Module2 Unit2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China 在中国有很多美丽的湖泊.

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Presentation on theme: "Module2 Unit2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China 在中国有很多美丽的湖泊."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module2 Unit2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China 在中国有很多美丽的湖泊

2 Let’s listen to the chant.

3 the Huangshan Mountain
There are many beautiful places in China. Look at the pictures .Do you know where they are? the Huangshan Mountain the Changjiang River the West Lake the Great Wall

4 the Huangshan Mountain
Let’s say the chant. the Huangshan Mountain the Changjiang River the West Lake the Great Wall

5 the Huangshan Mountain
The Huangshan Mountain is ________________. a famous mountain famous著名的 high高的 Anhui高的 It’s ________. It’s ________.

6 the Changjiang River a famous river
The Changjiang river is _______________. It’s ____________________________ long. more than six thousand kilometres

7 the West Lake It’s ___________. It’s ___________. in Hangzhou

8 the Great Wall It’s____________________________long. It’s ________ .
more than twenty thousand kilometres It’s ________ . strong坚固的

9 There are __________in the classroom .
There is __________ in the classroom . There are __________ on the lake . There is __________ on the lake . There is __________ in the tree . There is __________ in the water .

10 Review 复习 Words: strong : 1、坚固的 2、强壮的 eg: 1、The Great Wall is strong.
长城是坚固的。 2、He is strong. 他很强壮。

11 There are many mountains in China. .

12 the___________ Mountain山
Qingcheng the___________ Mountain山

13 Emei the______Mountain

14 the Huangshan Mountain

15 Yellow the ______ River江;河

16 Jiangan the _________ River

17 Changjiang the ___________ River

18 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.

19 the __________ Lake湖 Jincheng

20 Lugu the __________ Lake湖

21 the _______ Lake湖 West

22 3、Look and say Look at the four pictures on page 12.
Can you say something about it ? 1、There are five pupils on the Great Wall. 2、There are lots of pictures on the wall. 3、There are two boats on the river. 4、There is a bird in the tree. There is a fish in the river.

23 1._____ _____three noodle shops in the picture .
There are There are 2.______ _____ seven buses in the picture. There is 3. ______ ____a railway station in the picture. 4.There’s ______ a hospital in the picture. There’s 5. ______ a library in the picture. There’s 6. ______ a supermarket in the picture. There’s 7.______ a station in the picture.


25 There are lots of computers in the classroom.
There are lots of desks in the classroom . There are lots of chairs in the classroom . There is a piano in the classroom. (a blackboard, a guitar, a drum, a clock)

26 There be句型 There 可数名词单数 is + 不可数名词 are + 可数名词复数

27 There’s a Chinatown in New York.
有 一个 唐人街 在 纽约

28 c There are lots of Chinese shops there. 有 许多 商店

29 There are lots of Chinese restaurants there.
There’s Chinese dancing(舞蹈).

30 the Huangshan Mountain
There are many mountains in China. There’s a famous mountain in Anhui. It’s the Huangshan Mountain.

31 the Changjiang River This is the famous(有名的) Changjiang river.
It’s more than six thousand kilometres long.

32 the West Lake There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. This is the West Lake.It’s in Hangzhou.

33 the Great Wall This is the Great Wall .
It’s more than twenty thousand kilometres long.

34 5、Listen and say. Then sing.

35 the Ming Tombs

36 明十三陵,世界文化遗产,全国重点文物保护单位,国家重点风景名胜区,国家AAAAA级旅游景区。

37 十三陵的由来 明朝开国皇帝朱元璋,建都于南京,死后葬于南京钟山之阳称“明孝陵”。第二帝朱允炆(建文帝)因其叔父朱棣以“靖难”(为皇帝解除危难)为名发兵打到南京,建文帝不知所终。有人说出家当了和尚,总之是下落不明(这在明朝历史上是一个悬案),所以没有陵墓。第七帝朱祁钰,因其兄英宗皇帝朱祁镇被瓦剌所俘,宫中无主,在太后和大臣的旨意下即了帝位。后英宗被放回,在心腹党羽的策划下,搞了一场“夺门之变”,英宗复辟,又坐了皇帝。朱祁钰被害死,英宗不承认他是皇帝,将其在天寿山区域内修建的陵墓也给捣毁了。而以“王”的身份将他葬于北京西郊玉泉山。这样,明朝十六帝有两位葬在别处,一位下落不明,其余十三位都葬在天寿山,所以称“明十三陵”。

38 stone animals


40 a big red gate

41 Where did you go for your holiday?
I went to …


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