Logistics 物流 昭安國際物流園區 總經理 曾玉勤.

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1 Logistics 物流 昭安國際物流園區 總經理 曾玉勤

2 項目 源由與譯名 範疇與概念 各家的定義 3PL providers defined

3 原意與譯名 Logistics原為軍事用語,指後勤補給,從軍事科學的觀點看,包括有關軍用物資、設備、人員等的採購、生產、儲存、維修、運送等活動。 物流在台灣有人翻譯成運籌,但中國所稱的運籌指台灣的作業研究 (operation research),二者對運籌的定義有相當大的差異。

4 物流的範疇與概念 物流的範圍包含物料管理和實體配送管理。

5 各家的定義-中華民國物流協會 中華民國物流協會對物流的定義為:

6 各家的定義-美國物流管理協會 美國物流管理協會(Council of Logistics Management (CLM)) 在1998年以前對物流的定義為: Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.

7 各家的定義-美國物流管理協會 中文解說:物流是為了符合客戶的需求,在有效率及適當成本下,對原料、再製品、成品和相關資訊,從產出點到消費點的流動和儲存,進行規劃、執行與控制的過程。

8 各家的定義-美國物流管理協會 美國物流管理協會在1998年修改物流的定義為:
Logistics is the part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.

9 各家的定義-美國物流管理協會 中文的解說:物流為供應鏈程序的一部份,對物品、服務、和相關資訊,從產出點到消費點的有效率地流動和儲存,進行規劃、執行與控制的過程,以符合客戶的需求。

10 各家的定義—學者 美國學者Ronald H. Ballou在其所作一書 “Business Logistics Management” 1999年第四版中,認為: 物流為運輸、存貨、訂單處理、物料搬運等,和生產 (production) 重疊的部分為採購、生產排程、物流中心或倉庫位置等,和行銷 (marketing) 重疊部分為價格、包裝、零售點、客戶服務水準等。

11 各家的定義—學者 美國學者 John J. Coyle 在其所作一書 “Transportation” 2000年第五版中認為:
Logistics 加上資訊科技、銷售、財務則成為供應鏈管理 (supply chain management)。

12 So, what is logistics?

13 What is logistics? We asked a number of 3PL providers
how they defined the term of ‘logistics’.

14 Logistics - Pilot Air Freight
For Pennsylvania-based Pilot Air Freight, the definition is simple and straightforward:”We define logistics as problem-solving. We work with each customer individually to design solutions to meet their unique requirements. No two customers are alike, and what may work for one customer, may not work for another.”

15 Logistics - GATX Logistics
GATX Logistics:“Logistics is the process of strategically managing the movement and management of materials, products and related information from any point in the manufacturing process to the consumer market, with a provision for a reverse flow to handle returns.”

16 Logistics - RMX Global Logistics
“All functions and services required move goods through the supply chain, from raw product to finished goods." RMX Global Logistics

17 Logistics - Daylight Transport
Daylight Transport: “The process of integrating the transportation of material or product into a customer’s supply chain or order cycle to effect lower inventory carrying costs and overall cost reduction while placing the product or material at destination on schedule.”

18 Logistics - Standard Corporation
Standard Corporation: “In today’s world, moving products is only part of the total logistics picture. Collecting, processing, storing and turning information into knowledge in sync with a customer’s overall business strategy is just as important.”

19 Logistics - Pegasus TransAir
Pegasus TransAir:”Logistics is the planning and management or orchestration of the critical details necessary to produce an enhanced value of the products offered by our customers.”

20 Logistics - ABX USA Logistics
ABX USA Logistics:”Logistics is an ever increasing and expanding job. It is no longer moving goods from one point to another. It now encompasses an expanding and increasingly more important number of roles. Now ‘just in time’ is no longer just an inventory-related philosophy, we now have to think in terms of supply chain management, global route negotiations, instant, paperless communications, and all sorts of new management techniques.”

21 Logistics - National air Cargo
National air Cargo:”What do you have to move from point A to point B, how fast do you need it there, and how much can you spend to have your mission completed?

22 Logistics-提高競爭力 作業層次 策略層次 競爭力提昇
物流(運籌)是繼[生產] [財物] [行銷] 之後 , 充滿契機的決勝領域 Final Frontier ….. Peter Drucker

23 Business Logistics Management
7-Rs Right Commodity Right Time Right Price Right Quality Right Place Right Quantity Right Impression ………………………….7 Rs Methode (E.W.Smykay)

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