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連接詞 when、before 和 after

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1 連接詞 when、before 和 after
康軒國中英語 文法教學 PPT 連接詞 when、before 和 after

2 一、時間連接詞 1. 連接詞 when 的功用 • 表示 A、B 兩件事情同時發生 事件 A Now 事件 B

3 got married happy

When Selina got married, Hebe and Ella were happy. = Hebe and Ella were happy when Selina got married 當SELINA結婚時,HEBE和ELLA很開心

5 got home saw my dog

6 When I got home, I saw my dog.
=I saw my dog when I got home. 當我回到家時,我看到我的小狗。

7 played basketball cellphone rang

8 When Jeremy Lin played basketball, his cellphone rang.
=Jeremy Lin’s cellphone rang when he played basketball. 當林書豪打籃球時,他的手機響了。

9 Practice won the game / felt excited When Lu won the game
, he felt excited.

10 Practice be happy / play soccer when they played soccer
They were happy

11 一、時間連接詞 2. 連接詞 after 的功用 • 強調事件 B 發生在事件 A 之後。 事件 A Now 事件 B


13 After she brushed her teeth, she went to bed.
= She went to bed after she brushed her teeth. 在她刷牙後,她就上床睡覺了。

14 ate dinner studied Chinese

15 After he ate dinner, he studied Chinese.
= He studied Chinese after he ate dinner. 在他吃晚餐後,就去研讀國文了。

16 did exercise drank water

17 After she did exercise, she drank water.
= She drank water after she did exercise. 在她做運動後,她喝了水。

18 Practice finished the test / checked the answers
Jay After Jay finished the test , he checked the answers.he

19 Practice got up / ate breakfast after she got up
Susan after she got up Susan ate breakfastbefore he studied

20 一、時間連接詞 3. 連接詞 before 的功用 • 強調事件 B 發生在事件 A 之前。 事件 A Now 事件 B

21 washed hands ate

22 Before he ate, he washed hands.
= He washed hands before he ate. 在他吃東西前,他先洗手。

23 blew out the candles cut the cake

24 Before she cut the cake, she blew out the candles.
= She blew out the candles before she cut the cake. 在她切蛋糕前,她吹了蠟燭。

25 did their homework watched TV

26 Before they watched TV, they did their homework.
= They did their homework before they watched TV. 在他們看電視前,他們先做了作業。

27 Practice bake a pie / visit the toy museum
Lucas Before Lucas visited the toy museum , he baked a pie.he visited the toy m

28 Practice clean the house / study Japanese before he studied Japanese
David before he studied Japanese David cleaned the house before he studied Japanese .

29 二、連接詞的基本句型 3. 在不影響語意的情況下, after 和 before 可互換。

30 fed the dog cleaned her room

31 The girl fed the dog after she cleaned her room.
Before the girl fed the dog, she cleaned her room.

32 jogged in the park took a bath

33 The woman took a bath after she jogged in the park.
Before the woman took a bath, she jogged in the park.

34 二、連接詞的基本句型 主要子句 + 連接詞 + 子句. 連接詞 + 子句, + 主要子句.
主要子句 + 連接詞 + 子句. 連接詞 + 子句, + 主要子句. I was happy when I saw my grandpa. When I saw my grandpa, I was happy.

35 二、連接詞的基本句型 I called Peter after I got home.
After I got home, I called Peter. I brushed my teeth before I went to bed. Before I went to bed, I brushed my teeth.

36 二、連接詞的基本句型 4. 使用連接詞時,注意事件發生的順序與時式的一致性。
【】Helen cooked the egg before she ate it. 【】Helen cooked the egg before she eats it.

37 三、補充 1. after 和 before 也可當介系 詞,後接名詞當受詞。 例:
(1) I often play tennis after work. 我常在工作後打網球。 (2) Please call me before lunch. 請在午餐前打電話給我。

38 三、補充 2. 連接詞除了連接過去的事件, 亦可視句意使用不同的時式。 例:
2. 連接詞除了連接過去的事件, 亦可視句意使用不同的時式。 例: (1) Can I borrow the book after you finish it? 你讀完這本書之後,我可以向你 借嗎?

39 例: (2) Say goodbye before you go. 離去前說聲再見。 (3) Bill often drinks some milk before he sleeps. Bill 常在睡前喝些牛奶。 (4) You can get the license after you pass the exam. 通過測驗後你就能拿到執照。

40 四、 重點整理 1. when 表示「當…… 時」。 2. after 表示「在……之後」。 3. before 表示「在……之前」。
主要子句 + 連接詞 + 子句. 連接詞 + 子句, + 主要子句.

41 例: (1) When I was a child, she lived in Taipei. 當我還是小孩子時,她住在臺北。 (2) After the rain stopped, Alex left. 在雨停之後,Alex 離開了。 (3) Before I went to school, I drank the milk. 在我去上學之前,我喝了牛奶。

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