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Why Some Sales People Succeed While Others Fail? 为何有些销售员能够成功,而其他的却失败?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Some Sales People Succeed While Others Fail? 为何有些销售员能够成功,而其他的却失败?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Some Sales People Succeed While Others Fail? 为何有些销售员能够成功,而其他的却失败?

2 What Do Customers Expect from Sales People? 客户对销售员有什么期望?
Be personally accountable for customers’ results 为客户的绩效承担个人责任 Understand customers’ business 了解客户的商务模式 Proactively provide advice for customers 主动为客户提出建议 Suggest the right solutions that solve customers’ problems 提出能解决客户困惑的有效方案 Be easily accessible 客户能随时联系上 Be creative in responding to customers’ needs 能为客户的需求提出有创意的解决方法 Source: HR Chally

3 Winning Ways of Winning Sales People 成功销售人员的制胜法则
They ask questions regarding their customers problems, implications and "what will happen if those problems are solved" 他们针对顾客所面临的问题、问题产生的影响以及“如果那些问题能够被解决会发生什么?”来进行提问 They are personally accountable for customers' results and understand customers' businesses 他们会为客户所想达到的结果负责到底,并深入了解客户的商务情况 They reach to ALL people who can influence over the outcome of the sale 他们会接触、联系所有会影响销售结果的人士

4 Winning Ways of Winning Sales People 成功销售人员的制胜法则
They match their sales process with their customers' buying process 他们会把注意力放在顾客的采购步骤,并将自身的销售流程配合客户的采购步骤 They seek to build a relationship with no agenda first, rather than aiming the customers' pockets everytime 他们在初期与客户建立关系的时侯不期待任何销售结果,而是围绕顾客自身的情况开始谈话 They create value by providing advice and insights to the customer 他们以提出建议、见解的方式创造价值,而不只是一个充当“会说话的宣传手册”

5 Customers DON'T Buy from People They Like 客户不一定跟他们喜欢的人购买
They Buy from Whom They Trust 但他们会跟他们信赖的人购买

6 If you can march 1,000 miles and NOT feel tired, you are undefeatable"
行千里而不劳者,行于无人之地也 If you can march 1,000 miles and NOT feel tired, you are undefeatable"

7 Traits of Unsuccessful Sales People 不成功的销售人员的轨迹
They over-promise and under-deliver 承诺过多而兑现甚少 They don't qualify and prioritise 没有将时间投入在优质客户身上 They put their sales targets in the first-place, rather than their customers' interests 将自己的销售指标,而不是将客户的利益放在第一位 They sell on price ALL the time 一贯以价格作为卖点 They sell thru Guanxi ALL the time 一贯通过“关系”作销售 They leverage on a single customer contact within the customers' organisation 只跟客户的一个联系人接洽 They lie to their customers 向客户撒谎

8 Why Not Build a High-Performing Sales Team Instead? 为何不创建一支高效销售团队?

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