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Topic: Politics Cecilia He April 24th, 2013

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1 Topic: Politics Cecilia He April 24th, 2013


3 Task for this week Background information for today’s interpreting material; Interpreting major personal titles from English to Chinese; Turning the abstract into the specific; Interpreting the opening speech in Boao Forum for Asia by President Xi Jinping.

4 Boao Forum for Asia 2013

5 A. Basic Facts Nature: The Boao Forum for Asia, abbreviated to BFA, is a non-profit organization that hosts high-level forums for leaders from government, business and academia in Asia and other continents to share their vision on the most pressing issues in this dynamic region and the world at large.

6 Address: It has its fixed address in Bo'ao, Hainan, China, and the Secretariat is based in Beijing. Mission: The Forum is committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries even closer to their development goals.

7 B. Member States


9 C. Topics often used in Boao Forum
Economy Integration Cooperation Society Environment

10 Titles Interpretation
Excellences Heads of State and Government Speakers of Parliament Heads of International Organizations Ministers Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia 元首: 政府首脑: 议长: 国际组织负责人: 部长: 博鳌亚洲论坛理事会:

11 A splash of inspiration
椰风暖人,海阔天高 共克时艰 爬一道道的坡、过一道道的坎 百尺竿头、更进一步

12 Glossary Zodiac cycle 生肖循环 Profound adjustment period 深度调整期
Protectionism adjusting economic structure global governance mechanisms Traditional security threats 生肖循环 深度调整期 保护主义 调整经济结构 全球治理机制 传统安全威胁

13 Practice 主题- 革新、责任、合作:亚洲寻求共同发展 Theme- Asia Seeking Development for All: Restructuring, Responsibility and Cooperation


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