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What is Sport Science? (什麼是競技運動科學?)

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Presentation on theme: "What is Sport Science? (什麼是競技運動科學?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Sport Science? (什麼是競技運動科學?)

2 To teach people how to physically prepare athlete for competition.
The Goal (課程目標) 在賽季開始前,體能 教練該如何協助運動 員提升體能水準 To teach people how to physically prepare athlete for competition.

3 What this course is NOT about… (本課程內容不包括…)
我們不會做單一肌肉肥大的 訓練,例如:結實小腿、腹 肌、二頭肌…等。 我們不會提供建議來幫助提 升客戶的一般體適能。 我們不會提供特別的訓練計 劃給每一位運動員。 Using exercise to tone calves, abs, and biceps. Improve general fitness of a client. Specific programs for each athlete.

4 What is Sport Science? (什麼是競技運動科學?)

5 What is Sport?(什麼是競技運動?)
Competitive activity against an individual or team Not just physical activity: this is called exercise Requires having a winner and a loser. It’s not about just “trying your best”, it’s about doing whatever it takes to win. 以個人或團隊進行“競賽”的方 式 若只是進行身體活動, 稱為“運動(exercise)” 最後結果會有輸贏。 不只是“盡你最大努力”的態度, 而是不惜一切代價贏得勝利。

6 Winning is paramount (獲得勝利才是最主要的目標)
This helps us understand why Sport Science exists and what it does. 這能幫助教練了解為何運動科學會存在,以及競技運動科學在做什麼。

7 What is Sport Science? (競技運動科學到底在做什麼?)
Enhancement of sport performance through the application of scientific methods and principles. 透過科學化的方法及原則,應用在實際訓練上,提升競技運動表現。

8 #1 Concept to Understand (觀念澄清)
There is a fundamental difference when exercising for health vs training for performance, 了解“為健康而運動”與“為運動表現而訓練”之間的差異 有時為了運動表現,會犧牲個人身體健康 跑者可能會有關節疼痛問題 棒球捕手可能會有背痛問題 籃球員可能有膝關節傷害 美式足球攻擊線選手體重可能超過135公斤……….這些健康嗎? 這些選手犧牲身體健康來換取運動表現,因為這是競技比賽運動。 Sometimes training for performance even has a tradeoff for health… Runners experience joint problems… Think that is healthy? Baseball catcher & back injuries… Think that is healthy? Basketball player & knee injuries… Think that is healthy? Offensive lineman in American football must be over 135kg… Think that is healthy? These players make a tradeoff for their health to perform. THIS is competitive sport.

9 What is Exercise Science? (什麼是體適能運動科學?)
The study of how exercise can influence biological change. 研究體適能運動如何改變生理水準 體適能運動科學家專注於體適能運動如何改善疾病問題及身體組成 健康與身體組成為主要研究目標 競技運動表現並非主要探討目標 Exercise scientists are concerned with how exercise influences disease progression and body composition. Health & body composition are top priority. NOT concerned with sport performance. If you are educated in exercise science, what makes you think you can train an athlete? 如果你僅學習“體適能運動科學”,是什麼讓你覺得你可以訓練運動員?

10 Differences Exercise Science vs Sport Science (體適能運動科學 vs 競技運動科學)
Interested in exercise and health. Have knowledge of clinical, medical, laboratory practice. Have knowledge of training practices and health/body composition outcomes. Be interested in sport and the development of elite performance. Have knowledge of sport and a personal interest in sport. Have knowledge of training practices for sport performance. 專注於體適能運動與健康 研究範圍包含臨床、醫療、實驗室 探討訓練計畫與身體組成之間的成效 專注於競技運動與提升運動表現 研究範圍包含競技運動與個人對競技運動有興趣者 探討訓練計畫與運動表現之間的效果

11 Personal Fitness Trainer vs Strength and Conditioning Coach
Main concern is to optimize health body composition. Methods can include machine exercises, free weights, seated exercise, lying exercise, use of cardio equipment, etc. Common to use many single-joint exercise seated or lying. Often create plans on a week-to-week basis. Main concern is sport performance. Methods mainly include free weights with very little use of machines. Mostly use ground-based multi-joint exercise. Must create annual plan with careful structure and sequence of workouts.

12 Our Course Mission… (本課程之主要任務…)
…Educate people in how to develop the elite athlete …教育教練如何培訓菁英運動員

13 “Any monkey can go out there and make someone tired… Learn how to make someone better.” Dr. Mike Stone “任何人都可以成為教練,並安排出讓運動員感到疲勞的訓練內容…但我們要的是,合理地將把運動員訓練得更快、更壯、更強。” -Dr. Mike Stone

14 Questions?

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