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Notes to the text Word Learning Booster. Notes to the text Word Learning Booster.

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2 Notes to the text Word Learning Booster

3 Talk about different schools and school education.
Learn to describe a school. Learn to form new words by adding suffixes –ment and -able. Write a passage expressing opinions.





8 adj. 平均水平的 n. 平均分数


10 A problem child means a child who is difficult to be dealt with or disciplined.

11 felt nervous in swimming class,
and couldn’t pass the exam was at the top of the class was excellent, but got a “C” got a “D” beat all the others to the top in his own way, but got a “C” a little a little very well a little

12 F F T The animals couldn’t choose the subjects they like.
The duck couldn’t pass the running exam though she kept on practicing until her webbed feet were badly worn. T

13 F The squirrel may get A in the climbing exam if he was allowed to start from the treetop down. F The eagle got a “C” in climbing because he got to the top of the tree insisted on using his own way. F The eel got the scholarship because he got the highest average.





18 Word Guessing Game 猜词游戏:全班分成2个小组,猜测每个数字背后隐藏的字母,猜测出更多字母的小组获胜。 规则如下: 第一轮,第1小组选择其中一个数字,老师点击点击该数字后显示字母,*表示该位置无字母。 第2小组选择另外一个数字,并说出该字母,教师点击该数字,若正确,教师以画正字的形式记录分数,且第2小组有机会猜测下一个字母。若错误,则轮到第一小组猜测。 第二轮,由第2小组先选择数字。以此类推。

19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A V E R A G E * * * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * D I S C O U R A G E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * I N S I S T * * * *

20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * * * B A D L Y * * * S 1 C 2 H 3 O 4 L 5 A 6 R 7 S 8 H 9 I 10 P 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * * * * W O R N * * *

21 consists badly insists average

22 scholarship worn discouraged extremely

23 have to set up in order to give up insisted on because of consists of go on


25 payment excitement government development agreement enjoyment 支付,报酬 激动,兴奋 政府 发展 同意,协定 乐趣,享乐 excitable changeable countable believable agreeable enjoyable readable 易激动的 易变的,可变的 可数的 可信任的 可答应的 有趣的,愉快的 易读的,可看懂的







32 the government educated citizens’ Most countries also have private education. this system private schools






38 Once upon a time, the animals set up a school. 从前,动物们创办了一所学校。 set up
Notes to the text Once upon a time, the animals set up a school. 从前,动物们创办了一所学校。 set up (1)竖起来,立起来,支起来 He set his vegetable stall up in the market every Saturday morning. Let’s set up the tent first, and build the fire later. (2) 建立,成立 They set up a First Aid Post on the beach. The school has set up a special class to help poor readers. (3) 提出 The scientist set up a new theory about earthquake.

39 Their subjects consisted of running, climbing, swimming and flying.
Notes to the text Their subjects consisted of running, climbing, swimming and flying. 他们的学科包括跑步,攀登,游泳与飞行。 consist (和of连用)表示“由……构成,包含有”,用于主动结构, 强调各个部分组成的一个统一的整体。 A university consists of teachers, administrators and students. This soup consists of tomatoes, meat and peas. 2) Consist of 可用be made up of 转换。 be made up of 作“由……组成”讲。 This book is made up of 26 units. Our class is made up of 53 students and our grade is made up of 14 classes. 其主动语态是make up,表示“组成”。 Eleven players make up a football team.

40 为了使学校的管理更容易,所有的动物都必须选所有的学科。 句中的take作“选修、选学;选择,选购,选订”解。
Notes to the text To make the school management easier, all the animals had to take all the subject. 为了使学校的管理更容易,所有的动物都必须选所有的学科。 句中的take作“选修、选学;选择,选购,选订”解。 I plan to take both French and Spanish this term.

41 …but she made only passing grades in flying… ……但她飞行刚刚及格……
Notes to the text …but she made only passing grades in flying… ……但她飞行刚刚及格…… passing grades意为“及格成绩”,等于pass marks。

42 最终, 她不但没有通过跑步考试,游泳成绩也一般。 average (1)adj. 平均的,一般的
Notes to the text Finally, she didn’t pass the running test and was only average in swimming. 最终, 她不但没有通过跑步考试,游泳成绩也一般。 average (1)adj. 平均的,一般的 What’s the average temperature in this town during August? The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. (2)n. 平均数(可数);一般水平(不可数) The average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7. more

43 (3) an average of 平均有(跟数词)
Notes to the text (3) an average of 平均有(跟数词) An average of ten students are absent each day. 4) on an average 平均起来 He smokes twenty cigarettes a day on an average. On an (the) average there are twenty boys present every day. (5) on (the/an) average 平均起来,一般说来 On average we received 5 letters each day. (6) above / below (the) average 在平均水平以上/以下 Her school work is above (the) average.

44 小兔跑步在全班拔尖,可上游泳课时却极度紧张。
Notes to the text The rabbit was at the top of the class in running, but felt extremely nervous in swimming. 小兔跑步在全班拔尖,可上游泳课时却极度紧张。 be (at the ) top of 中的top的引申义是“最高的地位,领先的地位,最大限度”的意思。 He started life at the bottom and worked his way to the top. Only a hard worker can reach the top. (2) top可作表语或状语。 He is (at the) top of his class. She’s top in French. Bob came out top in the exam.

45 小松鼠在飞行课上失去信心以前,他的攀登一直是优秀的。他的老师让他从地上飞起而不是从树梢飞起。
Notes to the text The squirrel was excellent in climbing until he was discouraged in the flying class when his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the treetop down. 小松鼠在飞行课上失去信心以前,他的攀登一直是优秀的。他的老师让他从地上飞起而不是从树梢飞起。 本句是一个主从复合句。 主句是The squirrel was excellent in climbing。 从句是until he was discouraged in the flying class when his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the treetop down.。 until引导一个时间状语从句,when又引导另一个时间状语从句,修饰he was discouraged in the flying class。

46 In the end, he got a “C” in climbing and a “D” in flying.
Notes to the text In the end, he got a “C” in climbing and a “D” in flying. 最后,他的攀登得了C, 飞行得了D。 A在美国表示学业成绩最优的符号,优,优等。 可以细分为A+(A-plus)、A和A-(A-minus)(下同)。 B在美国表示学业成绩优良的符号,“上”。 C/ C score在美国表示学业成绩第三等,“中”。 D/D score在美国表示学业成绩第四等,“下”;即仅能及格的符号。 E在美国表示学业成绩第五等的符号,“劣”,表示须补考的符号。 F(=failure)在美国表示学业成绩不合格的符号。 不同的学校采用不同的评分制。有的采用100分制(100-point marking system),有的采用5分制(5-point marking system), 有的采用其他评分制。

47 The eagle was a problem child and was strictly disciplined.
Notes to the text The eagle was a problem child and was strictly disciplined. 小鹰是个问题儿童,因而受到严格的管教。 句中的a problem child的英语解释是“one whose behavior offers a difficult problem to his parents, teachers, etc.”。 The problem child needs special care.

48 动词discipline有以下三种意思: 使守纪律 You may learn to discipline yourself.
Notes to the text 动词discipline有以下三种意思: 使守纪律 You may learn to discipline yourself. We could never discipline her anyway. 训练 He disciplined the new soldiers. His dog was disciplined by a professional trainer. 处分,处罚 You ought to discipline that rude boy for his bad behavior. He disciplined his students by keeping them after school.

49 在攀登课上,他超过了其他人,第一个爬到了树顶,但他坚持 用自己的方法攀登。 beat vt. 打败,打赢,取胜,胜过
Notes to the text In the climbing class he beat all the others to the top of the tree, but insisted on using his own way to get there. 在攀登课上,他超过了其他人,第一个爬到了树顶,但他坚持 用自己的方法攀登。 beat vt. 打败,打赢,取胜,胜过 I can easily beat him at golf. Jack’s school beat Tom’s at basketball. That problem has beaten him.

50 I insist that you give me my money back. (give为动词原形)
Notes to the text insist vt. 坚持,坚持主张 I insist that you give me my money back. (give为动词原形) I insist that he (should) go with me. Your parents insisted that you (should) be there. insist on /upon He insisted on this point. He insisted on joining the army. He insisted on my going there with him. insist通常跟宾语从句,从句中常用should + 动词原形,should可省去。还常用insist on doing sth.。不可用动词不定式作宾语。

51 Information Technology n. 信息技术 biology n. 生物 labour n. 劳动
Word Learning Booster I Words for Production politics n 政治 IT Information Technology n. 信息技术 biology n 生物 labour n 劳动 management n. 管理 manage v 管理 consist v 组成 passing adj 及格的 pass v 及格;通过

52 average n./ adj. 平均数;平均水平 acceptable adj. 可接受的 accept v. 接受
Word Learning Booster I Words for Production average n./ adj. 平均数;平均水平 acceptable adj 可接受的 accept v 接受 extremely adv. 极端地;非常地 extreme adj 极端的;极度的 squirrel n 松鼠 eagle n 鹰 strictly adv 严格地 strict adj 严格的 insist v 坚持;极力要求 scholarship n. 奖学金 scholar n. 学者;获奖学金的学生

53 webbed adj. 有蹼的 worn adj. 磨坏的 treetop n. 树梢 discipline v. 使遵守纪律
Word Learning Booster II Words for Recognition webbed adj 有蹼的 worn adj 磨坏的 treetop n 树梢 discipline v 使遵守纪律 eel n 鳗;鳝鱼

54 once upon a time 从前;很久很久以前 set up 建造 consist of… 由……组成;由……构成
Word Learning Booster III Phrases and Expressions once upon a time 从前;很久很久以前 set up 建造 consist of… 由……组成;由……构成 be (very) poor in … 在……不擅长; 在……方面(学得;做得)不好 stay after school 放学后留下 give up 放弃;停止 in order to… 为了…… pass a test / exam 测验/考试及格 worry about… 为……烦恼;为……担心; 为……发愁

55 at the top of the class 在班上名列前茅 leave school 离开学校(退学/毕业)
Word Learning Booster III Phrases and Expressions at the top of the class 在班上名列前茅 leave school 离开学校(退学/毕业) instead of … 代替…… in the end 最后 insist on … 坚持;坚决要求 /主张 because of … 因为……;由于…… at the end of … 在……的最后

56 developed country 发达国家 educated adj. 受过教育的;有教养的 citizen n. 市民;公民
Word Learning Booster I Words for Production *bachelor n. 学士 master n. 硕士 doctor n. 博士 administration n. 管理 developed adj. 发达的;先进的 developed country 发达国家 educated adj. 受过教育的;有教养的 citizen n. 市民;公民 system n. 系统 unfair adj. 不公平的

57 lecturer n. (大学中的)讲师;讲演者 lecture v./n. 演讲;讲课 particular n. 特定的;特指的
Word Learning Booster I Words for Production unfair adj. 不公平的 advantage n. 利益;优势 nursery n. 托儿所 primary adj. 最初的;初级的 primary school 小学 lecturer n. (大学中的)讲师;讲演者 lecture v./n. 演讲;讲课 particular n. 特定的;特指的 enable v. 使能够 design n. / v. 设计

58 secondary school 中等学校;中学 career n. 职业;事业
Word Learning Booster II Words for Recognition philosophy n. 哲学 secondary adj. 中级的;第二的 secondary school 中等学校;中学 career n. 职业;事业

59 provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 be useful to … 对……而言是有用的
Word Learning Booster III Phrases and Expressions provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 be useful to … 对……而言是有用的 agree with … 同意……;赞同…… enter a school 进学校读书 have a chance of doing sth. 有做某事的机会 a number of… 许多……;若干…… such as … 例如……;诸如……此类的; 像……这样的 on the other hand 另一方面 enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能做某事


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