Summer English and Data Science

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1 Summer English and Data Science
in Canada Program Spend your summer in Canada, learning English, Data Science and experiencing a new culture! 在加拿大过暑假,学英语,体验不一样的异国文化! 日期: 2016年7月17日至8月13日 Dates: July 17- August 13, 2016 地点: 加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市戴尔豪西大学 Location: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 申请截止日期:2015年5月1日 Registration deadline: May 1, 2016 Learn English by Living in English 在英语的环境中学习英语 戴尔豪西大学暑期英语与数据科学夏令营,结合英语课程和一门由计算机系提供的数据科学的课程。该数据科学课程在戴尔豪西不算学分,但完成后会颁发结业证书。同时学生还可以在哈利法克斯城市练习英语,学习雅思,还可以参加晚上和周末的活动。 Dalhousie University’s Summer English and Data Science in Canada Program combines English classes with a data science module offered through the Faculty of Computer Science. The data science course is not a Dalhousie credit course, but you will receive a certificate upon successful completion, which you may present to your university. Students will also have the opportunity to practice English skills in the community of Halifax, study for IELTS, and participate in evening and weekend activities.  备注:该课程开放给所有计算机科学,信息学,计算机工程,数学和统计专业第二、三年级的学生 NOTE: This course is open to all 2nd or 3rd year students in Computer Science, Informatics, Computer Engineering, Math, and Statistics 数据科学课程 Data Science module 该课程是一个不同处理进程的总览,并制作一个数据科学的项目。同时还有其他的内容主要集中在发现之前未知的知识或者搜索一个具体的模板,数据科学集中研究解答深层的问题并得出结论。整个主题探索会涵盖数据监护,存储,描述性统计,机器学习和可视化原理。 This course is an overview of the different processes that make up a data science project. While other fields concentrate on finding previously unknown knowledge or searching for a specific pattern, data science focuses on answering deep questions and making conclusions. The themes explored will cover data curation, storage, descriptive statistics, machine learning and elements of visualization.  安全便利的住宿 Safe and Convenient Housing You will stay right on campus in one of the university residences. English-speaking Canadian language assistants live with you in residence for conversation practice and to provide you with information and organize activities. You will have the opportunity to speak English every day in class, around the city, and at home in residence. 住宿就在校园里面,戴尔豪斯大学的学生公寓。会有专门讲英文的加拿大语言助理跟大家住在同一学生公寓,方便大家更好的交流练习,并组织一些有趣和具有学习性质的活动,让大家每天有更多机会在课上和生活中练习讲英文。 学费 (每人): 加币 费用包括: Course Fees (per person): $3300 CDN ●学费 Included in the fee: ●课本和学习资料 ● Tuition ●学术实践活动 ● Books and learning materials ●戴尔豪西大学网上学习环境 ● Academic outings ●学生公寓住宿 ● Access to Dalhousie’s Virtual Learning Environment ● Accommodation in a Dalhousie residence ●无线网络 ● Wi-Fi Internet Access ●城市公交卡 ● City bus passes ●周末活动和郊游 ● Weekend activities and trips Not included: 不包括: ●雅思准备课程 ● IELTS preparation course ●用餐和其他生活费用 ● Meals and incidental expenses ●往返加拿大的国际机票 ● International travel to and from Canada ●与课程无关的交通花费 ● Non-course travel within Canada For more information or to register contact: 更多信息或申请请联系: Dalhousie University ESL Programs Website: 1459 LeMarchant St. PO Box 15000 Tel: Halifax , Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2

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