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2. Core Values 价值观 西方文化以个体主义为导向,以权利为基准; 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。

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Presentation on theme: "2. Core Values 价值观 西方文化以个体主义为导向,以权利为基准; 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures 环性与线性 —— 中西文化比较 (Part II)

2 2. Core Values 价值观 西方文化以个体主义为导向,以权利为基准; 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。
Linear individuality and circular integrity 线单环整 西方文化以个体主义为导向,以权利为基准; 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。 W: individualism-oriented and right-based C: collectivism-oriented and duty-based

3 Western linear individuality 单点独进,个人价值实现
Developing individual potentials, realizing individual objectives and seeking individual interests. 西方文化的线性表现为直线的单点独进,强调个人潜力的发挥、个人目标的实现以及个人利益的追求。

4 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
Harmonizing community relationships, actualizing community objectives and safeguarding community interests. 中国文化价值观的环性表现为圆环的整体向心,注重群体关系的和谐、群体目标的统率和群体利益的维护。

5 Individualism Collectivism
1. Everybody taking care of himself 2. “I” consciousness 3. Independence from organizations 4. Emphasis on individual initiative 5. Privacy important 6. Belief in individual decisions 1. People protected by families or clans 2. “We” consciousness 3. Dependence on organizations 4. Emphasis on affiliation with organizations 5. Sharing important 6. Belief in community decisions

6 个体主义 团体主义 1. 各人关心自己 2. “我”的意识强 3. 独立于团体 4. 强调个人努力 5. 隐私重要 6. 相信个人决定
个体主义 团体主义 1. 各人关心自己 2. “我”的意识强 3. 独立于团体 4. 强调个人努力 5. 隐私重要 6. 相信个人决定 1. 个人受家庭或家族保护 2. “我们”的意识强 3. 依赖团体 4. 注重团体归属 5. 共享重要 6. 信任群体决策

7 Western linear individuality 西方:单点独进,个人价值实现
Individualism 个体主义 Social systems 社会制度 Self-actualization 自我实现 Private interests 私人利益 Thatcher’s speech 撒切尔讲话 Independence 独立意识

8 Western linear individuality 西方:单点独进,个人价值实现
Parallel lines 两线平行 Intersecting lines 两线相交 (Law of survival of the fittest) 适者生存法则

9 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
中国文化价值观的环性表现为圆环的整体向心,注重群体关系的和谐、群体目标的统率和群体利益的维护。 Harmonizing community relationships, actualizing community objectives and safeguarding community interests.

10 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
Confucius’ proposition: 天下为公,君子应先人后己。 A public spirit should rule everything under the sun and a gentleman should put others’ interest above his own. Aims in life: 修身、齐家、治国、平天下。 Cultivate personal moral character, put family affairs in order, administer principality affairs well and pacify the whole country.

11 Couplets:风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳 家事、国事、天下事,事事关心
The sounds of wind, rain and reading each come into my ears. The affairs of the family, state and world are all kept in my mind — 顾宪成:东林书院对联

12 天下为公,是要天下鼎鼎大公。实现了天下为公,就可以达到世界大同了。
The Whole World As One Community 天下为公,是要天下鼎鼎大公。实现了天下为公,就可以达到世界大同了。 The whole world as one community means that a public spirit should rule everything under the sun. Only by this can the ideal of Great Harmony be attained.

13 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
Proverb:天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 Everyone has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. Literature: 先天下之忧而忧, 后天下之乐而乐。 Show concern over state affairs before others, And enjoy comforts after them.

14 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
珍妮·布列克的《中国》 ( 1995): 私人利益存在于群体之中,也就是存在于家庭或社团之中。真正的个人自我实现在于最大限度地完成各种社会责任。说实在的,建立和谐的社会关系被看作是绝对必要的,没有这一条,任何发展都是不可能的。 Jean Brick’s China ( 1995): Private interests are vested in the group, that is, in the family or in the community, and not in the individual. True self-fulfillment for the individual lies in fulfilling social responsibilities to the greatest extent possible. In fact, the establishment of harmonious social relations is seen as an absolute necessity, without which any development is impossible.

15 A Survey of the Values of Present-day University Students
当今中国大学生价值观调查 A Survey of the Values of Present-day University Students

16 Four Levels of Principle
行为准则四层次 Utter devotion to others without thought of self. 毫不利己,专门利人。(Extreme altruism) One for all and all for one. 我为人人, 人人为我 。 Seeking private interests subjectively and benefiting others objectively 主观为己,客观为人 。 Everyone pursues his own interests, or Heaven and Earth will destroy him. / Each for himself and Devil take the hindmost 人不为己,天诛地灭 。(Extreme egoism)

17 Results of the Investigation
Which of the 4 levels do you regard as your life tenet and principle of conduct: U O S E 毫不利己 我为人人 主观为己 人不为己 专门利人 人人为我 客观利人 天诛地灭 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

18 The Advantages of Each Type of Values
两种价值观各有优势 以个体主义为导向的西方线性价值观对于倡导自强自立,克服因循守旧心理,发挥个人潜力,树立个人进取精神有着积极意义。以团体主义为导向的中国环性价值观对于倡导顾全大局,克服自我中心观念,发挥群体优势,树立团队协作精神有着积极意义。 The Advantages of Each Type of Values The individualism-oriented linear values play a positive role in advocating independence and self-reliance, overcoming constraint of conventions, giving play to personal potentials and encouraging individual initiative. The collectivism-oriented circular values play a positive role in advocating due consideration of the overall situation, overcoming ego-centricity, giving play to collective advantages and encouraging teamwork.

19 2. Core Values 价值观 西方文化以个体主义为导向,以权利为基准; 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。
Linear individuality and circular integrity 线单环整 西方文化以个体主义为导向,以权利为基准; 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。 W: individualism-oriented and right-based C: collectivism-oriented and duty-based

20 Linear extension and circular rotation
3. Outlook on time 时间观 Linear extension and circular rotation 线伸环旋 西方文化视时间如直线延伸,单向飞逝,去而不返,因而有时间紧缺感,往往向前看,着眼于未来; 中国文化视时间如圆环旋转,冬去春来,周而复始,故而有时间充裕感,常常向后看,立足于过去。 Western: extension, sense of time shortage, future valued Chinese: rotation, sense of time abundance, past cherished

21 Quotations from Poets 诗人语录
时间是一切事物的吞食者。 — 奥维特 “Time is the devourer of everything.” — Ovid 43 B. C. Roman Poet 时间是窃走青春的神秘盗贼 。 — 弥尔顿 “Time is the subtle thief of youth.” Milton 1608 – 1674 English Poet 时间步伐如此迅疾,令人眼花缭乱。 — 莎士比亚 “Time is most brisk and giddy-paced.” Shakespeare 1564 – 1616 English Playwright

22 Time 线性时间观 时间是大江、急流、瀑布; 时间是行进、飞行、流逝。 Time is a river, a torrent, a waterfall. Time is marching, flying and flowing.

23 Western linear extension
Proverbs: “Time and tide wait for no man.” “ Time lost is never found again.” 谚语:岁月不待人;时间一去不复返。 Diary or calendar 日记 Attitude toward authorities and exploration: Defy authorities 蔑视权威 Enjoy blazing new trails 喜欢开辟新径

24 中国线性时间观 Chinese linear outlook on time 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫。 韩愈《幽怀》:
孔子 551 – 479 B.C. Chinese linear outlook on time 中国线性时间观 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫。 Confucius said on the river bank: “The passing of time is like the flowing of water.” 韩愈 768 – 824 韩愈《幽怀》: 但悲时易失,四序迭相侵。 The easy loss of time effects my dejection; The four seasons pass in quick succession.

25 日月光华,旦复旦兮。(《尚书大传》上卷). The sun alternates with the moon;
日月光华,旦复旦兮。(《尚书大传》上卷) The sun alternates with the moon; Days come one after another soon. 春与秋其代序。 (屈原:《离骚》) Spring alternates with autumn.

26 失之东隅,收之桑榆。 What is lost at sunrise can be regained at sunset.
— 冯异 Idiom: 时来运转 The favor of the time cycle brings good luck.

27 吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传而不习乎?
— 曾子 Analects (论语): I engage in introspection every day on 3 points: whether I have done anything unfaithful or dishonest or have shunned my studies.

28 Metaphor: Time flies like an arrow and days flit like a shuttle.
Farewell Remarks (告别语)慢走,慢用,慢慢看,慢慢做,慢慢商量,慢慢欣赏 …… Metaphor: Time flies like an arrow and days flit like a shuttle. 光阴似箭,日月如梭。

29 Looking back 向后看 Diary: Recording what has been done. 日记: 记载已经发生的事。
Respect authorities and the aged. 尊重权威, 敬重老人。

30 The Advantages of Each Outlook on Time
两种时间观各有优势 线式时间观向前看,重求知,有利于鼓励开拓创新;环式时间观则向后看,重修身,有利于促进稳定守序。 The Advantages of Each Outlook on Time It might be said that the linear view on time encourages bold exploration and promotes scientific creation while its circular counterpart motivates self-examination and contributes to social stability.

31 Linear extension and circular rotation
3. Outlook on time 时间观 Linear extension and circular rotation 线伸环旋 西方文化视时间如直线延伸,单向飞逝,去而不返,因而有时间紧缺感,往往向前看,着眼于未来; 中国文化视时间如圆环旋转,冬去春来,周而复始,故而有时间充裕感,常常向后看,立足于过去。 Western: extension, sense of time shortage, future valued Chinese: rotation, sense of time abundance, past cherished

32 Linear analysis and circular synthesis 线析环综
4. Mode of thinking 思维模式 Linear analysis and circular synthesis 线析环综 W: Dissecting things into parts and analyzing their relationships, thinking in terms of logic (逻辑思维)and abstract reasoning (抽象推理) 西方文化如同直线切划,细分明析,注重抽象推理 ,善长逻辑思维。 C: Synthesizing parts and examining the whole, thinking in terms of images (形象思维)and intuitive insight (直觉顿悟) 中国文化犹如圆环内封,综观合察,寻求直觉顿悟 ,善长形象思维。

33 Mode of thinking 思维模式 Referring to Western mode of thinking, Qian Xuesen (1986) said: “Abstractive thinking seems to be linear or branch-like. “抽象思维似乎是线型或枝型的。” — 钱学森 Referring to Chinese mode of thinking, Shen Xiaolong (1990) said: “This is a circular dialectic mode of thinking with a strong plastic, flexible and stochastic nature. “这是一种有着极强可塑性、伸张性、随机性的圆式辩证思维方式。” — 申小龙

34 Chinese Mode Western Mode Ethical 伦理型 Cognitive 认知型 Synthetic 整体性 Analytical 分析性 Intentional 意向性 Objective 对象性 Intuitive 直觉性 Logical 逻辑性 Imaginal 意象性 Positivistic 实证性 Fuzzy 模糊性 Accurate 精确性 Convergent 求同性 Divergent 求异性 Past-focused 后馈性 Future-focused 前瞻性 Inward 内向性 Outward 外向性 Inductive 归纳型 Deductive 演绎型 —— 连淑能

35 Chinese Mode Western Mode Ethical 伦理型 Cognitive 认知型 Synthetic 整体性 Analytical 分析性 Intentional 意向性 Objective 对象性 Intuitive 直觉性 Logical 逻辑性 Imaginal 意象性 Positivistic 实证性 Fuzzy 模糊性 Accurate 精确性 Convergent 求同性 Divergent 求异性 Past-focused 后馈性 Future-focused 前瞻性 Inward 内向性 Outward 外向性 Inductive 归纳型 Deductive 演绎型 —— 连淑能

36 Chinese mode of thinking Western mode of thinking
Synthetic thinking (整体性思维) Perceptive thinking (悟性思维) holistic intuitive Analytical thinking (分析性思维) Rational thinking (理性思维) dissecting abstracting 渐悟、顿悟、解悟、 证悟、体悟、领悟、 参悟、感悟、妙悟 概念、判断、推理 演绎、抽象、概括 切分、归类、剖析

37 Classification Units of Plants and Animals:
Western Encyclopedia arranged by classification Animals, plants, objects are divided, sub-divided … 西方的百科全书层层切分,种类归属分明。 Classification Units of Plants and Animals: kingdom, division, class, order, family, genus, species 界、门、纲、目、科、属、种

38 Chinese Leishu A collection of political, social and ethical data arranged circularly in an emperor-centered fashion. 中国古代类书是以皇帝为中心的环式体例。 唐代《艺文类聚》、宋代《太平御览》、 明代《永乐大典》、清代《古今图书集成》

39 Western Articles Clear division in the organization of articles title, sub-title, chapters, sections, paragraphs topic sentences 西方文章,标题、章、节、段细分明切,段中一般都有主题句,脉路清晰,一目了然。

40 中国文章强调起承转合,注重通篇的过渡自然及和谐一致。
Chinese Articles Unity, harmony, transition and correspondence are given much attention. 中国文章强调起承转合,注重通篇的过渡自然及和谐一致。 The Eight-part Essay 八股文分为破题、承题、起讲、入手、起股、中股、后股、束股、落下等组成部分。在起股、中股、后股、束股4个部分,各有两股互相对应的文字,共有八股。八股也称八比,比是对偶的意思。

41 Western medicine, examine parts of the body through tests, X-rays, NMR, etc. 西医看病,先给病人胸透、胃透、验血、验尿、核磁共振,分而检之,再作诊断。 Chinese medicine, general physical condition, pulse, complexion, tongue coating 中医看病,望、闻、问、切,注意的是全身性的综合症状 。

42 Western cuisine strictly-followed recipe, ingredients of precise quantity 西餐厨师烹饪,各种配料严格计量,操作程序步步分清。 Chinese cuisine casual mixing of ingredients intuitive acquisition of the skill through repeated practice 中餐厨师学厨艺,并不注重定量描述,而是通过模仿,直觉地把握师傅的烹饪技术。

43 Western painting likeness in appearance emphasis on details: lines, shades of color, light spectrum … 西方油画注重形似,通过线条、色彩、光线等细节刻意仿真。 Chinese Painting resemblance in spirit/essence emphasis on general effect, imagination, exaggeration … 中国画追求神似,运用概括、夸张的手法及丰富的联想表现物象的神韵。

44 Alexander the Great ( BC), line of conquest (Macedonia, Greece, Palestine, Syria, Iran, India, Egypt) 亚历山大大帝戎马一生,驰骋欧亚非大陆,实现线性的征服。 The First Qin Emperor ( BC), circle of defense (the Great Wall, the Himalayas, the Ocean) 秦始皇下令修建长城,实现环性的防御。

45 Westerners eat apples by cutting them linearly into pieces.
西方人食用苹果,也不忘线式切分,然后去核去皮食之。 Chinese people eat apples by peeling them circularly and preserving the round shape. 中国人食用苹果却不忘用环式削皮,保全圆形整体。

46 Chinese mode of thinking Western mode of thinking
Synthetic thinking (整体性思维) Perceptive thinking (悟性思维) holistic intuitive Analytical thinking (分析性思维) Rational thinking (理性思维) dissecting abstracting 渐悟、顿悟、解悟、 证悟、体悟、领悟、 参悟、感悟、妙悟 概念、判断、推理 演绎、抽象、概括 切分、归类、剖析

47 The Advantages of Each Mode of Thinking
两种思维模式各有所长 线性思维模式长于分析推理,推崇清晰精确,有利于理论建构;环性思维模式强于综合顿悟,讲求模糊含蓄,有助于体察真谛。 The Advantages of Each Mode of Thinking The linear mode of thinking characterized by analytical reasoning and emphasis on clarity and precision is conducive to theoretical construction. The circular mode of thinking characterized by synthetic insight and stress on fuzziness and implicitness contributes to empirical revelation of truth.

48 Linear analysis and circular synthesis 线析环综
4. Mode of thinking 思维模式 Linear analysis and circular synthesis 线析环综 W: Dissecting things into parts and analyzing their relationships, thinking in terms of logic (逻辑思维)and abstract reasoning (抽象推理) 西方文化如同直线切划,细分明析,注重抽象推理 ,善长逻辑思维。 C: Synthesizing parts and examining the whole, thinking in terms of images (形象思维)and intuitive insight (直觉顿悟) 中国文化犹如圆环内封,综观合察,寻求直觉顿悟 ,善长形象思维。

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