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中元音: /ə/ / ɜ:/ / ʌ/ 中元音发音要领: 1、舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。

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Presentation on theme: "中元音: /ə/ / ɜ:/ / ʌ/ 中元音发音要领: 1、舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。"— Presentation transcript:

1 中元音: /ə/ / ɜ:/ / ʌ/ 中元音发音要领: 1、舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。
中元音: /ə/ / ɜ:/ / ʌ/ 中元音发音要领: 1、舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。 2、舌面最高点在舌前部和舌后部之间。 3、不圆唇。

2 /ə/ teacher remember player speaker farmer doctor actor
发音要领: 1、舌身平放,舌中部略隆起。 2、牙床半开半合,唇形扁或中圆。 teacher remember player speaker farmer doctor actor delicious dangerous dollar together tomorrow today Washington polite ago elephant banana Japan China happen

3 / ɜ:/ girl shirt skirt bird turn burn nurse turtle hurt
/ ɜ:/ 发音要领: 1、舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起。。 2、牙床开得较狭窄,双唇和发/i:/时相似。 3、注意长度,不要发得太短。 girl shirt skirt bird turn burn nurse turtle hurt learn earn heard term her work worm world

4 / ʌ/ up supper lunch fun cup bus come mother dose brother love above
/ ʌ/ 发音要领: 1、舌后部的靠前部分稍抬起,舌尖和舌端两侧触下齿,开口程度和/æ/相似。双唇向两旁平伸。 2、从元音/ɒ/ 出发,将圆唇改为扁唇,即可发出此音。 up supper lunch fun cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble blood

5 Let's read together. Enough is enough ! Just shut up.
What’s up? Nothing much. Hurry up! I love China. China and America should always work together. I have to work early tomorrow. Words are not for hurting other people.

6 后元音 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /ɒ/ /U:/ /ʊ/ 后元音发音要领:
舌尖离开下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起。除/ɑ:/用开扁唇外,其他双唇收圆。 发 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /U:/ 时要注意长度,不要发得太短。

7 /ɑ:/ Bark bark bark The dog is barking after the car. arm art hard
发音要领:1、舌尖离开下齿;口张大,舌身压低并后缩。 2、双唇呈扁型。 arm art hard fast last class father Bark bark bark The dog is barking after the car.

8 /ɒ/ o: hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss dollar a: want wash watch
发音要领: 1、舌尖离开下齿;口张大,舌身压低并后缩。 2、双唇稍稍收圆。 3、可先发/ɑ:/音,然后将舌身再稍稍向后缩,双 唇稍稍收圆(不要突出),即可发出/ɒ/。 o: hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss dollar a: want wash watch au: because Bob Bob Bob is an orange dog.

9 /ɔ:/ al: small wall talk tall hall ball call walk
发音要领: 1、舌尖离开下齿;舌后部抬得比/ɒ/略高。压低并后缩。 2、双唇也收得更圆更小,并需用力向前突出。 3、注意长度不要发得太短。 al: small wall talk tall hall ball call walk or:short more horse for forty sport story door floor caught daughter au: autumn August bought warm “[w]+ar” ,ar发 : warm war toward /ɔ:/

10 /ʊ/ oo: look good foot book wood ou: should could u: put push O: woman
发音要领: 1、舌尖离开下齿;舌后部向软腭抬起,舌身后缩。 2、双唇收圆,稍向前突出。 oo: look good foot book wood ou: should could u: put push O: woman

11 /u:/ o: do shoe who oo: food too moon noon u: true blue 发音要领:
1、双唇比/ʊ/收得更圆更小,向前突出,舌后部比/ʊ/抬得 更高。 2、注意长度,不要发得太短,口腔肌肉要始终保持紧张状态。 o: do shoe who oo: food too moon noon u: true blue

12 双元音 双元音是作为一个音节、用一次呼气发出来的两个元音的连缀。这个连缀是以滑溜音的形式读出来的,即舌从第一个元音的位置向第二个元音方向以最直接的途径滑过去而成为一个音。双元音的两个成分中只有第一个读得比较重、长和清晰,第二个则要读得比较轻、短和含糊。



15 name lake game snake place say play lay eight
常发这个元音的字母是“a”,此外,还有字母组合“ai”、“ea”、“eigh”、“aigh”、“ay”、“ey”等 . 发音要领: 1.口形由/e/向/ɪ/滑动。 2. 发音过程中下颚向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高。 name lake game snake place say play lay eight

16 high buy 常发这个音的字母是“i”和“y”,字母组合则有:“ey”、“ie”、“ui”、“uy”、“igh”、“eigh”等
发音要领: 1.先发/a/音,然后滑向/i/音。舌尖抵住下齿。 2.发此音的关键是要把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。 high buy

17 [ɔɪ ] 常发这个音的是字母组合:“oi”和“oy”。 boy toy destroy noise oil spoil point
发音要领: 1.这是个双元音,由两个元音构成,第一个是/ɔ/和 短音/i/. 2.发音时由第一个音向第二个音滑动,不到第二个音就结束。 boy toy destroy noise oil spoil point

18 no go home those hello zero goat boat bow
常发这个音的有字母“o”、字母组合“oa”、“ou”、“ow”、“ew”以及“ough”等 发音要领: 1.由两个元音构成,第一个音是“短音”/ə/,第二个音是“短乌音”/u/。 2. 发音时,先打开下颔骨,嘴唇略微呈圆形,口形较大,舌端离下齿,舌身放低后缩,舌后部微抬起,然后随着发音过程的变化口形收圆缩小,舌后部继续向后缩并抬起。 no go home those hello zero goat boat bow

19 [ɔɪ]

20 [iə] 发音要领: 是双唇张开,从/i/音滑向/ə/音。前面的/i/发得较清楚, 后面的/ə/或较弱。双唇始终半开。此音一定要发足。 舌抵下齿逐渐过渡为上卷,从“一”音过渡到“厄”。
eer: beer deer ear: ear dear near ere: here ea: idea

21 [ɛə] ear: pear bear air: chair air fair hair pair are: care hare
发音要领: 由/e/向/ə/滑动,舌身稍向后 缩,口型由半开变为扁平。 ear: pear bear air: chair air fair hair pair are: care hare ere: there where cheer

22 [au] 发音要领: 发音时,由/a/滑向/u/,结束时双唇收圆稍向前突。 ou: house out south cloud house
proud loud mouse round about mouth ow flower down now cow how town

23 [uə] oor: poor ure: sure sure pure 发音要领:

24 [uə] [ɛə] [au] [iə]


26 Today is cold. Rose is in the boat. She wants to have a coat. Put on your coat. You know you have a cold.

27 Hello Kate,hello May. They are playing by the lake.
David ,David .You are so late. Come on ,David. Let’s make a birthday cake

28 Who runs fastest? You or me? No,no,no. Tell me ,tell me ,please. Cheetahs, teetahs. Now you know. Yes,Thank you ,Rose. Who is the ugliest ? You or me? No, no,no. Tell me, tell me ,please. Crocodiles, crocodiles Yes.Thank you,Jone.

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