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美國藥物專利訴訟逆向支付協議之研究 以美國聯邦法院判決為中心

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1 美國藥物專利訴訟逆向支付協議之研究 以美國聯邦法院判決為中心
國立雲林科技大學科技法律所 報告人:楊智傑副教授

2 國內藥物產業問題 我國藥事法無專利連結制度 學名藥申請上市,仍然受到專利藥廠以各種方式阻礙

3 Patent monopoly bears a cost for the public
Price drop following generic entry

4 On average a delayed entry of 7 months past loss of exclusivity

5 美國Hatch-Waxman Act 美國聯邦食品藥物管理局(FDA)對學名藥的許可程序,乃規定於1984年通過的藥品價競爭與專利期限回復法(The Drug Competition Term Restoration Act),又稱為Hatch-Waxman Act。 食品藥物管理局有做專利登記,登記於橘皮書(orange book)

6 簡化新藥申請 學名藥廠申請者必須證明,其學名藥與專利藥具有相同功能,並具有相同成分,且和專利藥在吸收率和程度上為「生體相等性」(bioequivalent)

7 簡化新藥申請 簡化新藥申請(abbreviated new drug application)之申請人,可提出聲明書(certification)說明其對FDA橘皮書中登記的既有的新藥申請者的專利之關係。其關係可能有四種: (i)食品藥物管理局並沒有這個專利的資訊; (iii)該專利已經到期; (iii)專利將在某日到期,而快速新藥申請將於專利到期後才同意; (iv)簡化新藥專利申請人認為,該專利是無效或並未因學名藥之製造、使用、販賣而侵權。

8 專利連結制度 若是依據第(iv)段提出申請,申請人必須通知專利藥廠該申請案,而專利藥廠收到第(iv)段之證明文件後,可以在45天內對潛在的學名藥製造者提起專利侵權訴訟。 一旦專利藥廠根據該條提起訴訟,則食品藥物管理局不得核發同意,必須等待申請日起算30個月後,才可核發同意。

9 第一家學名藥廠獨家銷售期 因為當有人已經根據第(iv)段提出申請,其就享有180天的獨家銷售期,而起算日為1.第一家藥廠開始銷售學名藥,或者2.上訴法院判決系爭專利為無效或並未被侵害 當第一家學名藥廠提出簡化新藥申請後,其他的學名藥廠,若也想申請快速新藥申請程序,也會因而受阻。

10 濫用制度 提出多個侵權訴訟 逆向和解支付

11 逆向和解支付 「逆向支付和解」(reverse payment settlements)

12 解決濫用問題 2003年醫療保險處方藥改善與現代化法案(Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003) MMA法案只允許一次ANDA申請者的30個月停審期。 當學名藥廠因侵犯橘皮書裡的專利而被起訴,學名藥廠也可以提出反訴來要求刪除或更正橘皮書裡的專利

13 喪失獨家銷售期 1.第一家學名藥廠撤回ANDA的申請。2.第一家學名藥廠在申請ANDA後,修改其第四項認證。3.第一家學名藥廠在提出ANDA申請後的30個月內,未能得到食品藥物管理局的上市許可。4.係爭藥物的專利到期。5. 如果第一家ANDA申請者與其他申請人達成不利競爭之協議,那獨家銷售期將被取消。6.如果第一家ANDA申請者未能銷售該藥品(failure to market a drug),也會被取消獨家銷售權。

14 是否違反反托拉斯法 一說認為逆向支付協議本質上違法或構成反壟斷法下之推定反競爭行為(Presumptively Anti-competitive) 另一說則認為,除非該和解所限制之競爭行為,已超出系爭專利所享有之排它權範圍(scope of patent),否則單純之逆向給付和解價金,不構成違反反托拉斯法

15 IP and Antitrust are in conflict
Initial View: IP Prevails Over Antitrust Early View: Antitrust Must Limit IP to the Scope of the Grant SCM v. Xerox, 645 F.2d 1193, 1203 (2d Cir. 1981): “The conflict between the antitrust and patent laws arises in the methods they embrace that were designed to achieve reciprocal goals. While the antitrust laws proscribe unreasonable restraints of competition, the patent laws reward the inventor with a temporary monopoly that insulates him from competitive exploitation of his patented art. When the patented product succeeds in engulfing a large section of a preexisting product market, the patent and antitrust laws necessarily clash.”

16 Initial View: IP “Trumps” Antitrust
IP law gives “immunity” from antitrust “Very object” of IP is to grant “monopoly” IP law therefore gave “absolute freedom” The initial view of the US courts was that the conflict must be resolved by elevating IP rights over antitrust concerns. This view was built on the concept that IP law gives a sort of “immunity” from antitrust. This view prevailed until the 1930s. These quotes here are from a US Supreme Court has that gives a flavor of how this view dealt with the IP – antitrust interface. Let me describe that case briefly. The case was Bement v. National Harrow Co., 186 U.S. 70 (1902) Patent pool among competing manufacturers Established to settle litigation among manufacturers of “float spring tooth harrows” Each firm assigned patents to National Harrow Company, which licensed technology back Each firm had to adhere to price schedule (price fixing) Each firm limited to use the technology that it started with Supreme Court held that there was no antitrust violation because patents gave right to condition license Logic: Since a patentee need not license at all (it can chose to use technology itself), patentee can put any condition on license. Note: Brazilian law allows for compulsory licenses where invention not commercialized. ALLOWED CONDUCT THAT WAS MANIFESTLY BAD FOR ECONOMY – PRICE FIXING

17 Early View: Antitrust Must Limit IP
Focus was on scope of IP grant Conduct inside scope was immune Conduct outside scope was unlawful Later, as both Congress and the courts focused on the perceived relationship between IP and the restriction of economic activity, the prevailing view came to be that the role of antitrust was to ensure that the competitive impact of IP was limited to the exact scope of the IP grant. The logic was that IP laws were an “implied repeal” of the antitrust laws because of the conflict between the two bodies of law. That “repeal” was to be narrowly construed and limited to the scope of the IP grant. Any licensing restriction beyond that scope was condemned as per se illegal. This view was captured in guidelines given by the US Department of Justice, which came to be known as the Nine No-No’s (Guidelines given in 1970) tying of unpatented supplies; exclusive dealing; tie-outs (not allowing license to deal in competing products); mandatory package licensing; compulsory payment of royalties in amounts not reasonably related to sales of the patented product; DID NOT LOOK AT ACTUAL ECONOMIC EFFECTS LIMITED CONDUCT THAT COULD BE GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY

18 當然違法 第六巡迴上訴法院在In re Cardizem CD Antitrust Litigation一案[1]中,該案專利藥廠與學名藥廠的和解協議中,除了逆向支付外,還包括要求學名藥廠不放棄180天的獨家銷售期,並且不販售未侵權的類似藥物,而認為其當然違法(per se illegal)。 [1] 332 F.3d 896 (6th Cir. 2003).

19 專利權排他範圍(一) 第十一巡迴上訴法院在2003年Valley Drug Co. v. Geneva Pharms., Inc.案中,則認為對逆向支付和解,不應將之當作當然違法,而應採用合理原則詳細判斷,並將該案發回地區法院審查。

20 地區法院 (1)首先先分析專利排他權的範圍,包括係爭專利訴訟在暫時禁制令階段或最終判決的可能結果;(2)和解協議超出專利範圍的程度;(3)所導致的反競爭的效果。

21 專利權排他範圍(二) 同樣第十一巡迴上訴法院在2005年的Schering-Plough Corp. v. FTC案中,則繼續採用之前Valley Drug的合理原則判斷標準,否決了聯邦貿易委員會的處罰,其認為無證據證明該專利無效或該訴訟為虛偽訴訟,在經過審查後,其認為該協議內容在專利權的專屬範圍內而受到專利法保護。

22 第二巡迴法院Tamoxifen案(2005) Settlement after patentee loss at district court not suspect Reverse payment not suspicious so long as litigation not a sham Restrictions within exclusionary scope Agreement did not cause bottleneck

23 Scope of the Patent Test (2d, 11th, Federal Circuits)
Settlement’s Restriction on Competition within the “Potential Exclusionary Scope” of a Patent is lawful. Settlement’s Restriction is outside that “Potential Exclusionary Scope” if: 1. Fraud on the PTO 2. Objectively Baseless 3. Terms of Settlement Extend Beyond Patent Scope

24 聯邦巡迴法院Ciprofloxacin案(2008)
合理原則之判斷,三步驟,1.原告需舉證系爭行為對相關市場具有反競爭效果。2.若原告舉證成功,則被告需舉證,該系爭行為有促進競爭效果。3.若被告也舉證成功,則原告必須證明,該促進競爭效果可用較不限制競爭之手段達成。 但地區法院在第一步驟就認為系爭行為在專利權專屬範圍內,而無反競爭效果。而聯邦巡迴上訴法院也同意此見解,認為系爭協議約定在444號專利到期前學名藥廠不銷售學名藥,並且不挑戰444號專利之有性,這本來就是屬於拜爾的專利權範圍內。

25 Two Main Principles Conduct within the lawful scope of a patent is not subject to antitrust scrutiny Settlements are favored by our court system

26 合理原則快速檢驗法:第三巡迴法院In re K-Dur案(2012)
逆向支付協議,本身就是不合理交易限制的表面證據(prima facie evidence of an unreasonable restraint of trade),可推定其不合法。原告只要證明其為逆向支付協議後,就推定其不合法。 推翻方式有二:一,藥廠可以證明,該支付並不是為了拖延上市,而是有其他理由。二,被告可以舉證證明,若不採取該逆向支付,則無法達到該協議所創造出的促進競爭效果,例如,「該支付金額不高,且是為了讓現今匱乏的藥廠免於破產並開始生產學名藥」

27 嚴格合理原則:最高法院FTC v. Actavis案(2013)
一個有效專利權人可以做的,與其是否違反反托拉斯法,是不同的問題。 Breyer大法官並不自己判斷本案中係爭的逆向支付和解協議,究竟是否違法。法院認為應該採用「合理原則」(rule of reason),而非快速檢驗方法

28 比較我國 4.1 我國無專利連結制度 4.2 我國定暫時狀態假處分

29 智慧財產法院民事判決99年度民公上字第3號判決

30 違反公平交易法 但由於專利藥廠此一訴訟策略,導致學名藥廠延遲上市四年,造成損失,故學名藥廠對此一不當使用假處分之手段,根據民法184條侵權行為、公平交易法第24條搭配31、32條、以及民事訴訟法第531條,請求五千萬之損害賠償。

31 比較我國 4.3 我國無專利到期前挑戰其有效性之誘因設計

32 謝謝聆聽 Q&A

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