高雄醫學大學職員工 英文加強訓練班 第一期 (105.03.22-04.21).

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Presentation on theme: "高雄醫學大學職員工 英文加強訓練班 第一期 (105.03.22-04.21)."— Presentation transcript:

1 高雄醫學大學職員工 英文加強訓練班 第一期 ( )

2 目標 課程以日常生活會話與主題為主,另外亦加強各處室 專業領域內容之英文訓練,透過課堂分組對話與討 論,瞭解校園外籍師生常見的問題並能在適當時機予 以協助,目標在於促進校園行政體系之國際化交流。 This course aims to improve the staff’s English ability and proficiency by focusing on daily and academic English conversation. Via group discussions in class, the course will help students understand and solve common problems encountered by foreigners on campus. The ultimate goal lies in enhancing international communication in KMU’s administrative systems.

3 授課進度表 週次 日期 授 課 內 容 授課教師 1 3/22 中文 課程簡介、實用英語會話 顏正裕 English
授 課 內 容 授課教師 1 3/22 中文 課程簡介、實用英語會話 顏正裕 English Orientation、Daily English Conversation 2 3/24 認識學校組織架構 1/2; 文法 (主詞與動詞) 劉劍航 Knowing Our Organization 1/2; Grammar (Subject &Verb) 3 3/29 英語聽力練習:校園地圖篇 English Listening Comprehension: Campus Map

4 4 3/31 中文 認識學校組織架構 2/2; 文法 (形容詞與副詞) 劉劍航 English Knowing Our Organization 2/2 ; Grammar (adjective & adverb) 5 4/7 學務處 問答集; 文法 (複合句 1/2) Q & A in the Office of Student Affairs; Grammar (compound sentence 1/2) 6 4/12 校園英語會話 顏正裕 English Conversation: Campus Life 7 4/14 教務處問答集; 文法(複合句 2/2) Q & A in the Office of Academic Affairs; Grammar (compound sentence 2/2)

5 8 4/19 中文 辦公室英語會話:電話溝通 顏正裕 English Office English Conversation: Communications by Phone 9 4/21 圖資相關業務英文 劉劍航 English in Office of Library and Information Services

Source: tongue-twister She sells seashells by the seashore. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can? Betty Botter bought some butter. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Source: Rhyme-on-time When were you born? The month of March Where do you live? Right down the block What do you grow? I grows roses Where do they grow? In my backyard How old are you? I’m thirty-three What do you do? I teach at school How do you feel? Somewhat scared

8 Where do you sleep? I sleep nowhere
How do you snore? Like an angry bear Where have you been? I’ve been everywhere Why do you go? Because I care What do you know? I know you guys How is this song? It’s very wise What do you see? I am surprised

9 What is the truth? The students rule
What do you like I like this school Why is it nice? Because you’re cool Who did you marry? A Polish girl What did she wear? Rubies and pearls What did you feel? I felt so good Why are you sexy? I just can’t say Who has your heart? A sweet lady Why are you so smart? I just don’t know Where is your house? In Brooklyn

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