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Cohesion and Translation

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1 Cohesion and Translation

2 9.1 What are cohesive devices?
In the last twenty years or so, some underdeveloped countries have increased their food production. Their populations have at the same time grown faster. The standard of living hasn’t improved. The increase in food production has been achieved at the expense of using up marginal lands. There has been no gain in the productivity of land labour.

3 In the last twenty years or so, some underdeveloped countries have increased their food production. Their populations, however, have at the same time grown faster, and so their standard of living hasn’t improved. What’s more, their increase in food production has been achieved at the expense of using up marginal lands. As a result, there has been no gain in the productivity of land labour.

4 Most of those who have watched enviously from the sidelines sense that gravity will assert itself sooner or later. Many of the online gamblers who have earned a fortune in paper profits betting their savings on shares in Yahoo, Amazon and the rest will never get their money out. For the very features that have led to a near-vertical climb of Internet share price also favor its precipitous collapse.

5 9.2 Classification of cohesive devices
9.2.1 reference照应 This plan was brought into being in Its aim is to prevent anyone from going without medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a person who is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to subsist on; and to provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement.

6 9.2.2 ellipsis and substitution替代和省略
The Japan Society’s crash course on how to bridge the chasm between Japanese and American managers forces participants to examine their own cultural assumptions, as well as to learn about the other side.

7 But can Europe learn to work together? They believe it must(…).
Detroit has some of the most beautiful residential neighborhoods in the USA and at the same time (…) some of the most shocking slums.

8 But can Europe learn to work together? They believe it must(…).
欧洲能学会合作吗?他们相信欧洲必须学会合作。 Detroit has some of the most beautiful residential neighborhoods in the USA and at the same time (…) some of the most shocking slums. 底特律有美国最漂亮的住宅区,同时也有最令人震惊的贫民窟。

9 9.2.3 conjunction First of all, I would like to apologise for your order not being delivered on the date we agreed in our contract and also for the difficulties you have had in trying to reach me. As you may have heard in the news, we have experienced a major industrial dispute. The dispute involved all employees and as a result, all production came to a complete standstill. Secretarial and administrative staff were also involved; this is why it has been so difficult for you to reach me.

10 9.2.4 lexical cohesion 词汇衔接 Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but he was the first man to mass-produce it, and this made it available to the ordinary man. Many automobiles were being built by hand at the turn of the century and were much too expensive for all but the wealthy.

11 Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but he was the first man to mass-produce it, and this made it available to the ordinary man. Many automobiles were being built by hand at the turn of the century and were much too expensive for all but the wealthy. 亨利·福特没有发明汽车,但他却是使用机器大量生产汽车的第一人,从而使普通人也能拥有汽车。20世纪初,许多汽车是手工制造的,对于普通人来说价格昂贵,只有少数富人能够享用得起。

12 9.3 Cohesive devices in E-C translation:
1. ellipsis and substitution替代和省略 名词性省略 In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrial(…) and the developing nations. Historical evidence shows that birth (…)and death rates level off as countries move into the industrial stage.

13 动词性省略 He wants the maximum responsibility and (…) the maximum reward; he does not mind the risk. A: Must I report it to the manager? B: Yes, you must.

14 He wants the maximum responsibility and (…) the maximum reward; he does not mind the risk. 他想要承担最大的责任,获得最大的报酬,他不在乎冒险。 A: Must I report it to the manager? B: Yes, you must. A: 我必须把这事向经理汇报吗? B:是的。

15 分句性省略 A: But I don’t see this as a major problem. I think it’s something you can handle. B. OK. And what else(…)? How about finding schools? A: Will it target only existing customers? B: At first, yes (…). But if the TV ads go well, then we’re going to do a larger follow-up mailshot. We’ll see what happens.

16 A: But I don’t see this as a major problem
A: But I don’t see this as a major problem. I think it’s something you can handle. B. OK. And what else(…)? How about finding schools? A:但我认为这不是主要的问题。我想这是你可以解决的问题。 B:好吧。那么还有什么其它问题?找学校的问题怎么样了? A: Will it target only existing customers? B: At first, yes (…). But if the TV ads go well, then we’re going to do a larger follow-up mailshot. We’ll see what happens. A:这只是面向现有的顾客吗? B:是的,起初是这样的。不过如果电视广告进展良好,我们将把更多的广告信函邮寄给潜在的顾客。我们要看一看事情的发展状况。

17 名词性替代 This is the year, they predict, that Web-enabled phones will take off, both here and in Europe. If you don’t already have one, you’ll probably find one under the Christmas tree. Among all the measures of industrial promise, a key one must be investment in upgrading plant, machinery and skills.

18 This is the year, they predict, that Web-enabled phones will take off, both here and in Europe. If you don’t already have one, you’ll probably find one under the Christmas tree. 他们预言:今年将是可上网手机在欧洲和这里开始流行的一年。如果你到现在还没有,今年的圣诞节就会在圣诞树下发现一部作为礼物的可上网手机。 Among all the measures of industrial promise, a key one must be investment in upgrading plant, machinery and skills. 在所有的工业振兴措施中,一项重要的措施应该是投资于更新厂房、机器设备和提高技能。

19 动词性替代 Venture capitalists generally do not run companies; managements do. Thus, the success of any venture capital investment is dependent, in large part, on the strength of the related management team.

20 Venture capitalists generally do not run companies; managements do
Venture capitalists generally do not run companies; managements do. Thus, the success of any venture capital investment is dependent, in large part, on the strength of the related management team. 风险资本家一般不管理公司,是管理人员来管理公司。因而,任何风险资本投资要取得成功,在很大程度上有赖于相关管理班子的实力。

21 Do you know the price of petrol. Tony Blair does now
Do you know the price of petrol? Tony Blair does now. And so does every chauffeur-driven head of government in Europe. By the time the crisis in Britain finally began to ease at the end of last week, virtually every gas station had been drained by panic buying and the country was within a day or two of coming to a complete standstill.

22 分句性替代 Is a quiet revolution under way in the nation’s shopping habits? Are we gradually allowing an increasingly select number of large companies to take care of all our basic requirements? The supermarket chains certainly hope so. The truth of course is that you have to pay a professional to do it for you. This should be looked at as another investment: you have to spend money in short term to save money in the long term.

23 Now some observers say that supermarket chains risk damaging their brands by moving into a sector which they have no experience of. How do you react to that?

24 词汇衔接 同义衔接 Economist Sees a Deeper Slump Than Predicted
The long–awaited recession has apparently arrived and many economists are now saying that the downturn in the nation’s economic activity will be deeper and longer than previously forecast.

25 Economist Sees a Deeper Slump Than Predicted
The long–awaited recession has apparently arrived and many economists are now saying that the downturn in the nation’s economic activity will be deeper and longer than previously forecast. 经济衰退严重 超出专家预料 早已预测到的经济萧条已明显到来,目前许多经济学家预言,本国的经济滑坡可能比原先预料的更为严重,持续时间更长。

26 Four months before election day, five men gathered in a small conference room at the Reagan-Bush headquarters and reviewed an oversized calendar that marked the remaining days of the 1984 presidential campaign. It was the last Saturday in June and at ten o’clock in the morning, the rest of the office was practically deserted. Even so the men kept the door shut and the drapes carefully drawn.

27 Compare: The seller shall pay all the custom duties and tariffs for export of the equipment. 卖方必须支付出口设备的所有关税。 Any Crown Servant… solicits or accepts any advantages shall be guilty of an offense. 王国政府的公务员如果索取或是收受贿赂必须服罪判刑。

28 组合衔接 Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations. Western Europe has received millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries. The developing nations profit when these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills back home. Many developing nations benefit when Western nations establish manufacturing in their countries to take advantage of cheap labor.原译:在很多失业率高、工资低的第三世界国家出现了工人移居发达国家的现象。西欧就接受了来自地中海国家的这种工人数以百万计。当这些工人把他们的积蓄和学到的技能带回本国时,这些发展中国家就受益了。西方国家在本国利用廉价的劳动力开办工厂,同时也使他们的国家从中得到了好处。

29 照应: In addition English is the language of commerce and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position. 此外,英语还是贸易语言,并取代了原来法语和德语的位置而成为许多国家的第二语言。

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