At a Friend’s House Students will be able to

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1 At a Friend’s House Students will be able to
Briefly describe a visit to a friend’s place.

2 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
wán shào shū guăn xìng liáo cái gāo shì huí jiā xiào tīng píng jiè yīn rèn

3 Making Connection Sound with Symbol
lái wán shū guăn cái huí jiā liáo jiè shào rèn shì tiān gāo xìng gōng zuò zuò me zuò xià shén zhōu wài guó míng zi qĭng wèn

4 Connect sound with symbol Read out loud the Chinese words from the chart:
1 聊天 週一 工作 2 週末 很大 圖書館 喝了 吃了 3 看了 一起 晚上 回家 4 兩瓶 兩杯 介紹 認識 高興 jiào Liáo tiān wán Gōng zuò Zhōu yī Tú shū guăn Zhōu Hěn dà Hē le Chī le Kàn le Yì qĭ Wăn shàng Cái Huí jiā Liăng píng Liăng bēi Jiè shào Rèn shì Gāo xìng

5 Connect the sound with symbol and the meaning Read out loud the Chinese words and think about the meaning 1 To call To chat To play Monday Work/job 2 Weekend Very big Library Drank Ate 3 Saw/have seen Together Not until night Return home 4 Two bottles Two cups To introduce To know Happy 聊天 週一 工作 週末 很大 圖書 喝了 吃了 看了 一起 晚上 回家 兩瓶 兩杯 認識 高興 介紹

6 At a Friend’s House Say and write in Chinese: Last night: Go Home:
My house: Play ball: Acquaintance: TV: School: Watch: Library: Read books: Work: Movie: Two cups: Two bottles of water: Only drink: 12 o’clock. Together: 7:30: Have fun/play: 4:27am: Chat: 6:45pm: Not until…: 12:15pm: Return: 昨天晚上 回家 我家 打球 認識 電視 學校 圖書館 看書 工作 電影 兩杯 兩瓶水 只喝 十二點 一起 七點半 早上四點二十七分: 晚上六點三刻: 聊天 中午十二點一刻: …才…: 回:

7 At a Friend’s House Say and write in Chinese: Last night: Go Home:
My house: Play ball: Acquaintance: TV: School: Watch: Library: Read books: Work: Movie: Two cups: Two bottles of water: Only drink: 12 o’clock. Together: 7:30: Have fun/play: 4:27am: Chat: 6:45pm: Not until…: 12:15pm: Return:

8 一 二 三 四 五 1 2 3 4 叫 玩 週一 工作 聊天 週末 很大 喝了 吃了 一起 才 晚上 回家 看了 兩瓶 水 兩杯 介紹 認識
Translation- Visiting Friends Read the English words and Say them in Chinese Play/have fun Has eaten Have read Library Together Chat Not until Return home Monday weekend Know/acquaintance Work Drank Night Two cups Introduce Happy Very big Two bottle of water Called 1 2 3 4 週一 工作 聊天 圖書館 週末 很大 喝了 吃了 一起 晚上 回家 看了 兩瓶 兩杯 介紹 認識 高興

9 叫 吃了 喝了 週一 週末 玩 晚上 工作 認識 看了 圖書館 一起 聊天 才 回家 很大 兩瓶水 介紹 兩杯 高興
Visiting friends II - Vocabulary Write in Chinese using the words in the word bank 叫 吃了 喝了 週一 週末 玩 晚上 工作 認識 看了 圖書館 一起 聊天 才 回家 很大 兩瓶水 介紹 兩杯 高興 Play/have fun Know/acquaintance Has eaten Work Have read Drank Library Night Together Two cups Chat Introduce No until Happy Return home Very big Monday Two bottle of water weekend Called

10 Visiting Friends II The use of 了
Textbook p 137, p140 H, J, K Workbook p 86 IV A & B Visiting Friends II The use of 了 看了 看書了 喝了 喝水了 吃了 吃飯了 睡覺 睡覺了 回家 回家了 Have read Have read book Have drunk Have drunk water Have eaten Have eaten meal sleep Have slept Go home Have gone home

11 Visiting Friends II The use of 了
Textbook p 137, p140 H, J, K Workbook p 86 IV A & B Visiting Friends II The use of 了 你看書了嗎? 我看書了 你喝水了嗎? 我喝水了 你吃飯了嗎? 我沒有吃飯 爸爸睡覺了嗎? 爸爸沒有睡覺 哥哥回家了嗎? 哥哥還沒有回家 Have you read the book? I have read the book. Have you drunk water? I have drunk water Have you eaten? I haven’t eaten (meal). Have Father slept? Father hasn’t slept. Has elder brother gone home? Elder brother hasn’t gone home yet.

12 Visiting Friends II The use of 才
Textbook p 137, p140 H, J, K Workbook p 86 IV A & B Visiting Friends II The use of 才 我很晚才回家. 她很晚才睡覺. 他很晚才吃飯. 我很晚才看書. 我很晚才喝咖啡 我很晚才去圖書館 我很晚才去學校. 我很晚才去朋友家. 哥哥很晚才去打球. 哥哥很晚才去工作 I didn’t come home until very late. She didn’t sleep until very late. He didn’t eat until very late. I didn’t read book until very late. I didn’t drink coffee until very late. I didn’t go to library until very late. I didn’t go to school until very late. I didn’t go to friend’s house until very late. Elder brother didn’t go to play ball until very late. Elder brother didn’t go to work until very late.

13 Visiting friends II To play Have played ball: Play ball: Library:
Textbook p 137, p140 H, J, K Workbook p 86 IV A & B Visiting friends II Write in Chinese: To play Have played ball: Play ball: Library: Have eaten: Together: Have read: To chat: Have drunk: Chat together Have done: Go together Have listened: Not until: Have sung: Return home: Have introduced: How many cups: Have made acquaintance: Not return home until 12:00pm Not ate dinner until 8pm Have come: Not came until 5:00 Have gone: Have slept:

14 wán to play 週末我們去高小音家玩. EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 李友請我們去她家玩. 明天你們要不要來我家玩?

15 le Completion of an action 我喝了兩杯茶 EX. 我們在他家認識了他的姐姐. 我不要喝咖啡,因為我喝了茶.

16 圖書館 tú shū guăn library 週末我們在圖書館見. EX. 他爸爸在圖書館工作. 你們不可以在圖書館喝茶

17 一起 Yì qĭ together 週末我們一起去跳舞怎麼樣? EX. 你要不要和我一起去看電影 今天晚上和我們一起吃飯怎麼樣?

18 聊天 liáo tiān To chat 我們在圖書館聊天. EX. 我們在小王家喝茶聊天看電視. 請看書不要聊天

19 cái Not until 我昨天12:30才睡覺. EX. 我週末常常很晚才睡覺 昨天我很晚才去學校.

20 回家 huí jiā To return home 有的時候我和同學一起回家 EX. 昨天晚上我很晚才回家. 我喝了兩瓶可樂才回家.

21 Unscramble sentences: II
請我們 她家 林老師 要不要 我家 明天 明天你要不要來我家玩

22 咖啡 還喝了 喝了 老師家 去了 昨天 昨天我去了王老師家

23 我們 回家 一起 今天 晚上 怎麼樣 一起 跳舞 我們 昨天我去了王老師家

24 Visiting Friends II Write in Chinese:
Last night we went to teacher Lin’s house (play). In her house we’ve made acquaintance with teacher Wang. Teacher Wang works at library, too. My mother works in the school library. I invite him to drink tea with(together) me. I don’t drink coffee, I only drink tea. 昨天晚上我們去林老師家玩 在她家 在她家我們認識了王老師 我們認識了 王老師 王老師也在圖書館工作 我不喝咖啡,我只喝茶 我媽媽在學校圖書館工作 我請他和我一起喝茶 我們吃了飯才去看電影

25 我只喝了一杯水 7. I only drank a cup of water. 8. We together drink cola, chat, and watch TV. 9. I don’t go home tonight. 10. I sometimes go home with my older brother and sister. 11. She often goes to bed (sleep) very late. 12. Last night I (didn’t) go home until very late. 13. Have you gone to your friend’s house on Sunday? 14. Where have you been last night? 15. I drank coffee then I drank tea. 我們一起喝可樂,聊天,和看電視. 我今天晚上不回家 我有的時候和哥哥姊姊一起回家 她常常很晚才睡覺 我昨天晚上很晚才回家 你星期天去了你的朋友的家嗎? 我喝了咖啡才喝茶. 你昨天晚上去了哪兒? 我喝了咖啡才喝茶.

26 STORY TELLING “This is how I met your mother/father”
*Hint: You two met in your friend’s house Make up 10 sentences.

27 Write in Chinese based on the given scenario
Weekend I went to my eldest brother’s house and met a pretty girl named Wang Wen Ying. She works in the school library and likes foreign movies and dance. She often goes to see movies on the weekend. I drank two bottle of water and a cup of tea, and Wen Ying drank two cups of coffee. My brother only drank water. We watched TV and chatted together. I didn’t go home until 12:30 at night. 週末我去我的哥哥家 我喝了兩瓶水和一杯茶. 我認識了一個漂亮女孩. 文英喝了兩杯咖啡. 她的名字叫王文英. 我的哥哥只喝水 她在學校圖書館工作. 我們一起看電視和聊天. 她喜歡外國電影和跳舞 我晚上十二點半才回家 她週末常常去看電影

28 I. Write a conversation between you and your friend
Your friend asks what you did on the weekend. Following are the list of things you did. Make up a dialogue based on the info provided. (12 sentences each person) I went to my eldest brother’s house and met a pretty girl named Wang Wen Zhong. She works in the school library and likes foreign movies and dance. She often goes to see movies on the weekend. I drank two bottle of water and a cup of tea, and Wen Zhong drank two cups of coffee. My brother only drank water. We watched TV and chatted together. I didn’t go home until 12:30 AM. II. Narrate the following in Chinese:

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