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Primary Mediastinal Tumor

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1 Primary Mediastinal Tumor
原发性纵隔肿瘤 Primary Mediastinal Tumor 浙江大学医学院 附属第二医院胸外科 赵百亲 主任医师, 硕导 2016.4

2 Definition 原发性纵隔肿瘤是指位于纵隔,来源于纵隔组织和器官的肿瘤。95%者为良性,但因易恶变以及对邻近组织的压迫而应予以重视。

3 纵隔的范围 纵隔(mediastinum)位于两侧胸膜腔之间,左右为纵隔胸膜,前为胸骨,后为胸椎,上经胸廓上口与颈部相延续,下止于膈肌。

4 纵隔的内容 纵隔中有心脏、大血管、食管、气管、神经、胸腺、胸导管、丰富的淋巴组织和结缔组织、脂肪组织。

5 纵隔的临床解剖分区 以胸骨角与第4胸椎下缘连线为界将纵隔分为上、下两部。下纵隔分为3部,心包、心脏和气管分叉所在部位为中纵隔,在其前方为前纵隔,后方为后纵隔。

6 1972年,Sheilds提出了更简单的纵隔前后分区二分法

7 纵隔不同区域好发的肿瘤 上纵隔 (Superior) 胸腺瘤( thymoma )胸骨后甲状腺肿( thyroid lesions )甲状旁腺瘤( parathyroid adenoma ) 前纵隔 (Anterior) 胸腺瘤( thymomas ) 畸胎瘤( teratoma )皮样囊肿( dermoid cyst ) 中纵隔 (Middle) 心包囊肿( pericardial cyst )淋巴源性肿瘤( lymphoma )气管或支气管囊肿( bronchogenic cyst ) 后纵隔 (Posterior) 神经源性肿瘤( neurogenic tumors )

8 Common Mediastinal Tumor
常见纵隔肿瘤 Common Mediastinal Tumor

9 神经源性肿瘤 Neurogenic Tumor
* 20% of all adult and 35% of all pediatric mediastinal neoplasm, most common posterior mediastinal mass * 70-80% are benign, half are asymptomatic I. 植物神经系统肿瘤 Sympathetic Ganglia Tumor II. 起源于外周神经的肿瘤 Peripheral Nerve Tumor

10 Sympathetic Ganglia Tumor
Originate from the nerve cell in sympathetic ganglia (mostly in posterior mediastinum) I. 神经节细胞瘤 Ganglioneuroma -- children older than 3 years of age, adolescent, and young adult; -- mature ganglion cell in a dense stroma II. 节细胞神经母细胞瘤 Ganglioneuroblastoma -- combination of ganglioneuroma and neuroblastoma, most in younger than 10 years old

11 Peripheral Nerve Tumor
II.起源于外周神经的肿瘤 Peripheral Nerve Tumor I. 神经鞘瘤 Schwannoma 神经纤维瘤 Neurofibroma -- benign, slow-growing neoplasm, most common neurogenic tumor II. 恶性神经鞘瘤 Malignant Tumor of Nerve Sheath Origin -- 60% in children younger 2 years and 70-90% in children younger than 5 years -- 2/3 patients are symptomatic from distant metastasis

12 畸胎瘤 和 皮样囊肿 the anterosuperior mediastinal portion I.畸胎瘤 Teratomas Usually contain tissue derived from at least 2 of 3 germ cell layers - endoderm, esoderm, ectoderm 1,成熟畸胎瘤 Mature teratoma (60-70%) 2,未成熟畸胎瘤 Immature teratoma 3,恶性畸胎瘤 Malignant teratoma II.皮样囊肿 Dermoid cyst Only derived from ectoderm of germ cell layers

13 Teratoma (Sarcoma related)

14 胸腺瘤 Thymoma 1,胸腺瘤 Thymoma 30-50% thymoma patients have myasthenia gravis (MG), 15% MG patients have thymoma 侵袭性和非侵袭性 病理分A、B和C型 2,胸腺癌 Thymic Carcinoma 3,胸腺囊肿 Thymic Cysts

15 Mediastinal Ectopic Neoplasms
纵隔异位肿瘤 Mediastinal Ectopic Neoplasms 纵隔甲状腺肿 Mediastinal Goiter one of the most commonly seen in clinical practice, 20% cervical goiters descend into the thorax. 纵隔甲状旁腺瘤 Mediastinal Parathyroid Adenoma benign functioning neoplasm, 10% are ectopic and half occur in the anterior mediastinum.

16 Primary Mediastinal Lymphoma
原发性纵隔淋巴瘤 Primary Mediastinal Lymphoma I. 何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma II. 非何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

17 anterior mediastinal tumors
The four most common anterior mediastinal tumors Thymomas, teratomas, lymphomas, and enlarged or ectopic thyroid tissue. These are often referred to as the "4 T's" (Thymoma, Teratoma, Terrible lymphoma, and Thyroid.)

18 临床表现 --压迫症状 1. 胸膜受到刺激或压迫可出现胸痛胸闷等。 2. 支气管肺组织受压时可出现咳嗽,咯痰、呼吸困 难及肺炎等。 3. 畸胎瘤破入支气管时,常咳出毛发或豆渣样物、 牙齿和类脂质 4. 神经受压症状: 肿瘤压迫喉返神经引起声嘶( hoarseness ); 颈胸交感神经受压可出现Horner’s Syndrome,即出现眼裂变窄,上睑下垂和一侧瞳孔缩小。 膈神经受累时可出现膈肌麻痹。 5.上腔静脉受压时可出现上腔静脉综合征(SVCS)。

19 SVC Syndrome

20 Horner's Syndrome

21 截瘫Paraplegia

22 临床表现 — 全身症状 1, 胸腺肿瘤可分泌胸腺素,使Ach合成减少而出现重症肌无力症状。 e.g % thymoma patients have myasthenia gravis (MG), 15% MG patients have thymoma. 2, 嗜铬细胞瘤患者可出现一过性或持续性高血压,同时可出现糖代谢障碍,也可分泌VMA(三甲基四羟基苦杏仁酸)而产生全身性功能紊乱。 3, 胸骨后甲状腺肿可产生甲亢症状,甲状旁腺纵隔肿瘤时可出现高血钙、骨质疏松等。 4, 淋巴源性肿瘤:多为恶性,如何杰金氏病,可出现全身淋巴结肿大等。

23 纵隔肿瘤的检查方法 1、无创性检查方法 (1)临床表现:病史、年龄 25%是恶性 2/3的儿童患者有症状 1/3的成人患者有症状

24 (2)影像学表现 胸部平片仍然是初步诊断纵膈肿瘤的有效手段 CT扫描几乎已成为所有纵膈肿瘤的常规检查 MRI是继CT之后的另一个可选的检查手段

25 胸部X线检查 Chest X-Ray Film

26 Teratoma chest x-ray film

27 Computerized Tomography (CT)


29 CT-Guided Biopsy

30 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

31 Ultrasound scan

32 Thyroid iodine scan

33 (3)肿瘤标记物 它是反映肿瘤存在的可测量的生物学物质 抗乙酰胆碱酯酶受体抗体(anti-AChR):胸腺瘤和MG 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(B-hCG)和甲胎蛋白(AFP):约90%非精原细胞肿瘤患者其中一个或两者升高

34 2、有创性检查 (1)穿刺针吸活检对于倾向于非手术治疗或者影像学上表现已经不能手术切除的肿瘤,必须穿刺针吸活检; 分细针和粗针活检:淋巴瘤和生殖细胞肿瘤需要粗针活检

35 (2)开放活检 小切口 VATS 纵隔镜

36 Cervical lymph node biopsy

37 Mediastinoscopy and bronchoscopy

38 Angiography

39 治疗 — 外科手术 由于某些肿瘤可恶变,体积增大的肿瘤可压迫邻近脏器而产生各种合并症,因此对于纵隔肿瘤必须遵循早期手术切除的治疗原则。
Except for lymphomas ,the treatment for primary mediastinal tumors, whether big or small, benign or malignant, is surgical resection as the tumor may grow to impinge on adjacent important structures. The prognosis is usually good

40 手 术 切 口 正中胸骨切口 胸骨旁或肋间小切口 VATS:三切口 单孔VATS

41 CT诊断右后纵隔肿瘤, 请判断,这是什么?

42 CT提示前纵隔肿瘤, 这是什么?

43 左后下纵隔肿瘤, 这是什么?

44 其他治疗—化疗和放疗 For malignant tumors, if there is no distant metastasis or evident local invasion to the important structures, the patient’s condition is allowable, surgery is the primary treatment of choice; followed by radiation and/or chemotherapy.

45 Thanks!

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