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The Battle Against AIDS

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1 The Battle Against AIDS
Unit5 The Battle Against AIDS

2 Objects: 1.New words about the text 2.Text structure 3.Your own thinking about AIDs

3 If you know one of your friend infects AIDS, what will you do?
I will disgust him or her and avoid to see him or her. B. I’ll Try to know more information about AIDS and tell him or her not to be afraid. C. I’ll study and play with him or her just as before.

4 What is AIDS? AIDS, stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a deadly disease. It malfunctions the human body's defence system, making the infected person extremely vulnerable to diseases, and eventually cause death.

5 The history of AIDS! 1. AIDS was diagnosed in the US in the late 1970s. 2. Sine then,AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans-half in the past few yeears alone. 3. Nearly half of those diagnosed with the virus are blacks and Latinos.

6 Latin America 拉丁美洲 拉丁美洲是指从墨西哥起的西半球南部的整个地区。它东濒加勒比海和大西洋 。它包括北美洲的墨西哥、中美洲和南美洲大陆。在历史上,这一地区主要是拉丁语系的西班牙和葡萄牙等国的殖民地,故称拉丁美洲。

7 Terrible HIV Virus. This is the HIV virus!(human immunodeficiency virus ) 这种病毒由于有逆转录酶,并且是单链RNA病毒所以容易转移、复制和变异!并且它主要的攻击对象是人体的免疫细胞-T4细胞!

8 AIDS can be spread in many ways
AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby. 母婴传播,不过有些幸运的婴儿则不会被感染。

9 AIDS can be spread in many ways
AIDS can spread through blood. HIV exists in the blood, so will have blood-borne.(HIV会在血液中存在,所以会产生血液传播。)

10 AIDS can be spread in many ways
AIDS can sexual transmission. 还有一种是性传播。

11 AIDS can be spread in many ways
AIDS can be spread in many ways, but the main medium is through having unprotected intercourse with an infected person. Apart from that, AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby, or sharing of needles, shaving blades, or any means of blood contact.

12 Let us fight together.

13 The End Once infected, it may take years for the person to notice, and in these years, the infected person may not know and can infect many more, who in turn go and infect others. Everyone must become an educator and learn to live.

14 Text structure Part 1 (para1-2) : The background and the present situation about the problem of AIDS. Part 2(para3-13): The current battle against AIDS. Part3(para14): The importance of the battle against AIDS.

15 AIDS: acquired immune deficiency sydrome获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)
New words: AIDS: acquired immune deficiency sydrome获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病) Aquire: vt. get or gain something How can you acquire such a large quantity of knowledge? Immune:a. from a disease or illness because one cannot be affected by it 免疫的 This blood test will show whether or not you’re immune to this disease. B1-Unit 5

16 I am immune to the noise from the factory.
2. Not affected by sth. I am immune to the noise from the factory. Deficiency:n. the state of having none or not enough of 不足, 缺乏 One of the symptons of vitamin C deficiency is extreme tirdness. Infect: vt.1. Cause sb. to have a disease感染 People with this virus may infect others. 2.affect; influnence感染,影响 He infects everyone around him with his enthusiam. B1-Unit 5

17 Constitute:vt. make up; form组成,构成
Twelve scientists constituted a research group to study air pollution. Implement:vt.carry out or put certain decisions into practice.实施,执行 The government is implementing its program of helping the poor. Publication:n. 出版物;公布,发表,出版 B1-Unit 5

18 Solve:find an answer to or a way of dealing with a problem. 解决, 解答
This is a better way to solve the problem. illustrate: show the meaning of sth. by giving Pictures or examples 说明(图示说明) The case illustrates that women can do much better than men in some fields. Plague:1.vt. cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time.受 疾病折磨;使苦恼 B1-Unit 5

19 He was plagued by ill health. 2.n.瘟疫,传染病
Emphasize:vt.give particular importance or attention to sth.强调 Robert emphasized the difference between the interests of the single person and those of the community. Crisis:n. an urgent,difficult or dangerous position危机,紧要关头 B1-Unit 5

20 Represent: vt.1be sth.表示,应视为 a sign or symbol of sth.标志,象征
The color yellow represents warning. 3.act or speak officially for another person or a group of people.代表 He was chosen to represent the company at the conference. Threaten:vt. 1 be likely to harm or destroy sth. 威胁到, 危害到 B1-Unit 5

21 The dispute threatened their relations.
2.say that you will cause sb. harm or trouble if they don’t do what you want威胁,恐吓 The father threatened the child with punishment if the child did not obey his orders. B1-Unit 5

22 The End B1-Unit 5

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