網頁設計快速入門篇 講 師 : 簡 嘉 宏 1.

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1 網頁設計快速入門篇 講 師 : 簡 嘉 宏 1

2 課程內容: 認識各式網頁 建立網頁設定 加入多媒體與連結 表格設計 加入 spry 效果 運用擴充模組 發佈網站管理

3 整合革新 Customers tell the story of the engagement imperative through their demonstrated success w/ our tech - web video, RIA, mobile + desktop. Talk to each of the partners, what they are doing and why Flash/AIR Video Urban Outfitters Adding interactivity to their shopping cart increased conversion by 20%. That’s directly to the bottom line. Finetune Delivery to browser, desktop, and devices allows service to reach everywhere. MTV Ability to access media directly on your phone extends their experience from the web to devices.

4 系統需求: Windows 1GHz 或更快的處理器
Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 (建議 Service Pack 3) 或 Windows Vista® Home Premium、Business、Ultimate 或 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (取得 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 32 位元版本的認證) 512MB 的記憶體 1GB 的可用硬碟空間以進行安裝; 安裝期間需要額外可用 1,024x768 顯示解析度與 16 位元顯示卡 DVD-ROM 光碟機 Mac OS PowerPC® G5 或多核心的 Intel® 處理器 Mac OS X v –10.5.4 1.8GB 的可用硬碟空間以進行安裝; 安裝期間需要額外可用空間

5 當 Adobe 遇見 Macromedia ? 2005 年4 月19 日 +

6 全面革新的 Adobe Creative Suite 4
This thinking informs much of our focus with Adobe Creative Suite 4. We wanted to address customer pain points and help customers take an enormous leap forward in productivity and rich output. Let’s put this in context of the CS3 release, which has been incredible. It was our first attempt to integrate Adobe’s and Macromedia’s products and we succeeded in doing a number of things that made certain workflows better, such as: —Importing native PSD and Ai files into Flash, which literally transformed interactive workflows and saved Flash developers countless hours of work—while enabling them to better serve a creaive vision for the work. —Copying and pasting PSD files into Dreamweaver, so that two of the tools most used in web design worked better together. —Introducing LiveColor in Illustrator to make it easier and faster to iterate color combinations across packaging and other deliverables that Illustrator users create. —Introducing Soundbooth into the video suite to make it easier and faster for people who are not audio experts to add sound to their content. —Another example is multi-image place in InDesign which saves enormous time for people who lay out pages day in and day out. In fact, many of the things that we take for granted, or think are less sexy, less “shiny” are the things that make the creative pro’s eye’s pop. Taking 90 minutes out of a project is often far more valuable than a sexy, but rarely used feature. As proud as we are of these accomplishments, CS3 was just our first effort at this. Now with CS4, we’re focused on doing something more powerful, which is breaking down barriers between project workflows so designers and developers can work better together….so people with specialized skills can apply them to creating more media because we’ve made it easier for them to apply what they already know to working in different workflows. For example, an After Effects user will recognize the new timeline in Flash and be able to get to work with it faster…. On a practical note: We are updating and releasing 14 point products and all 6 suites at once for CS4. We are also introducing services that work within our applications as well as on the web to facilitate more community, collaboration, and productivity for our customers. We have also made changes to two of the suite configurations: We’ve added Fireworks CS4 to Design Premium in response to customer requests for stronger web prototyping tools (in fact, we’re starting this by introducing it into the CS3.3 release because of customer interest). We are also adding Soundbooth to the Web Premium configuration so that Flash users can get easy to use audio tools for adding sound to their interactive experiences. 全新六套 Creative Suite 系列產品,與十三款重量級軟體, 另外為創意工作者提供全新的線上服務

7 網頁類別 1 靜態網頁 2 動態網頁

8 動態網站建構

9 檔案管理大師- Bridge 1 預視各式檔案內容 2 鎖定項目 3 投影片播放 4 堆疊顯示 5 批次檔案命名 6 標籤檔案
7 加入捷徑至我的最愛

10 關於Dreamwave CS4 構想網站藍圖 建立網站主頁 建立連結與多媒體 發佈網站

11 建立網站 creativity is changing/democratizing
Tools to support is also must change Each of these end-user services by Adobe extends our leading creative tools for delivering web, video + print content to new mediums for creation (or something like that…) Built on our technology – eating our own dog food

12 文字編排 (方法一) 格式功能表選單 (方法二) 按滑鼠右鍵選單 (方法三) 屬性設定面板
(方法一) 格式功能表選單 (方法二) 按滑鼠右鍵選單 creativity is changing/democratizing Tools to support is also must change Each of these end-user services by Adobe extends our leading creative tools for delivering web, video + print content to new mediums for creation (or something like that…) Built on our technology – eating our own dog food (方法三) 屬性設定面板

13 首頁自動轉頁 步驟(三) 步驟(一) 步驟(二) 步驟(四) creativity is changing/democratizing
Tools to support is also must change Each of these end-user services by Adobe extends our leading creative tools for delivering web, video + print content to new mediums for creation (or something like that…) Built on our technology – eating our own dog food

14 取得擴充模組 creativity is changing/democratizing
Tools to support is also must change Each of these end-user services by Adobe extends our leading creative tools for delivering web, video + print content to new mediums for creation (or something like that…) Built on our technology – eating our own dog food

15 Adobe RIAs 分享 Buzzword Premiere Express Photoshop Express Acrobat.com
creativity is changing/democratizing Tools to support is also must change Each of these end-user services by Adobe extends our leading creative tools for delivering web, video + print content to new mediums for creation (or something like that…) Built on our technology – eating our own dog food

16 結束是新的學習開始,祝大家都能收益良多!

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