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细胞分裂与细胞周期 Cell Division and Cell Cycle

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1 细胞分裂与细胞周期 Cell Division and Cell Cycle
染色体正确复制与分离 细胞增殖的调控

2 内容 有丝分裂过程 细胞周期各个时相的特点 细胞周期调控 染色体的运动 细胞周期调控系统的分子组成 细胞周期调控机制 原癌基因和抑癌基因
新的细胞周期如何起始 原癌基因和抑癌基因 正常细胞增殖与死亡的失衡

3 一、细胞分裂 (一)细胞分裂的类型 1.无丝分裂、有丝分裂、减数分裂 2.无丝分裂同样是高等生物组织细胞的正常分裂方式

4 (二)有丝分裂的过程 1.有丝分裂(mitosis)保障了染色体完整、均等地分配到两个子细胞中 2.过程:包括细胞核分裂和细胞质分裂
(1)前期 prophase 特征:染色质凝集、分裂极确定、核仁缩小并解体

5 主要事件: 完成DNA复制的染色质开始凝集,染色单体通过着丝粒结合。DNA的着丝粒序列形成着丝粒。 中心体完成复制,开始向两极运动 中心体,由一对中心粒及其周围的无定形物质构成,中心粒可能进行微管的组装,无定形物质中包含大量的与中心体结构和功能相关的蛋白,如微管蛋白、微管结合蛋白、马达蛋白等。

6 中心体是微管组织中心(MTOC),与细胞形态维持、细胞运动、有丝分裂密切相关。
星体 (aster)由中心体及其发出的放射状排列的微管构成。 马达蛋白推动星体沿微管分离,形成有丝分裂的两极。 rRNA合成停止,蛋白翻译水平下降




10 (2)前中期 prometaphase 特征:核膜破裂(前中期开始的标志)、纺锤体形成、染色体向赤道板运动 主要事件:
核纤层蛋白磷酸化,核纤层解聚,核膜破裂。 核膜破裂的小膜泡与内质网膜泡相似。

11 纺锤体形成 临时性细胞器 包括三种微管:星状体微管、极间微管(重叠微管)、动力微管。 星体微管形成后向细胞核区域渗透,形成极间微管(重叠微管)、动力微管。 染色体列队 染色体凝集程度更高。 随着纺锤体形成及来自两极的动粒微管长度变化,染色体向纺锤体赤道板运动。




15 (3)中期 metaphase 特征:所有染色体排列在赤道板上,染色体结构最明显 主要事件:
有丝分裂器(mitotic apparatus),由染色体、星体、中心粒及纺锤体组成的结构。




19 (4)后期 anaphase 特征:姐妹染色单体分离,子代染色体形成并移向细胞两极。 主要事件: 姐妹染色单体分开—着丝粒分开
后期促进复合物(anaphase promoting complex, APC)导致cohensin复合体降解。

20 染色体分离 后期A,动力微管去组装,长度缩短 后期B,极间微管延长,星体微管向外牵拉,使纺锤体两极距离增加。 马达蛋白




24 cohensin复合体




28 (5)末期 telophase 特征:核膜重建(末期开始标志),染色体去浓缩,核分裂完成(末期结束标志)。 主要事件:
染色体开始去凝集,在每个染色单体的周围核膜开始重建。 核纤层蛋白去磷酸化。 在核膜形成的过程中,核孔复合体同时在核膜上装配。 随着染色体去浓缩,核仁开始装配,RNA合成逐渐恢复。


30 (6) 胞质分裂 cytokinesis 特征:收缩环、分裂沟形成,产生两个完整的子细胞 主要事件: 收缩环,肌球蛋白和肌动蛋白组成。
分裂沟形成于纺锤体赤道板外缘。 细胞骨架重排。





35 有丝分裂过程中细胞的形态变化: 染色体凝集与去凝集 核膜裂解与重建 细胞内膜系统重组与重建 细胞骨架彻底重组形成纺锤体与重建 细胞与细胞间、细胞与细胞外基质间附着减弱与重新增强

36 二、细胞周期及其进程 (一)细胞周期 细胞周期(cell cycle)是指细胞完成生长、分裂形成两个子细胞的全部过程,包括有丝分裂(分裂期)及分裂间期两个阶段。 有丝分裂包括细胞核分裂和细胞质分裂。 根据DNA合成状态的不同,分裂间期可分为G1(gap1)期、S期(DNA synthesis)、G2期、M期。


38 细胞完成分裂后可以退出细胞周期循环,进入G0期,处于不增殖状态,也称静止期(quiescent phase )。
根据细胞增殖状态和分裂能力的不同将细胞分为三类 周期性细胞或增殖细胞,能够连续分裂使细胞数目增加。 上皮基底层细胞、早期胚胎细胞、部分骨髓细胞 功能:维持生长发育、组织更新

39 静止细胞或暂不增殖细胞,细胞处于静止期受到适当刺激之后能重新进入细胞周期循环。
肝细胞、皮肤真皮层细胞 功能:组织再生、创伤愈合 终末分化细胞或永不增殖细胞,细胞结构和功能高度特化,不能重新进入细胞周期循环。 肌肉、神经、表皮细胞 功能:执行特定功能


41 (二)细胞周期进程 1.G1期是DNA合成准备期 细胞质分裂结束即进入G1期 主要特点: RNA、蛋白质合成旺盛,细胞生长体积变大
多种蛋白质磷酸化, 酶、蛋白因子的激活或失活 H1组蛋白磷酸化与基因转录活跃相适应。 细胞膜对物质转运作用加强,保证充足原料。 胆固醇合成增强,提高稳定性、为细胞分裂准备原料

42 2. S期DNA完成复制 DNA复制开始即进入S期 主要特点: 进行DNA和染色体复制 DNA复制 组蛋白合成 中心体复制完成
组蛋白磷酸化 中心体复制完成

43 3. G2期为细胞分裂准备期 DNA、染色体复制完成即进入G2期 主要特点: 4. M期有丝分裂期 细胞核分裂和细胞质分裂
细胞生长 微管蛋白合成旺盛 4. M期有丝分裂期 细胞核分裂和细胞质分裂 不同细胞的M期时间差异不大


45 三、细胞周期调控 (一) 细胞周期调控系统的核心 1. 细胞周期蛋白 cyclin 特性: 哺乳动物包括cyclin A~H
在细胞周期的进程中发生周期性的合成与降解,因此命名为周期蛋白 在细胞周期的各特定阶段,不同周期性蛋白相继表达,与细胞中其他蛋白结合后,对细胞周期相关活动进行调节


47 cyclin C,D,E只在G1期表达并只在G1期向S期转化过程中执行调节功能,称为G1期周期蛋白。
cyclin A,B等在间期表达积累,到M期才表现出调节功能,称为M期周期蛋白。

48 2.细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶 cyclin-dependent kinase,CDK 特性: 是一类蛋白激酶,但必须与cyclin结合并且特定的氨基酸残基处于合适的磷酸化状态后才可能具有激酶活性 通过磷酸化多种与细胞周期相关的蛋白,在细胞周期调控中起关键作用 在细胞周期的不同阶段,不同的CDK分子被激活,由此引发或调控细胞周期的主要事件




52 3. 两种关键的cyclin-CDK复合物 G1 CDK=CDK4/6+cyclinD 活性出现在细胞通过G1期检查点之 前,使细胞由G1期向S期转化 MPF=CDK1+cyclinB 活性出现在细胞通过G2期检查点之 后,驱动有丝分裂开始

53 (二)细胞周期调控系统的其他组成成分 1. CDK激活激酶 CDK-activating kinase, CAK

54 2. CDK抑制剂 CDK-inhibitors,CDKIs 抑制cyclin-CDK复合物形成
p16,p21 抑制CDK4 p15抑制CDK4,CDK6 p24 抑制CDK1,CDK2 p27 抑制全部的CDK-cyclin活性

55 3.调节性激酶和磷酸酶 Wee1使CDK Thr14和Tyr15磷酸化,遮蔽CDK激酶活性位点。 cdc25 去除Thr14和Tyr15磷酸恢复CDK激酶活性。

56 4. SCF和APC SCF和APC是两种泛素连接酶,可以使细胞周期调控系统的分子泛素化,导致泛素依赖的蛋白降解,以此来调节细胞周期进程。
Anaphase-promoting complex,APC 后期促进复合物 Skp1-Cullin-F-box protein,SCF SCF复合物主要参与G1/S期调控因子的泛素化降解, 如cyclin D、cyclin E、p27Kip1等。



59 (三)细胞周期的运转 细胞周期的运转就是细胞周期调控系统的关键蛋白激酶被激活或失活的过程

60 哺乳动物细胞的细胞周期调控系统对细胞周期的进程起正的推动作用

61 MPF的活化和失活 MPF activity CDK1 cyclinB G1 S G2 M

62 静止期细胞进入增殖状态


64 (四) 细胞周期中的检查点 1. 检查点 checkpoint

65 G1 关卡

66 2. 细胞周期中的主要检查点 (1)G1期检查点 在酵母细胞周期中称为起始点(start point) 是哺乳动物细胞的首要检查点,又称为限制点(restriction point, R点) 通过R点的细胞一般可以完成整个细胞周期循环 (2)G2期检查点 (3)M期检查点

67 Check points

68 3. 检查点的化学本质 细胞周期调控系统的组成分子被激活或失活,尤其是细胞周期调控系统的关键蛋白激酶被激活或失活的信号传导过程



71 原癌基因维持细胞正常增殖,对细胞周期的进程起正的推动作用,非正常表达可导致细胞转化,增殖过程异常,甚至癌变。
5. 原癌基因和抑癌基因对细胞周期的调控 原癌基因(proto-oncogene)和抑癌基因(tumor suppressor gene)均是细胞生命活动所必需的基因,其表达产物对细胞增殖和分化起着重要的调控作用。 原癌基因维持细胞正常增殖,对细胞周期的进程起正的推动作用,非正常表达可导致细胞转化,增殖过程异常,甚至癌变。 MYC, RAS CYCLIN D

72 Figure 3. (A) Scintigraphy at initial 131I-MIBG treatment showing extensive bone metastases of neuroblastoma. (B) After treatment with three 131I-MIBG cycles (cumulative dose: 400 mCi) and hyperbaryc oxygen a significant reduction in tumor sites is observed. Neuroblastoma Introduction. Neuroblastoma is a solid tumor of childhood that arises in the nervous system outside of the brain. Children who have aggressive neuroblastomas are at high-risk for having the tumor recur and or grow out of control ("progress") if given standard (low-dose) chemotherapy. These patients are classified as having "high-risk neuroblastoma". This portion of the NANT web site briefly reviews the initial treatment options available for children with high-risk neuroblastoma. We also present some of the new approaches to treating patients with high-risk neuroblastoma whose tumors have progressed or recurred. What is high-risk neuroblastoma? The clinical behavior of neuroblastoma is highly variable, with some tumors being easily treatable, but approximately 50% of the tumors are very aggressive. This brief summary only addresses therapy of high-risk neuroblastoma. The treatment of low or intermediate risk tumors is very different from treating high-risk disease. The staging system (by degree of tumor spread) for neuroblastoma is shown below. All patients with stage 4 disease diagnosed after 18 months of age are in the high-risk category. In stage 4 disease, the neuroblastoma tumor cells have already spread (metastasized) to other sites in the body such as the bone or bone marrow. Additionally, essentially all patients who have tumors with many copies ("gene amplification") of the MYCN cancer gene also have high-risk disease, even if they do not have evidence of the tumor having spread. It is accepted practice to treat high-risk neuroblastoma patients with intensive therapy (including stem cell transplant) because these patients are at high risk of not surviving their disease unless they receive very aggressive treatment. Most pediatric oncologists agree that even with optimal current intensive therapy, the survival rate of such patients warrants entering as many of these children as possible on clinical trials that may identify improved forms of treatment for this aggressive tumor. Initial Therapy of High-Risk Neuroblastoma. During the last 15 years, clinical trials have shown that patients with high-risk neuroblastoma should receive induction chemotherapy over about five months followed by "consolidation" with very high dose chemotherapy + stem cell transplant. The patient's own stem cells are obtained during "induction" from either the bone marrow or peripheral blood (PBSC) to give back after the high-dose chemotherapy. Patients also receive local radiation to sites of tumor. Two months after stem cell transplant, when recovery from "consolidation" has occurred, patients begin the last phase of treatment, which uses 13-cis-retinoic acid (Accutane) for six months in an attempt to eliminate any remaining tumor cells. These established principles apply to "up-front" therapy of high-risk neuroblastoma. To date, only a single large clinical study with long-term survival data (the Childrens Cancer Group CCG-3891 study which was completed in 1996) has employed all of these therapeutic principles uniformly in a large group of patients beginning at diagnosis. Based on the CCG data, when treated with the above approaches, a child diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma has an estimated 40% chance of surviving at 4 years from diagnosis without any disease. Potential improvements in all phases of therapy (induction chemotherapy, intensive consolidation with stem cell transplant, and post-transplant therapy) have occurred since the CCG-3891 study. Thus, it is reasonable to expect a somewhat greater disease-free survival for high-risk neuroblastoma in ongoing and future clinical trials. For patients whose tumor grows during or after the above therapy, the chance of survival is greatly reduced. Because there are no established effective treatments for such patients, experimental therapies, such as those being developed and studied by investigators of the NANT consortium may be appropriate. Recurrent or Progressive Neuroblastoma. High-risk neuroblastomas that grow during therapy or return after apparently having gone away almost always are resistant to the "standard" induction, consolidation, or post-consolidation therapy discussed above. Patients in this condition are encouraged to enroll in phase I or II clinical trials that test new therapeutic strategies. A variety of phase I and II studies are carried out by the NANT, the Children's Oncology Group and other organizations. These studies almost always are limited to patients with recurrent or progressive neuroblastoma because their side effects and ability to improve survival are not well-defined. Brief descriptions of the clinical trials being conducted by the NANT are available on this web site under "Clinical Trials". Web sites for the National Cancer Institute and the Children's Oncology Group also provide information on other clinical trials that are available for patients with neuroblastoma. © Childrens Hospital Los Angeles ( ) Contact the Webmaster

73 抑癌基因表达产物对细胞增殖起负性调节作用
RB基因,pRb蛋白,1986年,第一个被克隆的抑癌基因 P53基因,p53蛋白


75 以原癌基因为代表推动细胞周期进程的正的调控作用和以抑癌基因为代表的抑制细胞周期的负的调控作用,两者之间的平衡维持了细胞正常的生长增殖状态。

76 染色体早熟凝集 premature chromosome condensation, PCC
G1期PCC为细单线状,S期PCC为粉末状,G2期PCC为双线染色体状。 PCC的这种形态变化与DNA的复制状态有关。 M期细胞可以诱导PCC说明M期细胞中存在一种诱导染色体凝集的因子,称为成熟促进因子(maturation promoting factor,MPF)。

77 G1 PCC

78 S PCC

79 G2 PCC

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