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Where (and when) is YOUR GOD? 你的神在何地(何時)?

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Presentation on theme: "Where (and when) is YOUR GOD? 你的神在何地(何時)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where (and when) is YOUR GOD? 你的神在何地(何時)?
God’s timing=The right timing IS 44:23 – 46:13 神選擇的時間 = 最正確的時間 以賽亞書 44:23 – 46:13

2 The Lord Delivers pt.1 主的拯救(一)
The deliverance of God's people. (Is. 44:21-28) 拯救神的子民 (以賽亞書 44:21-28) The deliverance of the Jews by Cyrus. (Is. 45:1-4) 藉古列拯救猶太人 (以賽亞書 45:1-4) God calls for obedience to His almighty power. (Is. 45:5-10) 神召喚(各人)對祂大能的服從 (以賽亞書 45:5-10) The settlement of His people. (Is. 45:11-19) 安頓神的子民 (以賽亞書 45:11-19) The conversion of the Gentiles. (Is. 45:20-25) 外邦人改變信仰 (以賽亞書 45:20-25)

3 The Lord Delivers pt.2 主的拯救(二)
Idols could not save themselves, but God saves His people (Is. 46:1-4) 偶像不能自救;但神卻能救祂的子民 (以賽亞書 46:1-4) The folly of worshipping idols. (Is. 46:5-13) 敬拜偶像的愚昧 (以賽亞書 46:5-13)


5 Consider This 想一想 What is your view of time? 你對時間的觀念是怎麼樣的?
Where is God in this view? 神在這個觀念裏佔着甚麼地位? What are you waiting for? 你仍在等甚麼?

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