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 He came to town 3 years ago.

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1  He came to town 3 years ago.
將動詞改成過去式,加過去時間,重寫句子--1。 1.He comes to town. (3 years ago 三年前)  He came to town 3 years ago. 2. She has a bad cough. (last night 昨夜)  She had a bad cough last night . 3. Rita keeps a snake. (last year 去年)  Rita kept a snake last year .

2  Mom bought him a pen last week.
4. Mom buys him a pen. (last week 上週)  Mom bought him a pen last week. 5. My daddy catches a fish. (last week)  My daddy caught a fish last week (yesterday) 6. The farmer builds a house.  The farmer built a house yesterday.

3  He brought me a book 3 years ago.
將動詞改成過去式,加過去時間,重寫句子--2。 1.He brings me a book. (3 years ago 三年前)  He brought me a book 3 years ago. (last night 昨夜) 2. I meet her in Taipei.  I met her last night . 3. We find him dead. (last year 去年)  We found him dead last year .

4 They felt angry last week.
4. They feel angry. They felt angry last week. 5. You hear a gunshot. (the night before last )  You heard a gunshot the night before last. (yesterday) 6. She goes to America.  She went to America yesterday.

5 他們 + 去年夏天 + 來 + 鎮上。 他 + 兩年前 + 嚴重咳嗽。 They + _____ to town
+______ ______. came last summer 他 + 兩年前 + 嚴重咳嗽。 He + _____ + a bad cough + two ______ ______. had years ago 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

6 他們 + 上周 + 在鎮上 + 一起跳舞。 他 + 前天下午 + 咳得很厲害。 They+ ______ together __
town +______ ______. danced in last week 他 + 前天下午 + 咳得很厲害。 He + ______ + very ______ the day ______ yesterday ___ the ___________. coughed badly before in afternoon 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

7 He + ______ + his daughter a new ______ ______ ___________. bought
這女人 + 前年去美國之後 + 養 + 一隻大蛇。 The woman + ______ a big _____ after she +______ to _______ the year ______ last. kept snake went America before 他 + 上星期三 + 買給他女兒 + 一棟新屋。 He + ______ + his daughter a new ______ ______ ___________. bought house last Wednesday 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

8 他們 + 當時 + 為自由 + 一起奮戰。 They+ ______ together __
freedom +____ ____ _____. fought for at that time 他們 + 在1999年7月的某個陰天的下午 + 抓到 + 一隻很大的魚。 They + ______ + a very big fish ___ a cloudy afternoon ____ July, 1999. caught on in 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

9 1.He gives me a book.  He gave me a book 3 years ago.
將動詞改成過去式,加過去時間,重寫句子--3。 1.He gives me a book. (3 years ago 三年前)  He gave me a book 3 years ago. 2. She loses the game. (last night 昨夜)  She lost the game last night . 3. I teach him a lesson. (last year 去年)  I taught him a lesson last year .

10  They said a word just now.
4. They say a word.  They said a word just now. 5. Mary sells fruit. (the night before last )  Mary sold fruit the night before last. (yesterday) 6. She tells a story.  She told a story yesterday.

11 1.He gives me a book. 改寫句子(將動詞改成過去式,加過去時間)。 (yesterday afternoon)
2. She loses the game. (last time 上一次) (this morning 今早) 3. I teach him a lesson. 4. They say a word. (just now 剛才) 5. Mary sells fruit. (3 years ago 三年前) 5 6. She tells a story. (last summer去年夏天)

12 1. He gave me a book yesterday afternoon.
過去式(pt. Verbs) +過去時間,參考解答。 1. He gave me a book yesterday afternoon. 2. She lost the game last time . 3. I taught him a lesson this morning . 4. They said a word just now . 5 5. Mary sold fruit 3 years ago . 6. She told a story last summer.

13 其他不規則變化的動詞1 1. get (得到/變得) got 2. know (認識/知道) knew 3. make (製造/使)
get in one’s way 1. get (得到/變得) got 2. know (認識/知道) knew make a clean sweep 3. make (製造/使) made take a back seat 4. take (取拿/搭) took 5. think (思考/認為) thought 6. try (嘗試) tried think the world of sb. [=respect] wore 7. wear (穿戴) broke fly off the handle [=very angry] 8. break (打破) 9. fly (飛) flew blow one’s top. [=very angry] 10. blow (吹) blew

14 當他看電視時,你擋住了他,所以他氣得發火。
When he ____ watching TV, you ___ ___ his way, so he ____ the ceiling. was got in hit * ceiling = 天花板 他說他對這森林很熟,但他在裡面迷路了 。 He ____ he _____ the forest inside ____, but he ___ lost in there. said knew out was 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

15 會議上無人起立發言,而他從容不迫地離開。
Nobody ____ the floor at the meeting, and he ____ his time to leave the room. took took 以前的學生很尊重他們的老師。 In the ____ students ______ the world of their teachers. past thought 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

16 Andy ____ the whole bag of tricks to ____ the car race. tried
安迪使出渾身解數,設法贏得這場賽車。 Andy ____ the whole bag of tricks to ____ the car race. tried win 他個性直接,喜怒哀樂常形於色。 He was straightforward; he often ______ his heart ____ his sleeve. wore on * sleeve = 袖子 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

17 She _____ up ____ her boyfriend last year. broke with
她去年和她男友分手。 She _____ up ____ her boyfriend last year. broke with 警方抵達之前,歹徒就逃之夭夭。 The gangsters _____ the coop before the police _______. flew arrived gang: 幫派 n. coop = a cage for small animals 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

18 dig deep into one’s pocket [掏腰包]
其他不規則變化的動詞2 chose cry foul [喊冤] 1. choose (選擇) 2. cry (哭/喊) cried carry one’s own weight 3. carry (搬運/攜帶) carried 4. eat (吃) ate eat humble pie [忍氣吞聲] 5. sleep (睡覺) slept draw the line at [禁止] 6. draw (畫畫) drew dug 7. dig (挖掘) dig down deep [掏腰包] drank 8. drink (喝) 9. drive (駕駛) drove dig deep into one’s pocket [掏腰包] 10. fall (掉落) fell

19 Jeremy在球場上喊冤,堅持他沒有帶球撞人。
Jeremy ____ foul at the ____, ______ that he didn’t commit dribble charging. cried court insisting 他只要是團體的一員,就必須貢獻自己的力量 He had to _____ his own weight as long ____ he’s a member of this group. carry as 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

20 He ____ five years ago; he _____ to a bullfight, and ____ the dust.
他已經死了五年;他去參加鬥牛,結果掛了。 He ____ five years ago; he _____ to a bullfight, and ____ the dust. died went bit * dust = 塵土 他咬緊牙關,在倒下之前送女孩安全無恙到家。 He ____ the bullet and ____ the girl to her home safe and _____ before he ____ down. bit sent sound fell * bullet = 子彈 * sound = 無損傷的 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

21 To make money, the soldier _______ to _____ ________ pie.
為了賺錢,這位軍人開始忍氣吞聲。 To make money, the soldier _______ to _____ ________ pie. started eat humble * humble = 卑下的 adj. Jay輸掉這場球賽後,不得不在他老闆面前忍受屈辱。 Jay had to ____dirt in front of his boss after he ____ the ball game. eat lost * dirt = 糞土 n. 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

22 這位男人是個酒鬼。他嗜酒如命(酒喝得很兇)。
The man was an _________. He always ______ like a ______. alcoholic drank fish * alcohol = 酒精 n. 老師去年禁止在教室內玩任何紙牌。 The teacher _____ the line at ______ any card game in the classroom last year. drew playing * poker = 撲克 n. 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

23 Last year, Uncle Sam _______ into his pocket ___ help the _____.
dipped to poor the poor = poor people 窮人 n. 她猶豫,所以最後落得兩頭空。 She ________,so she _____ between two stools in the end. fell hesitated * stool = 板凳 * to fall through the cracks: 落空 圖片來源: google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

24 其他不規則變化的動詞3 fed 1. feed (餵) 2. lead (引導/引導) led fought
feed sb. a line [= cheat sb.] 1. feed (餵) 2. lead (引導/引導) led fought fight sb. tooth and nail [拼命抵抗] 3. fight (打鬥) 4. forgive (原諒) forgave hang by a hair [危如累卵] 5. grow (成長/種植) grew 6. hang (懸掛) hung hide one’s light in a bushel [真人不露相] hid 7. hide (隱藏) held 8. hold (握/捧) 9. lay (放置/下蛋) laid hold water [掏腰包] 10. feel (感覺) felt

25 附錄: 圖片來源:

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29 英語感情表現辭典,章蕙蘭主編,漢宇出版公司 (1993)
圖片來源: 參考書目: 英語感情表現辭典,章蕙蘭主編,漢宇出版公司 (1993) 英漢漢英成語常用語翻譯辭典,鄭光立編著,京文出版社 (2005)

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