生命教育議題融入 英語 (領域)教學教案設計

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1 生命教育議題融入 英語 (領域)教學教案設計
生命教育議題融入 英語 (領域)教學教案設計 黃姿婷

2 作品資料 主題 :A House Could Be Destroyed in Seconds
教材:佳音翰林版i English (三上)第五冊 Unit 4 生命教育領域: -- 了解生命的意義與價值 --省思生與死,學習慈悲與關懷

3 What happened in these pictures?

4 What happened in the picture?

5 What happened in these pictures?

6 * Which typhoon/earthquake impressed you the most
* Which typhoon/earthquake impressed you the most? * How do you feel when there is an earthquake or a typhoon? *Why do some earthquakes cause more damage than others?

7 Unit 4 : A House Could Be Destroyed in Seconds
Typhoons and Earthquakes Many people spend all their lives working hard to own a house. However, a house could be destroyed in seconds by a typhoon or an earthquake. Typhoons can be very dangerous. Each year, Taiwan is hit by several typhoons. A typhoon can bring a lot of rain and strong winds. Both of them can cause serious damages. Trees and signs can be blown down roads may be washed away, and bridges can be damaged. Some people even lose their lives. Earthquake can do a lot of damage, too. On September 21, 1999, a strong earthquake hit Taiwan. Many schools and houses were knocked down, and more than 2, 000 people were killed. This was one of Taiwan’s worst earthquakes. We can’t stop typhoons and earthquakes from happening, but we can take action to protect ourselves. For example, bring pot plants inside ad stay in the house during a typhoon. When an earthquake hits, stay away from windows and watch out for falling objects. If we are well prepared, we can reduce the damage.

8 Post-reading activity
將課文內容結合日本地震時事,讓學生觀看 日本地震及海嘯的影片,欣賞完後發下 學習單,開始討論相關問題。

9 DISCUSSIONS  * Now, discuss with your classmates and share your feelings. What do you see in the video clips? How do you feel when you see the news about Japan earthquake? What damage does an earthquake cause to people? Do you know that an earthquake can cause tsunamis which bring great damages to people? Talk about the most impressive picture/view when you see the news about earthquakes.

10 Japan Earthquake on March 11
災後倖存的人悲傷地凝視著在洪水中殘破不堪的房子和崩潰的公共建設。 其中,一位父親站在殘骸中手牽著三歲大的兒子。「別哭了,我的孩子。」這位父親溫柔地說道,撫著小兒子通紅的臉頰。 「我要媽咪,媽咪在那?媽咪…。」小男孩哭訴著。這位父親壓抑著自己的悲傷,拿出皮夾內的照片,照片裡媽媽親密地吻著小男孩,那時他們正在院子裡玩耍。 「看哪!妳媽正在親你呢,多麼甜蜜啊!妳媽啊,正在笑著呢…。」他的手顫抖著,「別擔心,我會抓到妳媽的,妳媽實在是太頑皮了,還在和我們玩捉迷藏呢。」這父親把照片交給了孩子,親了一下他。   小男孩點了頭,他笑了,用他那可愛微胖的手指擦去了臉上的淚水。  「和你爺爺待在這吧,我很快就回來啊。」這時,站在他們身後的爺爺,走了過來接著照顧著他的孫子。孩子看著父親的身影遠去。  步上殘破的家園,這個男人開始了尋找妻子和自己母親的旅程,他再也忍不住悲傷地哽咽著。

11 Japan Earthquake on March 11
『海嘯發生時,在宮城縣女川町的佐藤水產公司實習的廿名中國研修生,突然感到地動山搖,公司的一名高層人員佐藤充邊朝他們跑去,邊疾呼「海嘯來了」,佐藤充帶領他們跑到高處神社避難後,又衝回宿舍準備救妻女。有獲救的研修生含淚感激道:「他被逼得走投無路,在屋頂上跑來跑去,還是被捲到水裡去。」宿舍迅速被淹沒了,佐藤充再也沒有跑出來。』 還有留守在核電站的「福島50勇士」,他們的悲壯任務就是要不斷為反應堆注入海水,他們願意用自己的生命,來換取更多人的安全。勇士們發給妻子的短信是:「我不回來了!」雖是短短5個字,但卻是一首英雄贊歌。

12 Discussions A heroic team of workers battled to save Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant from catastrophe. How do you thnk of them? If you were one of them, would you make the same decision? Why?

13 Unit 4 : A House Could Be Destroyed in Seconds
(At school) Peter: Did you feel the earthquake last night? Kelly: Yes, I did. I was woken up by the earthquake. Peter: The good news is that the earthquake didn’t cause too much damage. Kelly: Yeah, but I was really scared because it made me think of the 921 earthquake. Peter: I think people in Taiwan will never forget that day. Kelly: Not me for sure. Our house was destroyed in that earthquake. Peter: I’m sorry to hear that. Kelly: It’s OK. It’s all over now. In fact, we were lucky that nobody in our family was hurt. Also, we got a lot of help from others. Food, sleeping bags, and blankets were sent to us after the earthquake. Peter: I guess sometimes bad things can bring out the best in people. Kelly: That’s true. We should always do our best to help others when they are in need.

14 Tears in Heaven-淚灑天堂 在西洋搖滾樂壇素有「吉他之神」美稱的 Eric Clapton(艾瑞克.萊普頓)在年近五十歲的時候,老來得子,但是造化弄人, 在 1991 年,才四歲大的愛子竟然從紐約53層樓高的公寓住家,意外摔下身亡。喪子之後,從幾近崩潰、逃避於毒品,到悼念愛子,Eric 藉由寫下這首至情至性的〈 Tears in Heaven 〉重回創作作舞台。〈 Tears in Heaven 〉——淚灑天堂,「你還記得我的名字嗎,如果我們在天堂相遇,」——這首歌的開頭說明了Eric對兒子的想念, 甚至想跟他兒子去天堂,想像著他們可以在天堂相遇,但是,他告訴自己要堅強,他終究可以走過這一段喪子之慟,他相信天堂將不再有淚。歌聲與吉他聲中,道盡了思念,曲調雖然簡單,卻是令人動容。

15 Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton
你還記得我的名字嗎   Would you know my name 如果我們在天堂相遇   If I saw you in heaven 你與我有相同的感受嗎  Would it be the same 如果我們在天堂相遇   If I saw you in heaven 我必須堅強       I must be strong 獨自走我的人生路    And carry on 因為我知道       'Cause I know 我並不屬於你的世界  I don't belong here in heaven

16 你會牽著我的手嗎    Would you hold my hand 如果我們在天堂相遇   If I saw you in heaven 你會扶持我嗎      Would you help me stand 如果我們在天堂相遇   If I saw you in heaven 我相信終有一天     I'll find my way 我會走出這個陰影    Through night and day 因為我知道       'Cause I know 我並不屬於你的世界 I just can't stay here in heaven

17 時間能磨損我們的高傲  Time can bring you down 時間能令我們屈膝    Time can bend your knees 時間能令我們心碎    Time can break your heart 然而你會要求我嗎    Have you begging please 是否期盼我陪伴你    Begging please 越過這個關口      Beyond the door 我知道能獲得平靜    There's peace I'm sure 因為我相信       And I know 天堂終究不再有淚 There'll be no more tears in heaven

18 教學參考資源 日本地震/海嘯相關網站 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-vbqP2l0fY

19 教學參考資源 地震/颱風 http://blog.udn.com/epig/3292843 921地震教育園區

20 教學參考資源 生命教育圖書 http://www.goodtv.tv/default.phtml 生命教育繪本系列-媽媽不愛我(台語版)

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