Before the Throne of God above

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1 Before the Throne of God above
遠 在 高 天 神 寶 座 前 Before the Throne of God above

2 Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前
[ 1.1 ] 遠在高天神寶座前 Before the throne of God above 我有一位有力中保 I have a strong, a perfect plea 這大祭司,滿有愛憐 A great high Priest whose Name is Love 長遠活著,為我代禱 Who ever lives and pleads for me Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前

3 Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前
[ 1.2 ] 祂將我名刻在祂手 My name is graven on His hands 又將我名記在心裡 My name is written on His heart 祂今在天站立神右 I know that while in heaven He stands 誰也不能將我驅離 (x2) No tongue can bid me thence depart Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前

4 Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前
[ 2.1 ] 撒但在我心裡控告 When Satan tempts me to despair 企圖使我喪氣、絆跌 And tells me of the guilt within 但我向祂仰望投靠 Upward I look and see Him there 祂已除去我的罪孽 Who made an end to all my sin Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前

5 Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前
[ 2.2 ] 無罪之主受死之苦 Because the sinless Saviour died 我這罪人就得自由 My sinful soul is counted free 公義的神今已滿足 For God the just is satisfied 看見救主,祂就赦宥 (x2) To look on Him and pardon me Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前

6 Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前
[ 3.1 ] 看哪,復活羔羊在天 Behold Him there the risen Lamb 是我完全、無疵義裳 My perfect spotless righteousness 偉大“我是”永不改變 The great unchangeable I am 是我榮耀、恩典君王 The King of glory and of grace Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前

7 Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前
[ 3.2 ] 與祂合一,不再死亡 One with Himself I cannot die 祂的寶血將我贖回 My soul is purchased by His blood 我的生命與主同藏 My life is hid with Christ on high 藏在救主、我神之內 (x2) With Christ my Saviour and my God! Before the Throne of God above 遠在高天神寶座前

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