受詞(Object, O.) 具名詞性質的字詞、片語或子句

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Presentation on theme: "受詞(Object, O.) 具名詞性質的字詞、片語或子句"— Presentation transcript:

1 受詞(Object, O.) 具名詞性質的字詞、片語或子句
2. 置於及物動詞(Transitive Verb, Vt)及介系詞(Preposition)之後,做Vt或介詞的受詞

2 3.可做受詞的形式 1) 名詞(Noun, N.)︰ I love chocolate. 2) 代名詞(Pronoun)︰ He called me yesterday. 3) the+形容詞(Adjective, adj.)︰ We should respect the old.

3 4) the+分詞(Participle)︰ The wounded got best medical attention in hospital. 5) 不定詞(Infinitive)︰ I like to watch movies.

4 6) 動名詞(Gerund)︰ I hate eating carrots. 7) 介詞片語(Prepositional Phrase)︰
A rat ran out from under the grass. (“under the grass”做介詞from的受詞)

5 8) 疑問詞+不定詞(Interrogative+Infinitive)︰ Lisa doesn’t know what to say
8) 疑問詞+不定詞(Interrogative+Infinitive)︰ Lisa doesn’t know what to say. (及物動詞 know 的受詞為how to swim 而不 定詞to say的受詞為what) 9) 名詞子句(Noun Clause)︰ Do you know where he lives?

6 4. 受詞分為二種︰ 5. S + V + I.O. + D.O. 直接受詞(Direct Object, D.O.)及間接受
詞(Indirect Object, I.O.) 5. S + V + I.O. + D.O. D.O.及I.O.的位置通常是︰ I.O.(一般為人) + D.O.(一般為事物),尤其D.O.字數較多時 I will write her a letter

7 6. S + V + D.O. + 介詞 + I.O. 若要加強I.O.的語氣則位置調換並在I.O.之前加上介詞to、for或其他介詞
D.O. + to / for I.O. A: Did you tell Lisa the story? B: No, I told the story to Mary

8 7. S + V + O + O.C. S V O O.C. (adj.) S V O O.C.(不定詞片語,
接在V + O之後用以解釋或描述O的字詞稱為受詞補語(Object Complement, O.C.) He always makes me happy. S V O O.C. (adj.) We expected the speech to be interesting, but it wasn’t. S V O O.C.(不定詞片語, Infinitive Phrase)

9 We elected him class leader.
S V O O.C. (N) 《註》O.之後的N若與O. 為同一人事物, 則O.後的N為O.C.,否則為另一受 詞。 We bought him a gift.

10 8. 疑問詞 + 不定詞 = 名詞片語 及物動詞 受詞 (疑問詞 + 不定詞) 1. Do you know how to do it?
2. I do not see how to make it? 3. I wonder how to get there. 4. We must find out how to open it. 5. He explained how to use it. 6. I cannot decide whom to invite. 7. I did not know which one to take. 8. Remember when to return.

11 主詞 間接受詞 直接受詞 (疑問詞 + 不定詞) 1. I will show you how to use it. 2. He taught us how to swim. 3. Will you advise me which to buy? 4. Ask him where to put it.

12 9. 介系詞的O The train is about to start.
He had no wish except to do his duty.

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