阅读理解解题技巧 猜测词义 江慧 长沙县五美中学英语组.

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1 阅读理解解题技巧 猜测词义 江慧 长沙县五美中学英语组

2 The bright lights of the car on the dark country road dazzled my eyes.

3 Ways of guessing a word ⑴Word-formation 英语中的构词法主要有三种: 派生(Derivation)
转化(Conversion) 合成(Compounding)

4 ① Derivation : e.g. unconditional “无条件的”

5 ② Conversion : 由某一词性转化成另一词性,其意义也发生一定的变化。e.g. I was asked to minute the race. “为……计时”(V.) ③ Compounding : blackboard, man-made

6 Guessing the meaning according to the context
1.He was haughty. 2.People don’t like him because he was haughty. 3.Even his friends began to dislike him because he was haughty and kept on telling about himself and what he had done. 傲慢的;骄傲的

7 1、根据因果关系猜测词义 He was such a shrewd businessman that he never lost money in any transaction. 精明的,明智的 The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow. 浑浊的

8 2、通过释义、定义猜测词义 They are vertebrates, that is, animals that have backbones. 脊椎动物 Origami—Japanese paper folding—is family fun. 日本的折纸手工艺

9 3、根据重述和同位语猜测词义 I’m a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won’t give it up easily. 坚决的;刚毅的 Dr. Lorenz is recognized as one of the founders of ethnology,the study of races of mankind. 人种学

10 4、根据对比关系猜测词义 Rather than liking the movie, as I expected them to, all my friends abhorred it. 厌恶,憎恨 If you agree, write “yes”; if you dissent, write “no”. 不赞成;不同意

11 5、根据所举例子猜测词义 This includes poultry for the main course (e.g. chicken, duck, goose), salad, bread and vegetable, and features of variety of desserts, for example: pie, puddings, and ice cream. poultry: 家禽 desserts: 甜点心

12 6、根据并列关系猜测词义 Bananas, oranges, pineapples, coconuts grow in warm areas. pineapple 菠萝 coconut 椰子 Vicky enjoys seeing Peggy flustered, fussed, red in the face, losing her temper. fluster使惊慌失措 fuss 急躁;为琐事困扰

13 7、根据经验及常识猜测词义 A fish breathes in water with gills. 鳃
He went into a hardware to buy some nails. 五金店

14 猜测词义 二、上下文 因果 释义、定义 重述、同位语 对比 举例 并列 经验、常识 一、构词法 派生 转化 合成

15 Thank you !

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