Tak Sun Secondary School 德 信 中 學

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Presentation on theme: "Tak Sun Secondary School 德 信 中 學"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tak Sun Secondary School 德 信 中 學
Parents’ Forum (Form 1,2) 27/09/2013

2 Agenda Hall Section (7:10 pm – 7:45 pm) Welcoming Address By Principal
Academic Formation Student Formation Parenting Education Classroom Section (until 9:00 pm) Class Committee Presentation Parent Discussion

3 Welcoming Address Dr. Peter Herbert

4 Alumni Academic Support Programmes
Tuesday and Thursday (4:15 pm – 5:30 pm) 8th Oct – 17th Dec 2013 1 Alumni to 2 students 20 times School pays $1500 per student, each student pays $1500

5 Role of Parents in Homework
Regular time Create good environment (e.g. Turn off TV) Review teachers’ comments

6 Activity Week Experience (AWE) Programme (2013 – 2014)
Objectives Experiential learning outside the classroom/campus Life wide and life long learning Project learning

7 English Programme Name Chinese Programme Name
AWE (Overseas) English Programme Name Chinese Programme Name Green Life in Taipei, Kaohsiung & Kenting 台北高雄墾丁綠色生活環島行數碼寶島體驗 Experiencing Vietnam 越南體驗之旅 Exploring Culture in Malaysia & Singapore 文化共融的馬來西亞與新加坡 NICAM : Nice Cambodia Trip 「柬.約」-柬埔寨體驗之旅 Rome & Europe: History, Art & Faith 羅馬與歐洲 : 歷史.藝術.信仰 Exploring Faith and Culture in Spain 西班牙信仰與文化之旅 Exploring Technology, Culture and Environmental Protection in Korea 韓國 科技 文化 環保之旅 Busan History and Culture Study Tour 韓國釜山歷史文化認識之旅 Laos (Social Service) 老撾體驗之旅

8 English Programme Name Chinese Programme Name
AWE (Mainland) English Programme Name Chinese Programme Name Journey to Pearl River Delta 縱橫珠三角 - 區域發展考察之旅 China's Reform Series: Differential Development between City and Village 改革開放之城鄉差異(粵北山區服務體驗)廣西與改革開放 Shanghai and Hangzhou Development Tour 滬杭科技與文化之旅 Experience Confucian Culture in Shandong 中國文化聖地(山東)考察之旅 Exploring Culture and Martial Art in Henan 中原(河南)古都與少林武術 Cultural exploration in Hong Kong & Macau 香港澳門信仰文化考察團/『探索天主聖名之城』

9 English Programme Name Chinese Programme Name
AWE (Local) English Programme Name Chinese Programme Name Exploring Hong Kong Society 探索香港社會 Exploration of Local History and Culture 本地歷史及文化遊蹤 Hong Kong Society Through the Lens 鏡頭下的香港社區 3D Animax and Movie FX Master 3D 動畫設計及電影特效大師 Learning in Nature 從大自然中學習 Robotics World 機械人工作坊 Astronomy and Space Exploration 天文及太空探索 Healthy Football Camp 至"Fit" 至"型"足球營

10 Important dates Date Event 11/12-Oct
Exhibition for students and parents 14 – Nov Student allocation release 10-14 Feb AWE Programme period

11 Student Formation The Virtue of Justice 義

12 OSOSA One Student One Service Or Art
一人一 (服務) 或藝術

13 OSOSA Training Schedule
Musical Instruments Training Friday Evening After School or Saturday Morning (starting from ) Boy Scout Saturday (If applicable) 1330 – 1600 Air Cadet 1300 – 1700 St. John 1400 – 1700 Red Cross 1400 – 1600 Sea Cadet 1330 – 1600 (School) 1600 – 2000 (Headquarter one Saturday/Month )

14 Tak Sun Secondary School Personal Tutoring Program
A program unique to our school. Introduce it to F1, explain it better to everyone so we can use it better.

15 What are the topics in tutoring?
Talk about Students’ Problems Friends and Family Talents and Interests Studies Virtues Future…

16 Tutoring Record

17 Tutoring Survey Outcome
School Exp. T Year: 10-11 11-12 12-13 % of Students who agree or strongly agree that tutoring helped… …Academically 61% 62% 69% 94% …Personal Growth 68% 77% …Interpersonal relationships 59% 56% 65% …Relationship with parents 47% 46% 53% Tutoring Score: 10.3 11.0 13.9 Between and 11-12, no improvement despite increase in tutoring Between and 12-13, improve in quantity as well as outcomes reported – hope trend can continue

18 親職教育 (Parenting Education) Basic Parenting Programme (by Family First Foundation)
Topics Date Time Awareness of being Parent 為人父母的醒覺 18/10/2013 07:00 pm 09:00pm Mother’s and Father’s role in Family 父母親在家庭中的獨特角色 08/11/2013

19 Effective Parenting Workshop (By BGCA)
課程簡介 系列 日期/時間 主題 內容 19/10/2013(六) 下午2:30 – 4:00 與子女共度『反叛』期 分享及了解青少年「反叛」背後的原因與需要 探討有效處理子女「反叛」行為的原則及方法 26/10/2013(六) 「機」不離手 – 認識青少年的 『潮流文化』 認識時下青少年潮流文化及其影響 探討子女對潮流的價值觀取向 02/11/2013 (六) 與子女『談情說愛』 分享及探討時下青少年對戀愛價值觀及態度 探討及認識協助子女建立健康的戀愛價值觀及態度 09/11/2013(六) 從課外活動到品德塑造 探討多元課外活動如何提升青少年的自我認識 分享如何選擇合適的課外活動,有助青少年的生涯規劃

20 PTA Information Session
Date: 28 September 2013 (Saturday) Time: 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm Venue: PAT, 1/F of school premise If you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact Catherine at or to

21 德信中學家長教師會第十三屆週年大會時間表 二零一三年十月十二日(星期六)
活動名稱 地點 內容介紹 2:30 – 3:30 家長教育講座 二樓禮堂 陳漢森先生主持家長教育講座,主題是【如何提升兒子的中文水平】 3:30 – 4:30 家長教師會 第十三屆週年大會 匯報全年會務,通過上一屆大會紀錄、財政報告及選出新一屆理事。 4:30 – 5:30 茶敘及 「活動周體驗計劃」 攤位陳列 一樓綜合 學習中心 陳列「活動周體驗計劃」詳情之攤位,歡迎各家長即場查詢。

22 We would like to recruit parents to join us as volunteers to help with the flower arrangement for our chapel every Thursday, interested parents please contact our PTA member, Daisy at for more details.

23 eClass Training For Parents
26th Oct (2:00 pm to 4:00 pm) & E-notice


25 懇請捐助明愛賣物會 攤位遊戲禮物 日期: 十一月十七日 地點: 沙田源禾遊樂場 所需物品: 攤位遊戲禮物 捐助方法:十一月十四日前 聯絡本校
日期: 十一月十七日 地點: 沙田源禾遊樂場 所需物品: 攤位遊戲禮物 捐助方法:十一月十四日前 聯絡本校 本校地址:馬鞍山寧泰路27號 電話:


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