崑山科技大學成績證明申請表 Kun Shan University Application Form for Transcript 申請日期Date of Application: 年Year 月Month 日Day 學制School System:□ 碩士班Master Program.

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Presentation on theme: "崑山科技大學成績證明申請表 Kun Shan University Application Form for Transcript 申請日期Date of Application: 年Year 月Month 日Day 學制School System:□ 碩士班Master Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 崑山科技大學成績證明申請表 Kun Shan University Application Form for Transcript 申請日期Date of Application: 年Year 月Month 日Day 學制School System:□ 碩士班Master Program □ 大學部Undergraduate □ 專科部College 班級Class: 學號Student Number: 姓名Name: 出生日期Date of Birth: __年Year _月Month _日Day 電話TEL: _____ (現為休、退學生For suspended and Drop-out student, date of the status: 年year 月month) 出納組繳費後擲回註冊組服務人員,可即刻列印領取 Return this form to Registration Office after paying fees at the Cashier; then transcript will be printed and ready for pick-up   申請項目 Application Items 內容Content 工本費Fees 份數Copy 合計Total 在校生單一學期 成績證明 Current student Transcript certificate for a single semester (學年學期不同請另填申請單) (Fill in another form if for different academic year or semester) ____學年度Academic year 第____學期Semester   原學期Semester ____年級Year ____班Class 每份 10元NT$10per copy     在校生影印歷年成績單 Photocopy of transcript for current student 學生歷年成績表Student past transcript (含現為休、退學者) (including suspended and drop-out) 每份 10元 NT$10 Per copy     歷年成績單(領過畢業證書者) Past transcript (Diploma awarded) 年 月畢業 (Graduate on Year Month) 每份 10元NT$10 per copy     總計應繳工本費新臺幣Total Charge NT$: 經收人: 承辦人員: 註冊組長: Receiving Case Officer Head of Registration Office         崑山科技大學成績證明申請表 Kun Shan University Application Form for Transcript 申請日期Date of Application: 年Year 月Month 日Day 學制School System:□ 碩士班Master Program □ 大學部Undergraduate □ 專科部College 班級Class: 學號Student Number: 姓名Name: 出生日期Date of Birth: __年Year _月Month _日Day 電話TEL: _____ (現為休、退學生For suspended and Drop-out student, date of the status: 年year 月month) 出納組繳費後擲回註冊組服務人員,可即刻列印領取 Return this form to Registration Office after paying fees at the Cashier; then transcript will be printed and ready for pick-up   申請項目 Application Items 內容Content 工本費Fees 份數Copy 合計Total 在校生單一學期 成績證明 Current student Transcript certificate for a single semester (學年學期不同請另填申請單) (Fill in another form if for different academic year or semester) ____學年度Academic year 第____學期Semester   原學期Semester ____年級Year ____班Class 每份 10元NT$10per copy     在校生影印歷年成績單 Photocopy of transcript for current student 學生歷年成績表Student past transcript (含現為休、退學者) (including suspended and drop-out) 每份 10元 NT$10 Per copy     歷年成績單(領過畢業證書者) Past transcript (Diploma awarded) 年 月畢業 (Graduate on Year Month) 每份 10元NT$10 per copy     總計應繳工本費新臺幣Total Charge NT$: 經收人: 承辦人員: 註冊組長: Receiving Case Officer Head of Registration Office        

2 崑山科技大學學分抵免申請表 KUAN SHAN UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FOR CREDIT TRANSFER   申請日期: ______/_____/_____ 系所: __________ 年級:________ 學號: ___________ 申請人姓名: ____________ Date of Application month day year Name of Department Year Student ID No Name of Applicant   原校所修課程 Course Completed in Previous Institution 轉入學系(所)規定課程學分 Courses Required by The Current Department 擬承認 學分 No. of Credits Transferable 承認學分單位 系(所)主任簽章 Signature of Department Chair/Graduate Institute Director 在必修、選修、或通識課程請()註明 Please check () to specify the course status 科目 Course Title 成績 Grade 及格學分 No.of Credits 科目 Course Title 應修學分 No. of Credits 必修 Required 選修 Elective 通識 General Education                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         崑山科技大學學分抵免申請表 KUAN SHAN UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FOR CREDIT TRANSFER 申請日期: ______/_____/_____ 系所: __________ 年級:________ 學號: ___________ 申請人姓名: ____________ Date of Application month day year Name of Department Year Student ID No Name of Applicant 原校所修課程 Course Completed in Previous Institution 轉入學系(所)規定課程學分 Courses Required by The Current Department 擬承認 學分 No. of Credits Transferable 承認學分單位 系(所)主任簽章 Signature of Department Chair/Graduate Institute Director 在必修、選修、或通識課程請()註明 Please check () to specify the course status 科目 Course Title 成績 Grade 及格學分 No.of Credits 應修學分 No. of Credits 必修 Required 選修 Elective 通識 General Education

3 崑山科技大學學生修讀輔系申請書 Kun Shan University Four-year Students Application Form for Minor Study 就讀系組Current Major 申請日期 Date of Application ___年Year ___月Month ___ 日Day 學號 Student Number 姓名 Name 年級 School Year ___年School Year ___班class 加修輔系 Minor Study 學業成績Academic Grades 一上1st Yr. 1st Semester ㄧ下1st Yr. 2nd Semester 二上2nd Yr. 1st Semester 二下2nd Yr. 2nd Semester 三上3rd Yr. 1st Semester 三下3rd Yr. 2nd Semester 操行成績Behavioral Grades 原系主任 審核簽章Original Department Head Verification and Signature 加修系主任 審核簽章New Added Department Head Verification and Signature 院長簽章Signature of Principle 教務長簽章Signature of Dean of Academic Affairs 申請經核准後放棄聲明書 Statement of Abandonment after Approval of Application

4 崑山科技大學轉系申請表 Kun Shan University Application for Student Transfer ___ 年Year ___ 月Month ___ 日Day 姓名 Student Name 學號 Student Number 性別Gender □男Male □女Female 出生日期Date of Birth ___年Year___月Month__ _日Day 原就讀系級Original Department and School Year 系Department 級School Year 擬轉入系級Department and School Year Planned to transfer 轉系原因Reason of Transfer 參考文件 Information Submitted □ 歷年成績單影本 Original copy of past transcript 郵件信箱Mailing Address □□□ 住家電話Home Phone: ( ) 行動電話Cell Phone: 學生簽章Student’s Signature 親簽 [Signature] 家長簽章 Parent’s Signature 導師簽章Teacher’s Signature 原就讀系主任簽章 Signature of the Head of former department 擬轉入系主任簽章 Signature of the Head of new department Note: 1.學生於申請轉系前應確認瞭解擬轉入之系應修課程內容,及所要補修科目。 tudent should understand contents of the required course and the make-up courses before applying for a transfer. 2.申請轉入人數,超過核定名額時,得以學業成績高低為取捨標準。 Standards for acceptance are students’ academic grade when the number of students to apply for a transfer exceeds the quota.

5 崑山科技大學英文歷年成績證明單申請表 Kun Shan University Application Form for all previous years result Certificate in English 出納組繳費後繳交至註冊組 年 月 日 Please submit to Registration Office after paying fees at Cashier Year Month Day 畢業學制 School System □ 碩士班Master Program □ 二技2-Year Vocational School □ 四技4-Year Vocational School □二專2-Year Vocational College □ 五專5-Year Vocational College 學號Student Number 姓名Name of Student 中文名Chinese Name 英文名 English Name 出生日期Date of Birth 性別Gender 畢業所系科組Graduation Department 畢業學年度 Graduation Year _ 學年度(Academic year) 學期(Semester) 【 年(Year) 月(Month)】 聯絡電話 Contact Number 計畫留學國家及校名Name of Countries and School 申請份數 Copies Requested __ 份﹝copy﹞ 合計﹝Total﹞: NT$ 備註Note: 1.英文名應以「護照」相同,請檢附「護照」影本乙份。 English name should be the same as the one on passport. Please attach a copy of “passport. 2.申請一份應繳工本費新台幣伍拾元整,每加一份加收新臺幣壹拾元。 Fees for one copy NT$50,. Increases to receive the NT$10 every time. 3. 領件日期:自申請日起至多3個工作天可領件。 Pick-up Date: Within 3 days from the date of application. 承辦人: 註冊組長: 教務長: Case Officer Head of Registration Office Dean of Academic Affairs

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