Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions

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1 Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions
Chapter 11 Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions

2 The Bank Balance Sheet Liabilities Checkable deposits (支票存款)
Nontransaction deposits (非交易存款) Borrowings (借入款) Bank capital (銀行資本)

3 The Bank Balance Sheet Assets Reserves (準備金)
Cash items in process of collection (託收中現金 ) Deposits at other banks(在他行存款) Securities (證券投資) Loans (放款) Other assets

4 Table 1 Balance Sheet(資產負債表) of All Commercial Banks (items as a percentage of the total, December 2008)

5 Table 1 Balance Sheet of All Commercial Banks (items as a percentage of the total, June 2011

6 資 產 現金及存放同業 4,572,034 公平價值變動列入損益之金融 資產 832,956 附賣回票債券投資 40,315
2013年資產負債表 所有銀行合計(百萬) 資 產 現金及存放同業 5,142,722 透過損益按公允價值衡量之 金融資產 1,503,122 避險之衍生金融資產-淨額 2,688 附賣回票債券投資 151,537 應收承兌票款 76,550 應收利息及收益 81,557 當期所得稅資產 25,240 放款及貼現 23,884,473 1.進口押匯 2,328 2.出口押匯 134,443 3.貼 現 21,281 4.透支 71,874 5.短期放款 5,770,368 6.中期(擔保)放款 7,983,636 7.長期(擔保)放款 9,816,587 8.放款轉列之催收款項 83,956 減:備抵呆帳 -289,876 加(減):貼現及放款評價調整 -2,386 備供出售金融資產-淨額 3,647,092 持有至到期日金融資產-淨額 2,585,224 採權益法之股權投資-淨額 233,326 其他金融資產-淨額 669,085 不動產及設備 629,575 減:累計折舊 -154,932 減:累計減損 -1,768 投資性不動產-淨額 58,496 無形資產-淨額 84,817 遞延所得稅資產 51,466 其他資產-淨額 1,450,229 資產總計 39,828,237 2011年資產負債表 所有銀行合計(百萬) 資 產 現金及存放同業 4,572,034 公平價值變動列入損益之金融 資產 832,956 附賣回票債券投資 40,315 備供出售金融資產-淨額 2,968,125 待出售資產-淨額 42 放款及貼現 21,682,402 1.進口押匯 5,707 2.出口押匯 86,666 3.貼 現 21,022 4.透支 116,165 5.短期放款 5,210,026 6.中期(擔保)放款 7,173,094 7.長期(擔保)放款 8,986,070 8.放款轉列之催收款項 83,652 減:備抵呆帳 -235,329 加(減):貼現及放款評價調整 -1,802 持有至到期日金融資產-淨額 2,600,555 採權益法之股權投資-淨額 196,421 固定資產 617,726 減:累計折舊 -152,261 減:累計減損 -775 無形資產-淨額 85,734 應收承兌票款 72,570 應收利息及收益 71,509 其他金融資產-淨額 758,634 其他資產-淨額 1,187,189 資產合計 35,296,045

7 負 債 中央銀行及同業存款 2,442,090 透過損益按公允價值衡量之 金融負債 230,358 避險之衍生金融負債-淨額 1,868 附買回票債券負債 522,662 承兌匯票 72,610 應付利息 53,602 當期所得稅負債 26,039 存款 31,065,059 1.支票存款 422,297 2.活期存款 3,524,715 3.定期存款 5,191,581 4.儲蓄存款 15,626,142 5.外匯存款 5,749,844 6.公庫存款 550,480 加(減):存款採避險會計之 調整數 - 借入款 1,346,402 承作結構型商品所收本金 337,557 其他金融負債 50,408 遞延所得稅負債 64,569 其他負債 985,030 負債總計 37,198,254 權 益 股本 1,490,816 資本公積 390,421 保留盈餘 718,618 庫藏股票 -804 股東權益其他項目 30,932 權益總計 2,629,983 負債及權益總計 39,828,237 本表不包括下列表外項目: 放款承諾責任 6,285,203 保證責任 1,078,972 信用狀責任 332,964 信託負債 6,579,024 負 債 中央銀行及同業存款 2,218,752 與待出售資產直接相關之負債 - 存款 27,896,983 1.支票存款 434,419 2.活期存款 2,992,113 3.定期存款 5,204,514 4.儲蓄存款 14,374,502 5.外匯存款 4,303,215 6.公庫存款 588,220 加(減):存款採避險會計之 調整數 91 公平價值變動列入損益之金融 負債 226,655 附買回票債券負債 486,171 借入款 916,255 承兌匯票 71,879 應付利息 55,915 承作結構型商品所收本金 193,593 其他金融負債 61,325 其他負債 946,547 負債合計 33,074,166 淨 值 股本 1,312,766 資本公積 353,435 保留盈餘 480,610 庫藏股票 -628 股東權益其他項目 75,696 淨值合計 2,221,879 負債及淨值合計 35,296,045 本表不包括下列表外項目: 放款承諾責任 6,015,163 保證責任 1,015,302 信用狀責任 358,598 信託負債 6,319,435

8 Basic Banking: Cash Deposit
First National Bank Assets Liabilities Vault Cash +$100 Checkable deposits Reserves Opening of a checking account leads to an increase in the bank’s reserves equal to the increase in checkable deposits

9 Basic Banking: Check Deposit
First National Bank Assets Liabilities Cash items in process of collection +$100 Checkable deposits First National Bank Second National Bank Assets Liabilities Reserves +$100 Checkable deposits -$100

10 Basic Banking: Making a Profit
First National Bank Assets Liabilities Required reserves +$100 Checkable deposits Excess reserves +$90 Loans Asset transformation(資產轉換): selling liabilities with one set of characteristics and using the proceeds to buy assets with a different set of characteristics(賣出各種性質的負債(存款)再將本金買進不同性質的資產(放款)) The bank borrows short and lends long (借短貸長)

11 Bank Management Liquidity Management(流動性管理) Asset Management(資產管理)
Liability Management(負債管理) Capital Adequacy Management(資本適足管理) Credit Risk(信用風險) Interest-rate Risk(利率風險)

12 Liquidity Management: Ample Excess Reserves (足夠的超額準備)
Assets Liabilities Reserves $20M Deposits $100M $10M $90M Loans $80M Bank Capital Securities Suppose bank’s required reserves are 10% If a bank has ample excess reserves, a deposit outflow does not necessitate changes in other parts of its balance sheet (存款流失不需要改變資產負債表其他部分)

13 Liquidity Management: Shortfall in Reserves (準備不足)
Assets Liabilities Reserves $10M Deposits $100M $0 $90M Loans Bank Capital Securities Reserves are a legal requirement and the shortfall must be eliminated (準備金(的作用)是法定準備與(使用超額準備)排除資金不足) Excess reserves are insurance against the costs associated with deposit outflows(超額準備的作用是為保障(免於)因存款流失所導致的成本)

14 Liquidity Management: Borrowing
Assets Liabilities Reserves $9M Deposits $90M Loans Borrowing Securities $10M Bank Capital Cost incurred is the interest rate paid on the borrowed funds ((借入款)成本來自於借入資金的利息支付)

15 Liquidity Management: Securities Sale
Assets Liabilities Reserves $9M Deposits $90M Loans Bank Capital $10M Securities $1M The cost of selling securities is the brokerage and other transaction costs(銷售證券的成本是經紀商手續費與其他交易成本

16 Liquidity Management: Federal Reserve
Assets Liabilities Reserves $9M Deposits $90M Loans Borrow from Fed Securities $10M Bank Capital Borrowing from the Fed also incurs interest payments based on the discount rate(向聯邦準備銀行(央行)借入資金也會引發來自於貼現窗口利率之利息支付)

17 Liquidity Management: Reduce Loans
Assets Liabilities Reserves $9M Deposits $90M Loans $81M Bank Capital $10M Securities Reduction of loans is the most costly way of acquiring reserves(以放款減少來籌措準備金所耗費的成本最高) Calling in loans antagonizes customers(收回放款會得罪客戶) Other banks may only agree to purchase loans at a substantial discount(其他銀行可能會同意在實質折扣下購買放款)

18 Asset Management: Three Goals
Seek the highest possible returns on loans and securities(尋找放款與證券之最高可能報酬) Reduce risk (降低風險) Have adequate liquidity(要有適度的流動性)

19 Asset Management: Four Tools
Find borrowers who will pay high interest rates and have low possibility of defaulting(最高利率與最低違約可能) Purchase securities with high returns and low risk (最高報酬與最低風險) Lower risk by diversifying(越分散風險越低) Balance need for liquidity against increased returns from less liquid assets (越高報酬越低流動性的資產越需要流動性以平衡之)

20 Liability Management(負債管理)
Recent phenomenon due to rise of money center banks(貨幣中心(大型)銀行) Expansion of overnight loan markets(隔夜拆款市場) and new financial instruments (新金融工具) (such as negotiable CDs(可轉讓定期存單)) Checkable deposits have decreased in importance as source of bank funds

21 Capital Adequacy Management
Bank capital helps prevent bank failure(銀行資本有助於防止銀行失敗) The amount of capital affects return for the owners (equity holders) of the bank(銀行業主之報酬) Regulatory requirement (法定要求)

22 Capital Adequacy Management: Preventing Bank Failure
High Bank Capital Low Bank Capital Assets Liabilities Reserves $10M Deposits $90M $96M Loans Bank Capital $4M $85M $5M -$1M

23 Capital Adequacy Management: Returns to Equity Holders

24 Capital Adequacy Management: Safety
Benefits the owners of a bank by making their investment safe(維護投資的安全是銀行股東權益) Costly to owners of a bank because the higher the bank capital, the lower the return on equity(越多的資本導致股東的成本是越低的資本報酬) Choice depends on the state of the economy and levels of confidence (根據經濟現況與信心水準做出(最適資本)選擇)

25 Application: How a Capital Crunch Caused a Credit Crunch in 2008
Shortfalls of bank capital led to slower credit growth(銀行資本不足會導致信用成長遲緩) Huge losses for banks from their holdings of securities backed by residential mortgages(不動產抵押貸款所擔保發行的證券). Losses reduced bank capital Banks could not raise much capital on a weak economy(在經濟低迷時銀行很難籌措資本), and had to tighten their lending standards and reduce lending.

26 巴塞爾資本協議主要發展時程 巴塞爾資本協定 台灣配合措施 2010年9月
金融海嘯~ 2009年12月 2010年9月 宣布第三版巴賽爾協定(Basel III)針對提高銀行最低資本比率發布聲明稿。 1988年7月 1992年12月 1996年1月 2004年6月 2006年底 發布資本協定 (BaselⅠ) BaselⅠ 正式實施 將市場風險納入BaselⅠ,1997年底實施 BaselⅡ 定案 BaselⅡ 正式實施 陸續發布多篇諮詢文件,包括「修正新巴塞爾資本協定市場風險架構」、「強化金融部門回復能力」…等 台灣配合措施 1989年7月 1992年4月 1998年5月 2007年起 台灣正式實施Basel II 2009年11月 2010年10月 金管會要求業者進行試算並提出長期規劃方案。 配合Basel 資本協定,修訂銀行法第44條規定 發布銀行资 本適足性管 理辦法,於1992年12月實施 發布銀行資本適足性管理辦法修正條文,納入市場風險資本計提,於1998年12月實施 「新巴塞爾資本協定持續研議工作小組」成立 1

27 Basel III 資本要求時程 項目 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 最低資本適足率 8%
第一類資本比率 4% 4.50% 5.5% 6.0% 普通股比率 2% 3.50% 4.00% 資本保存緩衝 - 0.625% 1.25% 1.88% 2.50% 反景氣循環資本緩衝 0-2.5% 交由各國自行裁量 註一:在國際上只有 Tier I與Tier II,不像國內還有Tier III。 註二:在國際上有第一類資本比重須大於4%要求,核心第一類資本(普通股)比率須大於2%,但國內目前只有最低資本(包括三類資本)適足率須大於8%的要求。 2010/9/13“巴塞爾銀行監理委員會”(BCBS)公布。 自2013起,逐年調整自有資本對風險性資產之比例。 緩衝期9年,2019年須完成全部調整。 至2015年,最低資本適足率、第一類資本比重、普通股比重調整至最低下限。 2016年起,開始逐年提列資本保存緩衝,不足者發放獎金及股利將受到限制。

28 Credit Risk: Overcoming Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
Screening(篩選) and Monitoring(監督) Screening Specialization in lending(貸款專門化) Monitoring and enforcement of restrictive covenants(強制性限制條款)

29 Credit Risk: Overcoming Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
Long-term customer relationships(長期的顧客關係) Loan commitments(放款承諾) Collateral and compensating balances (擔保品與補償存款 ) Credit rationing(信用分配)

30 Interest-Rate Risk First National Bank Assets Liabilities Rate-sensitive assets $20M Rate-sensitive liabilities $50M Variable-rate and short-term loans Variable-rate CDs Short-term securities Money market deposit accounts Fixed-rate assets $80M Fixed-rate liabilities Reserves Checkable deposits Long-term loans Savings deposits Long-term securities Long-term CDs Equity capital If a bank has more rate-sensitive liabilities than assets(利率敏感負債超過利率敏感資產), a rise in interest rates will reduce bank profits and a decline in interest rates will raise bank profits

31 Interest Rate Risk: Gap Analysis(缺口分析)
Basic gap analysis: (rate sensitive assets - rate sensitive liabilities) x  interest rates =  in bank profit Maturity bucked approach Measures the gap for several maturity subintervals. Standardized gap analysis Accounts for different degrees of rate sensitivity.

32 資產 1-7天 8-30天 31-90天 91-180天 超過1 年 5年以上 總計 政府債券 0.7 3.6 1.2 0.3 3.7 9.5 貨幣市場工具 1.8 3.0 地方政府債券 1.0 2.2 7.6 11.5 再買回協定 5.0 商業貸款 13.8 2.9 4.7 4.6 15.5 42.5 房屋貸款 0.5 1.6 1.3 1.9 8.2 現金 9.0 其他資產 5.7 總資產 6.3 15.0 10.0 35.0 14.7 100.0 負債與業主權益 貨幣市場存款帳戶 12.3 17.3 可轉讓提款帳(NOWs) 小額可轉讓定期存款 0.9 2.0 5.1 6.9 19.6 大額可轉讓定期存款 4.0 12.9 7.9 27.9 - 儲蓄存款 9.6 活期存款 13.5 其他負債 業主權益 7.0 負債與業主權益總額 11.0 30.3 24.4 4.8 21.5 缺口(GAP) 週期缺口 4 -20.3 -14.4 6.0 30.2 累加缺口 5.3 -15.0 -29.4 -23.4 6.8

33 Interest Rate Risk: Duration Analysis(存續期間分析)
% in market value of security = - percentage point  in interest rate x duration in years. Uses the weighted average duration of a financial institution’s assets and of its liabilities to see how net worth responds to a change in interest rates.

34 存續期間 (duration) D = 存續期間(Macaulay duration)
r = 到期收益率(yield to maturity) It = 第t期的現金流量 N = 到期期限 PB = 債券的價格

35 例6.2 一張五年期、面值$1000、票面利率10%的附息債券,每年付息一次,則該債券的存續期間的計算可根據(表6.2),獲得該債券的現值,以及各現金流量現值乘以期限的總和,求此一債券的存續期間

36 (1) (2) 現金流量 (3) 現金流量的現值(折現率10%) (4) (1)×(3) 1 $100 $90.91 2 100 82.64 165.28 3 75.13 225.39 4 68.30 273.20 5 1100 683.01 $999.99 $

37 存續期間缺口 (Duration Gap) If you assume this DE can be scaled by change in yield, then a 200bp change in rates, without considering effective convexity, gives 25.12%. Under the most recent Basel proposals for supervision of interest rate risk, this exposure level would qualify as an “outlier” bank

38 Off-Balance-Sheet Activities
Loan sales (secondary loan participation)(聯貸) Generation of fee income(手續費收入時代). Examples: Servicing mortgage-backed securities. Creating SIVs (structured investment vehicles(結構型投資工具)) which can potentially expose banks to risk, as it happened in the subprime financial crisis of

39 Off-Balance-Sheet Activities
Trading activities and risk management techniques Financial futures (金融期貨), options for debt instruments (債務工具選擇權), interest rate swaps (利率交換), transactions in the foreign exchange (外匯買賣) market and speculation. Speculation(投機) Principal-agent problem arises (主人-代理人問題)

40 Off-Balance-Sheet Activities
Internal controls to reduce the principal-agent problem Separation of trading activities and bookkeeping Limits on exposure(限制曝險額) Value-at-risk(風險值) Stress testing(壓力測試)

41 Brett King 在 2010 年、2012 年相繼推出 2 本談論數位銀行的暢銷書《BANK 2. 0》、《BANK 3
Brett King 在 2010 年、2012 年相繼推出 2 本談論數位銀行的暢銷書《BANK 2.0》、《BANK 3.0》,被視為掀起全球數位銀行風潮的重要推手,並獲得有 130 年歷史的美國金融專業媒體「American Banker」評選為「年度金融創新人物」。

42 Brett King 說 隨著網路行動化、臉書按讚數多寡有可能影響你的存款利率!
想要貸款,可能得由 LinkedIn 上的朋友背書,才有機會讓銀行點頭; 甚至當你看到一件漂亮衣服心動難耐時,也會有一個隨身理財秘書跳出來,幫你即時分析該不該買下去! 澳洲的 CBA 銀行就與房仲業合作,從看房子、談房貸,到買房子,全程都在一台平板上完成,不用為了買屋、辦房貸東奔西跑,這就是全新的金融服務體驗

43 Brett King 說 網路改變人們日常生活中的行為,對銀行的需求也跟著改變。他分析,現代人每天花 94 分鐘使用智慧型手機,一天發 及簡訊 100 次,每月使用網銀 20 ~ 30 次,一年下來,使用網銀的頻率幾乎是上銀行分行臨櫃辦事的 500 倍 未來最大的銀行,將是能透過手機,做最多生意的人! 行動支付已經讓消費者外出消費,能完全拋棄「掏出錢包→刷卡→簽字→付帳」這一套程序,連買 Gucci 的錢包、LV 錢夾的花費都省下來。

44 支付方式的改變 以英國來說 隨著手機的普遍使用,未來P2P行動支付的付款方式會越來越盛行 轉帳卡佔所有付款方式的43%
信用卡佔所有付款方式的23% 現金佔所有付款方式的32%(預計五年內會縮減20%) 支票佔所有付款方式的2% 隨著手機的普遍使用,未來P2P行動支付的付款方式會越來越盛行

45 台灣,銀行的未來 -2015/07/27-財訊 Brett King 在 2012 年出版的《Bank 3.0(銀行 3.0)》一書中提到,銀行客戶的行為改變可分為四大破壞性階段:    1.社群。    2.行動裝置。    3.行動支付。    4.銀行不再是一個地方,而是一種行為。

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