became the beneficiary of The Rotary Foundation’s first grant when they were awarded US$500.

9 類似今日的扶輪少年服務團 Similar to today’s Interact clubs,
1930年代的Ro Clubs是一個高中學生的服務性社團 Ro Club of Ashland, Kentucky, USA the Ro Clubs of the 1930s were a service club for high school students.

10 大使獎學金 於1947年, In 1947, 青年朋友們靠著 開始在世界各地 促進國際瞭解 並建立友誼關係
young adults began traveling the world on Ambassadorial Scholarships promoting international understanding and friendly relations.

11 於1949年 〝每個扶輪社員 都是青少年的楷模〞 採用了 的口號
The slogan, Every Rotarian an Example to Youth was adopted by RI in 1949.

12 在1959年 扶輪青少年領袖獎 ( RYLA) In 1959, 由澳洲昆士蘭來的扶輪社員研發了一個培養青少年領導訓練計劃,日後演變成
Rotarians from Queensland, Australia, developed a youth leadership-training program that would later become RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards).

13 於1962年 In 1962, 第一個 扶輪少年服務團 在美國 佛羅里達州 Melbourne高中 成立
the first Interact club was chartered at Melbourne High School, Florida, USA.

14 一年後 扶輪少年服務團, 在24個國家有177個 至1964年10月時, 在35個國家中 已經成長為450個團。
One year later, there were 177 Interact clubs in 24 countries, and by October 1964, that number had grown to 450 clubs in 35 countries.

15 於1968年 扶輪青年服務團 In 1968, 接著 在美國北卡羅萊納州 Charlotte市 創立了第一個團
Rotaract followed with its first chartered club in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

16 在1971年 in 1971. RYLA 正式被採用為 一個國際計劃
RYLA was officially adopted as an international program in 1971.

17 在1981年 In 1981, 南非的扶輪青年服務團主辦了第一次扶輪青年服務團國際年會,一個所有扶輪青年服務團團員國際會議
Rotaractors in South Africa hosted the first Interota conference, an international meeting for all Rotaractors.

18 從1985年起, Since 1985, 扶輪對青少年的承諾從未比它的根除小兒麻痺等疾病計劃 來得深遠。
20億以上的兒童接受過這項計劃所提供的口服小兒麻痺疫苗。 Rotary’s commitment to youth has never been more far-reaching than with its PolioPlus program. Since 1985, more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine as part of this program.

19 在1995年 In 1995, 扶輪成為第一個獲得聯合國兒童基金會奧黛莉赫本兒童倡導獎的團體,在此之前,這個獎項僅頒發給個人。
Rotary became the first organization to receive UNICEF’s Audrey Hepburn Child Advocate Award, which had previously been given only to individuals.

20 在1998年 扶輪基金會成立 兒童機會獎助金 計劃協助處於險境的兒童。一年當中提供了2000萬美金獎助108個國家中的1584個計劃。 In 1998, The Rotary Foundation created Children’s Opportunities Grants for projects helping at-risk children. Within one year, US$20 million had been awarded to 1,584 projects in 108 countries.

21 在2004年 In 2004, 扶輪基金保管委員會在扶輪基金永久基金項下成立了新的兒童基金
The Rotary Foundation Trustees approved the creation of the new Children’s Fund within the Foundation’s Permanent Fund.

22 兒童基金〝將用於 The Children’s Fund “will be used to… 嘉惠兒童 benefit children 並且帶給他們光明未來的希望 and offer them hope for a brighter future.” — 年度扶輪基金會主委James Lacy — Trustee Chair James Lacy

23 At the 2004 Osaka convention,
2004年大阪國際年會中 At the 2004 Osaka convention, 扶輪頒發扶輪世界瞭解與和平獎給Tim Parry Johnathan Ball信託基金,感謝其致力於教導年輕人解決衝突。 Rotary presented the Rotary Award for World Understanding and Peace to Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Trust for its work teaching conflict resolution to young people.

24 100年來 In 100 years, 扶輪計劃業已感動到全世界各地數以百萬計的兒童與青年─帶給新世代希望,舒適與激勵
Rotary programs and projects have touched millions of children and young adults in every part of the world—offering hope, comfort, and encouragement to a new generation.

25 一個世紀的服務: 國際扶輪的故事 欲了解扶輪在它的第一個一百年當中有關青少年的扶輪服務,請訂購
To learn more about Rotary’s service to youth during its first 100 years, order a copy of A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary International. Click here to order

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